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Jeffrey Gladden MD, FACC 400x400

Jeffrey Gladden, MD, FACC

Dr. Gladden began his career as an interventional cardiologist in Dallas TX. He has passion was to bring cutting-edge cardiology services to people in outlying areas. To that end, he built my own heart group and eventually had 10 offices and 12 physicians servicing numerous communities in north Texas and southeast Oklahoma. He started cardiac catheterization labs, rapid response heart attack programs, heart arrhythmia programs congestive heart failure programs, and for outlying communities and hospitals. He was also responsible for co-founding The Heart Hospital Baylor Scott & White in the northern suburbs of Dallas. In addition, he continues to be involved with several medical device and pharma startups.

When he got sick in his 50s, he went for testing. He was told that “everything checks out ok. You’re just getting older why don’t we start an antidepressant”.

Being unwilling to accept that he threw himself into alternative functional and integrative medicine and after two and a half years cracked the code for himself. He then realized he had been practicing sick care, not health care, and transitioned to answering the empowering questions above. Gladden Longevity was born and he has never looked back.

Dates at a Glance

January 7, 2025

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