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Environmental Toxicants, Autoimmunity, and Chronic Diseases Summit!


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​​Environmental Toxicants, Autoimmunity, and Chronic Diseases Summit is entirely free – but with so much valuable information in this 7-day summit, it’s easy to miss the presentations that matter most to you.

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What People are Saying About The Summit

Find out what our summit attendees had to say about their experience.


Just wanted to let you know how much I am loving the Summit (even though only day 3)!!

Feeling so proud of you guys! Your little talks in-between speakers are so inspiring and have provided the “lift” I needed this week to keep on keeping on! Even though I am very familiar with a lot of the participants in the summit  (either through their books, products, taking their master classes etc.), the specific  interviews held were really fantastic not only based on the incredible information, but also the way you encouraged people shared their personal stories. OMG Terry Wahls….. no words!

Having  been in the drivers seat for most of my health journey the past 9 years and two months (to the day but who’s counting?) and having seen MAJOR improvements in my daily functioning, I still have a few very disturbing symptoms that keep me from feeling freaking amazing. Summits like this keep me fueled with hope and give me the motivation to NEVER give up. Although I have done countless in and out of the box treatments/therapies and made major life style changes, I know there’s a lot more out there to learn and I’m ready! Approaching the big “60” in the next month is giving me even more drive to turn this around and thrive!


With Love and appreciation,


Are you ready to take control of your health and live a vibrant life? If you’re tired of feeling weighed down by chronic diseases and autoimmune disorders, it’s time to discover the hidden dangers of toxins in our environment.

At the Environmental Toxicants, Autoimmunity, and Chronic Diseases Summit, you’ll learn actionable strategies to reduce your exposure to toxins for optimal health. These toxins, including heavy metals, pesticides, and pollutants, can disrupt the delicate balance of your immune system and trigger an autoimmune response.

With +50 top-quality interviews, this summit is your roadmap to feeling freaking amazing. Each presentation is packed with key insights and actionable next steps to help you improve your wellbeing.

And here’s the best part: the summit is free for seven days! You’ll have on-demand access to the entire event, giving you the freedom to watch all the talks and absorb the groundbreaking insights at your own pace.

But remember, each presentation will only be available for 24 hours. If you miss it, it’s gone for good.

With a PREMIUM ACCESS, you’ll own the ENTIRE SUMMIT – immediately. So you can watch the presentation whenever you want, forever.

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Learn from these 50+ world-leading experts


Wendie Trubow, MD, MBA, IFMCP & Edward Levitan, MD, ABIOM, IFMCP
Wendie Trubow, MD, MBA, IFMCP & Edward Levitan, MD, ABIOM, IFMCP
Introduction (Story)
  • Story of Wendie's exposure to chemicals and how she discovered that she has an autoimmune condition
  • The purpose of this summit is to educate us on how to change the future, which involves chronic diseases including obesity, diabetes, chronic fatigue, cancer, and many
Terry Wahls, MD
Terry Wahls, MD
Reversing MS and Autoimmune Disease and How You Can Do It Too
  • Ways to reverse autoimmune disease through food
  • Dr. Wahls' story of being wheelchair bound and then within 8 months, riding a bike.
  • The impact of vegetables on health
Ari Whitten, MS
Ari Whitten, MS
Experience an Abundance of Energy Daily
  • Why mitochondria are the determinants of health
  • What impact mitochondria positively and negatively
  • What are the best things to do to improve our mitochondrial health
Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc
Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc
Clinical Proven Compounds That Reduce Inflammation and Eliminate Your Fight, Flight, Freeze Response
  • Navigate your way across multiple Detox Strategies
  • Galactin-3: Importance of modified citrus pectin for metal detox
  • How to Avoid Glyphocates and Pollutants
  • What are the markers of inflammation
Joel Kahn, MD, FACC
Joel Kahn, MD, FACC
Create and Maintain a Vibrant Cardiovascular System
  • How to prevent and resolve heart disease
  • Best ways to test for and image for heart disease
  • Best eating plans for the heart
William Pawluk, MD, MSc
William Pawluk, MD, MSc
Orchestrate Your Detox To Elevate Your Cellular Health With PEMFs
  • What is PEMF and how does it work?
  • The difference of PEMF vs EMF
  • The numerous health benefits of PEMF for your health!
Catharine Arnston
Catharine Arnston
Power Your Detox With The Magic of Algae
  • What are algae
  • Benefit of spirulina and algae
  • Benefits for different disease state


Wendie Trubow, MD, MBA, IFMCP & Edward Levitan, MD, ABIOM, IFMCP
Wendie Trubow, MD, MBA, IFMCP & Edward Levitan, MD, ABIOM, IFMCP
  • The things we put in our body : food we're eating, the quality of water we are drinking
  • Eat organic food as much as possible, avoid processed food, and level up your water quality
  • The things we put on our body : thousands of chemicals from hair products, make up, lotion, etc
  • The things around our body : Mold, lead, endocrine disruptors
  • Everything is fixable : You have to be knowledgeable, have the intention, and put in the work to get rid of toxins
Sinclair Kennally, CNHP, CNC
Sinclair Kennally, CNHP, CNC
The Hidden Dangers of EMF Exposure
  • The compounding effect of chronic toxin exposure, especially in regards to metals and EMFs
  • The impact on autoimmune diseases, particularly Hashimoto’s
  • Learn exactly what you can do about it today
Lauren Tessier, ND
Lauren Tessier, ND
Safely Resolve Your Mold-Inflicted Illness
  • What is mold/mycotoxins illness
  • How can people get exposed
  • How can people resolve their illness safely
Kevin Ellis
Kevin Ellis
Toxic Bones: Invisible Causes of Osteoporosis
  • What is osteoporosis/osteopenia?
  • What is the normal process / where does it go wrong
  • How do toxins play a role
  • Some steps to fix it
Paul Anderson, ND
Paul Anderson, ND
The Shocking Prevalence of Metals and What You Can Do About It
  • The ways we're exposed to heavy metals
  • The harms they cause us
  • Ways to minimize and eliminate the heavy metals
Wendy Myers, FDN-P, NC, CHHC
Wendy Myers, FDN-P, NC, CHHC
Learn How You Can Safely Detox from Heavy Metals
  • The prevalence of heavy metals
  • Easy ways individuals can work on detoxification ongoingly
  • The impact of faulty bioenergetics on mental health
Kenneth Swartz
Kenneth Swartz
C60 - One of the Most Powerful Antioxidants Known
  • What is C60
  • C60 Antioxidant Action
  • C60 is Non Toxic at Any Level


Wendie Trubow, MD, MBA, IFMCP & Edward Levitan, MD, ABIOM, IFMCP
Wendie Trubow, MD, MBA, IFMCP & Edward Levitan, MD, ABIOM, IFMCP
Living a more vibrant life (mitochondrial)
  • Journey for optimal health : Physical, Chemical, Emotional, Social, and Spiritual
  • Seven Foundation of Life : healthy diet, proper posture, enough sleep, correct breathing techniques, regular bowel movement, connecting, and the power of thoughts
Kara Fitzgerald, ND, IFMCP
Kara Fitzgerald, ND, IFMCP
Increase Your HealthSpan Through Optimizing Your Biological Age
  • What is biological age, how does it differ from chronological age
  • Top 5 ways to decrease our biological age
  • Impact of toxins on biological age
Brian Vaszily
Brian Vaszily
Toxic Beauty And What We Can Do About It
  • The impact of forgiveness on healing
  • The impact of toxins in our beauty and personal care products
  • The top ingredients to watch out for when choosing care products, and what to try to include.
Deanna Minich, MS, PhD, FACN, CNS, IFMCP
Deanna Minich, MS, PhD, FACN, CNS, IFMCP
Phyto-What? The Power Of Colorful Foods On Detox
  • The power of phytochemicals
  • The impact on Detox
  • The impact on our detox and overall health
Dr. Vivian Chen
Dr. Vivian Chen
Manageable Skills To Clean Up Your Life
  • How to optimize detox
  • Common sources of toxins in our lives
  • Ways to clean up our lives
Laura Frontiero, FNP-BC
Laura Frontiero, FNP-BC
Improving What Your Mom Gave You: Optimize Your Mitochondria For Unlimited Energy
  • What are mitochondria
  • What impact they have on health and chronic disease
  • How we can maximize our mitochondrial health
Kevin Conners, DPSc, FICT, FAARFM
Kevin Conners, DPSc, FICT, FAARFM
From Stress To Rest: 7 Phases of Detox
  • 7 phases of detox
  • Ways to detox safely
  • Ways to activate the parasympathetic nervous system


Wendie Trubow, MD, MBA, IFMCP & Edward Levitan, MD, ABIOM, IFMCP
Wendie Trubow, MD, MBA, IFMCP & Edward Levitan, MD, ABIOM, IFMCP
You are what you eat
  • Impacts of glyphosates and other herbicides to our body
  • Our likelihood of developing autoimmune disorders is increased by the foods we eat and the experiences we have
  • Eat lots of vegetables, a smaller portion of flesh or lots of beans and avoid too much sugar and fats
  • Feed your microbiome with high quality fiber and a variety of food
David Jockers, DNM, DC, MS
David Jockers, DNM, DC, MS
Clean Out Your Body: Optimize Autophagy Through Fasting
  • Autophagy
  • Ways that fasting improves autophagy
  • Which foods and supplements improve autophagy
Jonathan Landsman
Jonathan Landsman
Stop Your Addiction To Sugar and Reduce The Risk of Autoimmune Disease
  • The impact of sugar on overall heath
  • Sources of sugars and ways to level up/decrease intake/improve amount we consume
  • A little known way to improve sugar cravings
Jaban Moore, DC
Jaban Moore, DC
Recognition and Resolution, Remove Mold To Thrive
  • Mold - why is it important
  • How to identify it in your body and your environment
  • Framework of how to heal from it
Ben Azadi, FDN-P
Ben Azadi, FDN-P
Achieving Ketosis to Detox and Boost Your Energy
  • Benefits of Keto and Fasting and their impact on the mitochondria
  • Pitfalls of detox
  • The importance of gratitude
Stephanie Seneff, PhD
Stephanie Seneff, PhD
RoundUp: The Destructive Power of Glyphosate
  • Glyphosate and how it impacts the microbiome
  • The risks of autoimmune disease and chronic illnesses from exposure
  • What people can do about it
Gail Clayton, DCN, CNS, MS, RPh, LDN
Gail Clayton, DCN, CNS, MS, RPh, LDN
Quieting Your Histamine Response
  • Ways to recognize you've been exposed to mold
  • Ways to recognize a histamine issue
  • The best ways to eat to recover after toxic exposures to mold


Wendie Trubow, MD, MBA, IFMCP & Edward Levitan, MD, ABIOM, IFMCP
Wendie Trubow, MD, MBA, IFMCP & Edward Levitan, MD, ABIOM, IFMCP
Gut Health
  • You can better digest and absorb the nutrients by chewing your food completely
  • Seventy to ninety percent of serotonin, the happy hormone, is produced in your gut. So if you suffer from anxiety, depression, OCD, or any type of intrusive thoughts, something might be wrong with your gut health
  • Leaky guts leads to autoimmune diseases
Will Cole, DNM, IFMCP, DC
Will Cole, DNM, IFMCP, DC
Feed Your Microbiome
  • The root of inflammation could be in your gut
  • How inflammatory molecules can disrupt your microbiome and cause a range of health conditions
  • Gut microbes can regulate your mental health, mood, and energy levels
Dr. Miles Nichols
Dr. Miles Nichols
Power Your Psychobiome
  • Bacteria within your gut microbiome, stimulate the vagus nerve
  • Inflammation is a key factor in your mental health issues such as depression
  • Having the wrong mix of microbes can derail the regulation of your immune system and promote inflammation
Greg Eckel, ND, LAc
Greg Eckel, ND, LAc
Toxicants and Neurodegenerative Diseases
  • Brain disorders and the shocking rate at which their incidence is climbing
  • The top environmental toxicants that contribute to neurodegenerative diseases
  • Learn what you can do today to protect your family
Heather Sandison, ND
Heather Sandison, ND
Effecting Fasting & Detox on Brain Health
  • Ways to think about aging that are more empowering than what we do now
  • Access a Top Eating Plan to prevent dementia and Alzheimer's disease
  • Additional lifestyle factors that prevent and reverse Alzheimer's for your consideration
Sharon Stills, ND
Sharon Stills, ND
Toxins, Hormones, & Autoimmunity: Oh My!
  • Toxins and their sources
  • The impact of toxins (including stress and thoughts) on illness
  • Easy/Low hanging action items to take to reduce our exposure
Dr. Kela Smith
Dr. Kela Smith
Have Toxins Wrecked Your Hormones?
  • Top ways that toxins mess with our hormone balance
  • How hormone imbalance impacts fertility
  • Ways to clean up our lives and health and optimize health


Wendie Trubow, MD, MBA, IFMCP & Edward Levitan, MD, ABIOM, IFMCP
Wendie Trubow, MD, MBA, IFMCP & Edward Levitan, MD, ABIOM, IFMCP
Emotional Healing
  • Your emotional well-being affects your physical well-being
  • The constant flow of negative thoughts that are "having you" should be managed by having a positive mindset
Alex Howard
Alex Howard
Reset Your Nervous System & Balance Your Health
  • The factors that cause us to develop maladaptive stress responses
  • How that impacts detox, autoimmunity and chronic diseases
  • What steps we can take to reset our nervous system and get into balanced health
Aimie Apigian, MD, MS, MPH
Aimie Apigian, MD, MS, MPH
Hidden Effects Of Trauma On Your Body
  • Stress vs trauma response
  • Ways to recognize someone is having a trauma response
  • Options for treatment of the trauma response
Christine Schaffner, ND
Christine Schaffner, ND
The Intersection Between Sleep & Detox
  • The importance of a full body approach to healing
  • The importance of quality sleep, and its impact on brain health
  • Ways to improve sleep quality, brain cleaning and overall health
Elisa Song, MD
Elisa Song, MD
Keeping Your Kids Healthy By Managing Their Microbiome
  • The importance of the microbiome especially for pediatric patients
  • The ways the microbiome can be thrown off
  • Universal approaches to improve and balance out the microbiome and prevent autoimmune disease
Evan Hirsch, MD
Evan Hirsch, MD
How To Resolve Your Chronic Fatigue For Good
  • Fatigue
  • The 30+ Potential Causes
  • 4 Step Method to Healing
  • Emotional Trauma
Thomas Moorcroft, DO
Thomas Moorcroft, DO
The Rising Importance of Lyme Disease
  • What is lyme and symptoms to identify
  • Why is lyme on the rise and how is global climate change involved?
  • Tips to help get deeper sleep
  • How to detoxify with meds or supplements


Wendie Trubow, MD, MBA, IFMCP & Edward Levitan, MD, ABIOM, IFMCP
Wendie Trubow, MD, MBA, IFMCP & Edward Levitan, MD, ABIOM, IFMCP
Conclusion and next steps
  • Toxins that are linked to chronic diseases are everywhere- but there is still hope
  • This summit is not an ending but just a beginning of your journey through vibrant life
Margaret Christensen, MD
Margaret Christensen, MD
Mold & Mycotoxins: The Unseen Effects
  • How environmental toxicants impact autoimmune disease
  • Ways to know if we are being exposed and symptoms
  • Ways to improve our body's reactions to toxins
Dr. Tiffany Caplan
Dr. Tiffany Caplan
Preventing & Resolving Autoimmune Disease
  • What is autoimmunity, autoimmune disease and how to reverse them
  • The rapid rise of autoimmune conditions and their triggers
  • How to know if you have a predisposition for an autoimmune condition
Nafysa Parpia, ND
Nafysa Parpia, ND
Pretox: Get Healthy to Get Clean
  • Patients with complex chronic illnesses often don't tolerate a detox and need a pretox
  • So, what is a pretox?
  • Who needs one?
  • What does one focus on during the pretox?
Dr. Bindiya Gandhi
Dr. Bindiya Gandhi
How Toxins Tank Your Thyroid
  • Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's Disease
  • Best ways to improve thyroid function and response
  • The role of adaptogens and mushrooms in healing the thyroid
Nashat Latib, DO, FACEP, IFMCP
Nashat Latib, DO, FACEP, IFMCP
There's No Unexplained Infertility
  • Stress as related to toxins
  • Infertility and natural ways to cure it
  • Relationship of toxins to hormones and fertility
Gina Bria
Gina Bria
Water is More than Wet: How Water Runs All Detoxification
  • Water and its energy, and the impact that has on us for detox
  • The ways plants are perfectly designed to hydrate us
  • Ways to recognize we need to hydrate and what to do about it

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