Discover 40+ Ancient Ways to Regain Vitality and Resolve Energy Deficiency at the Global Energy Healing Summit 2.0!

Tom McCarthy.jpg

Hosted by

Tom McCarthyAuthor of The Breakthrough Code: A Story About Living a Life Without Limits


Hosted by

Jason PrallHost of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast

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Hosted by

Master Chunyi LinFounder of the Spring Forest
Qigong Healing Center

Don't miss the summit

Watch the 1st Day For FREE
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global energy healing2023

The Energy Healing Revolution

More Than 70% Of Adults Across the US Have Already Been Diagnosed With a Chronic Disease

There’s a good chance you or someone you know suffers from a chronic disease, such as cancer, diabetes, fibromyalgia, or heart disease.

These conditions can drain the life out of you with endless medical treatment and healthcare costs. Treatments that are often effective at alleviating symptoms but not at addressing the root cause.

While conventional medicine has made strides in treating chronic diseases, recent studies prove what our ancestors have known for centuries—the power of energy medicine.

Energy healing complements conventional medicine in addressing not just the physical symptoms of disease but also the underlying energetic imbalances that contribute to illness.

This is your chance to get to the root cause of your struggles and take appropriate action.

Today you can find out exactly what to do to get on the path of healing.

Live The Happy, Healthy Life You Always Wanted

The Global Energy Healing Summit 2.0 delves into ancient practices that empower people to be healthier, happier, and live longer, more prosperous lives.

Hear from 40+ of the world’s leading experts in qi gong, tao healing, ozone therapy, and more to uncover centuries worth of wisdom to develop resilience to conditions and live the life you always wanted.

These are the skills you will learn at this summit:

  1. Understand the root cause of your health issues and take appropriate action.
  2. Turn into the creator of your own health, wellness, and happiness.
  3. Become a source of wisdom and support for friends and family.

We’ll even show you simple practices you can do at home to improve sleep and increase energy and vitality during the day. So prepare to be the most productive version of yourself.

At this summit, we will tell the world about the power of energy medicine and its ability to ease the pain caused by chronic diseases.

Ultimately, this summit aims to bring hope to those who have been told there is none.

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Learn From These 40+ World-Leading Experts


Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc
Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc
Shifting From Survival Patterns to Living From the Heart
  • How the survival paradox affects your health
  • Improving energy efficiency at the cellular level
  • How to unlock your infinite healing potential
  • The importance of integration after transformative experience
Ari Whitten, MS
Ari Whitten, MS
How to Build Your Cellular Engine For Greater Energy Production
  • The truth about anti-oxidant foods and supplements
  • Why hormetic stress is critical for good health
  • The mind’s role in handling physiological stress
  • Controlling your stress response with the breath
  • How to improve your mitochondrial capacity
Master Chunyi Lin
Master Chunyi Lin
The Healing Power of Qi Gong
  • Discover the ancient secrets of Qi Gong Healing
  • How Qi Gong opens your energy channels and creates healing
  • Simple Qi Gong exercises with powerful results
Master Chunyi Lin and the Tibetan Monks
Master Chunyi Lin and the Tibetan Monks
Life Force Energy Healing Session - Prayer For All
  • Unlock unconditional love in your heart
  • Understand that the possibilities are limitless
  • Awaken an energetic condition for ourselves and the world to heal
  • Transform energetic imbalances into abundance, happiness, and enlightening
  • This prayer is for all living beings, with or without form, to end all pain and suffering
Hemal Patel, PhD
Hemal Patel, PhD
Impact of Meditation on Energetics and Human Potential
  • Meditation in health
  • Impact of meditation of release of factors regulating cellular energy
  • The potential of these factors to modify disease
Stacy McCarthy
Stacy McCarthy
Becoming An Energy Billionaire

Learn the rituals that will guarantee your success in mastering

  • A body you love
  • The clarity and vitality of mind to accomplish anything
  • A deep sense of purpose
  • A loving and joyful connection to everyone around you
Paul R. Scheele, PhD
Paul R. Scheele, PhD
Fine Tune Your Immune System for Perfect Health
  • Strengthen the body/mind connection as the avenue to perfect health
  • Increase patience and tolerance for what the body must do to heal
  • Connect to the universal pattern of healing, and generate high levels of wellness
  • Recover from illness with loving care and gentleness
  • Overcome past feelings of frustration with yourself and recover from illness with self-compassion
  • Gain optimism, peace, balance, and joy
Marc Gilson
Marc Gilson
Unlocking Your Brain's Healing Power - With Sound!
  • Learn about the revolutionary power of Holosync neuro audio technology
  • What makes Holosync different than other sound technologies, and why has it been so effective in helping people heal and grow?
  • A drug-free way to increase brain resilience, focus, memory, and mental health
  • What are epsilon brain waves, and how can they help us heal trauma?
  • The latest research on gamma sound frequencies and new potential treatments for Alzheimer's
  • A special free gift, exclusively for Healing Summit attendees!
Thomas Moorcroft, DO
Thomas Moorcroft, DO
Energetic and Spiritual Healing from Lyme disease and other tick-borne infections
  • Why are tick-borne infections, such as Lyme disease, on such a rise? - global climate change and habitat changes, negativity increasing across the planet, etc
  • What are the risk factors for developing chronic Lyme disease? - level of health and mindset pre-infection, etc
  • Many people with Lyme also feel they have parasites, why do you say Lyme is THE parasite they need to be addressing and how?
  • What are the energetic and spiritual lessons learned from your personal and professional experience with chronic Lyme disease?
  • What good can come out of having Lyme disease and how does shadow relate to healing?
  • Can you share some simple energetic and gratitude practices that can help someone suffering from Lyme or any chronic illness to begin recovering now?


William Pawluk, MD, MSc
William Pawluk, MD, MSc
High Intensity Magnetic Fields Induce High Energy Healing
  • High intensity magnetic fields
  • High energy healing vs low energy healing
Master Zhi Gang Sha
Master Zhi Gang Sha
Tao Healing with Dr. & Master Sha
  • The 5 levels of creation & how we carry both positive and negative information
  • Ancient wisdom to guide you in your physical and spiritual journey
  • Practical tools and practices that can transform your physical, mental, and emotional health, harmonize your relationships, improve your finances and business, and more
  • How to manifest more of the life you want
David Schmidt
David Schmidt
Stem Cell Activation with Light
  • Harness the Power of Light to Activate
  • Elevate and regenerate your body’s cells
  • Tap into the magical healing power of light
  • How light interacts with the bod
  • How to use light to increase your stem cell activity
Master Chunyi Lin and the Tibetan Monks
Master Chunyi Lin and the Tibetan Monks
Life Force Energy Healing Session - Diamond Sutra
  • The Diamond Sutra teaches us the wisdom of unbreakable truth, which involves eliminating judgements and attachments that contribute to suffering
  • The ancient chant of the Diamond Sutra has been used for thousands of years to help with deeper levels of cleansing and transformation
  • Inviting love into your heart without judgement or attachment can help to transform stagnant information in your body or anywhere in the world
  • Unconditional love has the power to end suffering and transform your life for the better
  • Chanting can be a helpful way to connect with the Diamond Sutra and tap into the power of collective consciousness
Dr. Cathleen King
Dr. Cathleen King
Nervous System Self-Regulation & Embodiment Practices: Foundations to both Healing & Consciousness Expansion
  • Nervous System Health is the cornerstone to self-healing as well as to the balanced expansion of your life purpose/mission/career
  • Common root causes of both chronic illness & chronic fatigue, and even entrepreneur burnout! (Divided-mind state, lack of nervous system health)
  • Healing is multifaceted. Addressing the brain, the body (nervous system), and trauma patterns are keys to unlocking self-healing
  • How our consciousness EXPANSION, True Self embodiment CAPACITY is in direct correlation with our level of nervous system REGULATION ability
Harry Massey
Harry Massey
Restore Your Energy with Bioenergetics
  • How energy fields affect cell function
  • How symbols, intentions, and images carry information
  • The ability for water to store and transfer information
  • Optimizing your body’s control system
Tom McCarthy
Tom McCarthy
Using the Power of Your Superconscious Mind to Heal and Live a Life Without Limits
  • Learn about the power of your Superconscious Mind
  • How can we best access our Superconscious Minds
  • How does the Superconscious mind work
Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD
Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD
Healing Cancer with the 5 Elements
  • Cancer is a loss of identity
  • 5 elements - what they are and how can be supported
  • Living a 5 element focused life
  • Therapies to activate the 5 elements
Dawson Church, PhD
Dawson Church, PhD
The Science Of Energy Healing
  • For millennia before we had modern medicine, consciousness, energy and natural methods were the primary tools for healing
  • Today advanced scientific tools like gene chips and MRIs enable us to measure the effects of energy healing
  • Quantification of their healing effects now demonstrates that advanced energy methods are orders of magnitude more effective than conventional therapies
  • Energy healing is becoming mainstream as it is adopted by institutions, organizations and governments


Nathan Crane
Nathan Crane
Fighting Cancer with Energy Medicine: The Facts, Fiction and Science
  • How to naturally prevent Cancer
  • How to use alternative methods for healing cancer
Cheng Ruan, MD
Cheng Ruan, MD
How to Engineer a Healing Mindset
  • How can thoughts trigger genetic changes that allow for healing
  • How breathing and other methods of ancient healing tactics such as Tai Chi is connected to brain frequencies that control the body's hormonal systems
  • Why focusing on energy healing is at the core of the best success stories in health
Raymon Grace
Raymon Grace
Raymon Grace discusses the potential for dowsing
  • Programming yourself to be in the right place at the right time to accomplish your goals
  • Removing negative energies from yourself and those around
  • Using dowsing to protect yourself
Master Chunyi Lin and the Tibetan Monks
Master Chunyi Lin and the Tibetan Monks
Life Force Energy Healing Session - Grand Compassion
  • The Grand Compassion Sutra is an ancient scripture that can help cultivate compassion and wisdom
  • The story of the businessman in China selling bottled water highlights the power of the Grand Compassion Sutra and the potential impact of practicing compassion
  • Practicing compassion over an extended period can lead to personal growth and a greater sense of healing and love
Micah Lowe
Micah Lowe
Ozone Therapy
  • What is ozone gas?
  • Isn't ozone dangerous?
  • How does ozone therapy cause healing?
  • How do I do ozone therapy?
Jason Prall
Jason Prall
Mastering Your Energy to Increase Longevity
  • The most important aspect of healing dis-ease
  • How subtle energies in our environment affect health
  • Top 3 lifestyle factors to increase longevity
Jim Ohneck
Jim Ohneck
The Use of High-Power Laser Light Therapy in Chronic Pain Management
  • How different wavelengths of light penetrate and react in the body
  • The importance of power density, beam uniformity, and method of application to treatment success
  • How laser therapy is currently deployed to treat chronic pain
  • The cellular-level reactions that occur when the laser is applied
Zak Williams
Zak Williams
Finding Healing through Mental Hygiene
  • Finding happiness through service and healing through advocacy
  • Discovering lifestyle interventions to support mental health
  • Learning about the Metabolic Health crisis underlying the Mental Health Crisis
  • Shifting the mind-set to prevention to support one's mental health before it becomes a crisis
Amy Jo Ellis
Amy Jo Ellis
Spiritually Resolving Conflicts using the Court of Atonement
  • How I learned about the process
  • Success Stories
  • How to use the process
  • Absorbed Sibling Introduction
  • Clearing Absorbed Sibling energy


Eric Robins, MD
Eric Robins, MD
Emotions, Energy and Healing
  • How I healed myself from 30+ years of chronic fatigue syndrome, brain fog, and global anxiety
  • How emotional issues and past traumas are stored in the body and affect our energy flow
  • Understanding the Porges Polyvagal model and clinically regional referral practice for chronic pain
  • Pitfalls with energy healing and the tendency to want to do too much, too fast
Tina Zion
Tina Zion
Energy Medicine Practitioners Need Healing Too!
  • Energy practitioners are struggling with their own health. No one is talking about it
  • 4 Primary causes for the healer's issues and illnesses
  • Healing the Healer within you
  • 2 primary steps to heal yourself
Natalie Ledwell
Natalie Ledwell
Steps to Manifesting Anything
  • Positive mindset
  • The 6 steps To Manifesting Anything
  • Getting rid of limiting beliefs
  • Powerful visualization
Master Chunyi Lin and the Tibetan Monks
Master Chunyi Lin and the Tibetan Monks
Life Force Energy Healing Session - Longevity
  • The sutra contains teachings on emptiness, selflessness, and the path to becoming a Buddha for the benefit of all sentient beings
  • Chanting the Longevity Sutra can help us cultivate positive qualities such as compassion, wisdom, and longevity, and bring blessings and peace to those who practice it
  • Anyone can chant the Longevity Sutra regardless of their background, beliefs, or circumstances
Danielle Forsgren
Danielle Forsgren
The Power of Increasing Microcirculation
  • The healing benefits of increasing Microcirculation
  • Using heat to increase circulation and wellness
Jessica Peatross, MD
Jessica Peatross, MD
Lymph and Fascia 101
  • What is fascia and lymph
  • Fascias electrical and emotional side
  • Fascias new discoveries
  • Consciousness and fascia
Bobbi Vogel
Bobbi Vogel
The Etheric Body - A space of possibility
  • Learn about the power of the etheric body
  • The etheric body is constantly creating the physical body
  • When changes are made in the etherical, they show up in the physical
Debra Poneman
Debra Poneman
The 5 Secrets to Slowing, Stopping and Reversing Aging of the Brain and Body
  • The main cause of brain fog and memory loss and how to eliminate it
  • The types of exercise that slow the aging of your body and give you the vitality of a 20-year-old—in your 50’s, 60’s, and beyond
  • What science says is rapidly aging our skin more than sun exposure (and we all do this unknowingly every day)
  • How to get the deepest, most age-defying sleep ever
  • Breath practice to release anxiety and clear our brain in under a minute
Donna Eden and David Feinstein, PhD
Donna Eden and David Feinstein, PhD
Energy Medicine
  • What brought you into Energy Medicine?
  • Is Energy Medicine a new development?
  • Does Energy Medicine concern itself with more than just illness?
  • Is there an exercise everyone can do at home that will improve their energies?


Sharon Stills, ND
Sharon Stills, ND
The Mindset of Meno(pause) -The healing power of the Pause!
  • Why healing begins in the mindset
  • Why do you write meno(pause) with those parentheses
  • What does energy mean to you when you are working with patients
Cyrus Khambatta, PhD
Cyrus Khambatta, PhD
How to Heal Decades of Chronic Disease Using Food as Medicine
  • What foods cause metabolic dysfunctions and chronic disease?
  • What other daily habits promote chronic disease?
  • How important are your genetics in determining your future health?
  • How can you reverse years of aging and poor health using your food as medicine?
  • What specific foods have been shown to scientifically reduce your risk for chronic disease?
David Berceli, PhD
David Berceli, PhD
TRE: Self-applied vibrational release technique to release tension & increase energy
  • This talk will include a simple explanation of the therapeutic value of body vibration
  • It will explain how this vibration occurs neuro-anatomically
  • A brief explanation of how to perform the exercise so the listener can do this at home
  • I will discuss the effects this vibration process can have on individuals and how it might be contributing to the evolution of the human species
Master Chunyi Lin and the Tibetan Monks
Master Chunyi Lin and the Tibetan Monks
Life Force Energy Healing Session - Medicine Buddha
  • The Healing Buddha is seen as a symbol of the power of healing through spiritual practice
  • Chanting and meditating with the sutra can bring blessings for physical healing and protection from harm, reduce stress, improve emotional stability, increase overall happiness, and encourage the cultivation of wisdom and compassion for spiritual growth and advancement to enlightenment
  • Embodying the teachings of the Medicine Buddha Sutra in daily life, such as volunteering, donating to charity, or being kind and compassionate to others, can also fulfill its teachings
  • The Medicine Buddha Sutra is considered a form of medicine, and chanting its sound vibration or embodying its teachings can bring healing to oneself, the community, and all beings in the universe
Heather Sandison, ND
Heather Sandison, ND
How to Supercharge Your Brain & Avoid Cognitive Decline
  • Increasing energy utilization of the brain
  • 6 keys to avoiding or reversing Alzheimer's
  • How hormesis can improve cellular energy
  • A unique meditation to improve brain health
Kevin Conners, DPSc, FICT, FAARFM
Kevin Conners, DPSc, FICT, FAARFM
Rife Technology: The Most Important Tool in Healing?
  • How Rife technology uses resonant frequencies to heal
  • How to use Rife as part of your integrative cancer therapy
  • Using Rife technology to target chronic infections
Laura Penn Gallerstein
Laura Penn Gallerstein
Whispers in Sound or Sacred Sounds as Healing Medicine
  • What is sacred sound healing?
  • Why are these Sacred Sounds becoming more mainstream in todays’ world?
  • Where are the Sacred Sounds being heard these days?
  • What is the value of guided meditations and visualizations in conjunction with the playing of alchemy crystal bowls?
  • Are there Medical Doctors who have studied and practiced sound healing with their patients?
Marci Shimoff
Marci Shimoff
How to Be Happy for No Reason
  • What it means to be happy for no reason
  • The common myths that block or sabotage our happiness
  • How to raise your current happiness level (your happiness set-point)
  • Three essential happiness habits to live a life of freedom, joy and ease


Joel Fuhrman, MD
Joel Fuhrman, MD
Reverse Disease, Slow Aging and Maximize Longevity
  • The most proven nutritional methods to prevent disease and slow aging
  • How protein becomes a key factor in modulating aging and cancer risk
  • Why diets fail and overweight people have trouble eating the right amount of calories
  • Food addiction is ubiquitous and the most dangerous addiction in the modern world
Greg Eckel, ND, LAc
Greg Eckel, ND, LAc
Human Potential: Recharging the Human Body Battery
  • Using infoceuticals to restore cellular health
  • The importance of priming your autonomic receptors
  • How to improve heart-brain coherence
Mary Morrissey
Mary Morrissey
3 Energy Shifting Tools for Creating a Life You Love
  • How to get a clear vision of your dreams
  • How to bring your dreams to fruition
  • How to handle adversity
Master Chunyi Lin and the Tibetan Monks
Master Chunyi Lin and the Tibetan Monks
Life Force Energy Healing Session - Clear Karma
  • Dedicating merit is a way of spreading the benefits of our own practices to others and contributing to the well-being of all beings
  • When we practice in a group, the merit generated is even greater, and the collective Qi can be harnessed to do work for the greater good
  • The intention we set as a group can contribute to ending hunger, war, greed, hatred, or any kind of pain and suffering
  • Personal growth and positive impacts on the world start with each individual's inner discovery of their soul and sharing love, kindness, and compassion
Pamala Oslie
Pamala Oslie
Secrets to accessing your own mystical abilities
  • Understanding your aura colors
  • What lies ahead in the future for humanity
  • The real reasons we suffer and how to go beyond it
  • How to get what we really want and what’s blocking it
Marlene Siegel, DVM
Marlene Siegel, DVM
Transforming Veterinary Medicine-An Integrative Approach
  • Stop creating the dis-ease through lifestyle factors, provide all essential nutrients, heal leaky gut
  • Detox the 6 organs of elimination, repair and restore mitochondrial function
  • Release the trapped emotions associated with the dis-ease. It would be great to take people through understanding why cancer and other chronic degenerative diseases has skyrocketed and what they as pet parents can do to prevent or restore their pets health
Dr. Cathy Goldstein
Dr. Cathy Goldstein
How to Reprogram Your Cells For Health
  • How to work with the liquid nervous system
  • Mirror neurons and neuro-emotional regulation
  • Imprinting frequency in a device to improve skin health
LeTa Jussila, DAOM
LeTa Jussila, DAOM
Learn How To Regulate Your Emotions Through The Six Healing Sounds
  • What is Qi
  • What are the Types of Qi
  • What are the functions of Qi
  • How Emotions Affect Your Qi
  • The 6 healing sounds you can do to change your emotional state


Dr. Véronique Desaulniers
Dr. Véronique Desaulniers
How to Never Fear Breast Cancer Again
  • How to Survive & Thrive - Healing Breast Cancer with Conventional Treatments and Natural Medicine
  • The 7 Essentials System®
  • How to Never Fear Breast Cancer Again
  • The importance of Self Breast Exams - My Breast Friend™ training system
Jana Danielson
Jana Danielson
The Energetic Trifecta: Pilates, Posture & the Pelvic Floor
  • Healing does happen from the inside out and it starts with caring for our cells which then supports our body's systems and functions
  • The impact that less than optimal posture, dehydration and a lack of breathing with our diaphragm can make on expediting the aging process
  • Joseph Pilates said "Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness", I want to help your audience see that the old beliefs of 'fitness' and 'movement' may no longer serve them and what a viable reframe of wellness could be
  • In our bodies (yes. men have pelvic floors too!) we can impact our confidence, our pain, our energy and our sensuality when we learn about the function of our pelvic floor
  • Movement is medicine
Samuel Shay, DC, IFMCP
Samuel Shay, DC, IFMCP
Optimizing Fascia Health to Improve Energy Transmission
  • How the fascia is related to acupuncture meridians
  • Most important things to preserve fascia health
  • Genetic testing to discover your inflammatory susceptibility
  • Top functional labs to evaluate health issues
Master Chunyi Lin and the Tibetan Monks
Master Chunyi Lin and the Tibetan Monks
Life Force Energy Healing Session - Prayer For All
  • Unlock unconditional love in your heart
  • Understand that the possibilities are limitless
  • Awaken an energetic condition for ourselves and the world to heal
  • Transform energetic imbalances into abundance, happiness, and enlightening
  • This prayer is for all living beings, with or without form, to end all pain and suffering
David Meltzer
David Meltzer
Your Frequency is Your Neighborhood
  • Learn to build a brand that resonates with your audience and empowers you with the skills and knowledge to differentiate yourself from your competitors
  • David will teach you to find the frequency of your brand and utilize the "Stage Theory" to find the right mix of content, access and mediums with which to connect to your audience
Dr. Ken Druck
Dr. Ken Druck
Transforming Adversities into Opportunities for Becoming the Better Version of Ourselves
  • The Gift of Self-Compassion in Processing Our Greatest Losses, Changes and Challenges
  • Summoning Newfound Courage to Meet this Moment
  • Self-Care: Learning to Take Our Foot off Our Throat and Place Our Hand on Our Heart
Dr. David Yoder
Dr. David Yoder
How The Emerging Technology Of Vagus Nerve Stimulation Can Help Overcome Chronic Disease Or Improve Human Performance
  • Why the brain needs "interoception" to help it grow , heal and function properly
  • Why electrical signals are the easiest form of communication for the "Body's internet"
  • Why our healthcare system is doomed unless we identify and treat the "root " of disease
  • How vagus nerve stimulation can modulate the inflammation "storms" that create havoc to our bodies
  • What is the best nutritional "fuels" for supporting the organelles of the vagus nerve system
  • Why we need to learn that we are part of a "connectome" as individuals and as a society
Nicole Brandon
Nicole Brandon
Unlimited Life
  • Arthritis Free Living
  • Easy exercises to relieve or even eliminate arthritis pain
  • The Secrets to Pain Free Living
  • The Reaching Process.
  • Learn how to reach your goals, your desires, your finances, your relationships and your ultimate success.
  • Learn to be Unlimited
  • Learn how to reset your body, how to recalibrate after any injury, pain, or illness, and how to live pain free.

Majority of Distant Energy Healing Trials Show a Positive Treatment Effect on Any Medical Condition

It’s easy to dismiss energy medicine as woo-woo for those unaware of its science.

The truth?

A growing number of studies support its positive impact on any medical condition.

These remarkable results have fascinated doctors and scientists worldwide.

They show what can be achieved when we address the root cause of your condition rather than focus on the superficial symptoms.

If you, or a loved one, are suffering from any condition that depletes your energy, know that there is hope.

You can fix the root cause.

You can regain your energy for life.

When you take a holistic approach to healing, you achieve a remarkable level of confidence and belief that you can live the happy, healthy life you always wanted.

Today you can find out exactly how to do that at the Global Energy Healing Summit 2.0.

You’re also getting these bonuses FREE

Meet Your Summit Hosts


Tom McCarthy

Tom McCarthy is a husband, father, author, speaker, entrepreneur, and investor who has owned businesses in the training, software, financial services, and restaurant industries. Tom’s clients in his training business include some of the worlds leading companies such as Cisco Systems, Microsoft, Salesforce, Wells Fargo, and MetLife. His latest book, The Breakthrough Code, details his 3-Step system for creating a breakthrough in any area of your life.

After his father’s death, when Tom was three years old, he struggled for years with fears and anxieties and constant physical maladies. After exhausting traditional medicine and not finding answers, he eventually turned to energy medicine. It was then that he discovered the true mind-body connection that was causing the chronic illnesses that he was experiencing.

Over the years, Tom has met many wise and caring healers that have helped him lead a healthy and energetic life. Recognizing that much of the world is still not aware of energy medicine, and its ability to help ease the pain of many chronic illnesses led him to partner with Chunyi Lin to create Life Force Blessings


Jason Prall

Jason Prall is a health educator, practitioner, author, speaker, & filmmaker. In 2018, his independent research and experience led him to create “The Human Longevity Project”, a 9-part film series that uncovers the true nature of chronic disease in our modern world. He’s currently finishing his first book titled, “The Longevity Equation”, as well as his next film series that explores ancient methods of healing mind, body, and soul from indigenous cultures around the world.


Master Chunyi Lin

Master Chunyi Lin is the founder and creator of Spring Forest Qigong. Since 1995, his personal-study Qigong programs have positively transformed the lives of over 750,000 students, while his Qigong Teacher/Healer Certification programs have trained more than 400 Qigong professionals. He has been a celebrated speaker at countless major wellness and transformation conferences with audiences as large as 4,000, both in the US and in eleven other countries, including Canada, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Australia, Singapore, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Panama.

Chunyi is a media favorite, with network TV interviews by KNBC, Fox 9, and KMSP. He has also been interviewed and featured in the New York Times, the Star Tribune, and Pioneer. He is a healer and wellness coach for thousands of private clients, including TV/film celebrities and professional athletes and sport teams in the US. He is also the author of multiple Amazon best-selling books, including Born a Healer, Head to Toe Healing: Your Body’s Repair Manual, and Head to Heart.

In 2010, Chunyi was also selected as “Qigong Master of the Year” by the National Qigong Association.

Here’s What You Will Learn at the
Global Energy Healing Summit 2.0

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Discover the latest in energy healing techniques and insights from experts in the field. Learn about the connection between energy and health, and how to harness the power of energy for healing. Explore topics such as meditation, acupuncture, sound healing, and much more. Join us to learn from top experts and gain valuable knowledge to enhance your well-being.

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Global Energy Healing Summit 2.0

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