Unmask 50+ Ways to Leave Behind Post-Covid Symptoms at the Overcoming Long Haul & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Summit!


Hosted by

Nafysa Parpia, ND Board-Certified Naturopathic Doctor


Hosted by

Eric Gordon, MDClinic Director of Gordon Medical Associates

Dr. Sharon Stills

Hosted by

Dr. Sharon Stills Naturopathic Medical Doctor

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Welcome to the Aftermath

When we look back to this period in time there will always be a before and after.

And yet, for some of us, the “after” is not a clear delineated line but an aftershock that keeps on quaking.

To those, COVID has long-term devastating consequences for their health and well-being.

That is Long-Haul Syndrome.

There’s currently no universally agreed-upon approach to diagnose and treat post COVID-19 condition.

But this is what we do know: it is the continuous affliction of physical or psychological symptoms more than 6 weeks after getting COVID-19. It is serious. As those with the condition commonly report impact on their mental health, including anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

How can you identify Long-Haul Syndrome?

The most common symptoms that we know of include the following:

What are the particularities of this condition?

What’s next?

What could be the consequences of Long-Haul Post-Covid Syndrome?

The ongoing inflammation can trigger dormant and underlying chronic issues to emerge. This includes severe autoimmune disorders like arthritis, psoriasis, Lupus, Hashimoto’s, and diabetes.

In the long run, you may need to treat both Long-Haul Syndrome and other chronic conditions.

What will I learn at the Overcoming Long-Haul Syndrome Summit?

Due to the unsettling nature of this condition, we have developed this summit. Our mission? To provide clarity for a devastating disorder that can afflict our neighbors, loved ones, and family.

If you, or a loved one, are suffering from Long Haul, the lack of information and resources can feel overwhelming. Without a proper guide, online research can yield contradictory results and confusing takeaways. A trusted and reliable source to show you what the leading doctors on the field have to say is the only way forward.

Join the Overcoming Long-Haul Syndrome Summit and unmask 50+ ways to move past a Post Covid-19 diagnosis.

At this summit, you will learn from the leading health authorities and experts in the world. Why? Their commitment to sharing their expertise with the rest of us has one purpose: to provide the actionable insights you need to finally step away from the earth-trembling tragedy of COVID-19.


Why should I join this summit?

Learn From These 50+ World-Leading Experts

long haul, covid, chronic diseases, environmental toxicants, allergies


Paul Anderson, ND
Paul Anderson, ND
Co-Infections And Long Haul: Stealthy Trouble Keeping You Sick and What to do about it right now
  • We have known from the earliest days that COVID is almost never the only infection
  • Many of the common infections that are "with" COVID are linked to chronic illness
Bruce Patterson, MD
Bruce Patterson, MD
Cytokines; The secret molecules of inflammation and practical advice to reverse persistent symptoms
  • Immune marker elevations in Long Haul, CFS and Lyme
  • Non-classical monocytes, the cells that harbour pieces of the S1 spike protein
  • Inflammation and persistent symptoms
  • Different markers that elevate in chronic Lyme, post COVID and CFS
Lyn Patrick, ND
Lyn Patrick, ND
The Perfect Storm: Long Haul and Toxicant Exposure and how to protect yourself
  • The influences of SARS-Cov-2 on programmed cell death
  • The effects of environmental toxins on the immune system
  • Possible link between environmental toxins and Long Haul
Dr. Pierre Kory
Dr. Pierre Kory
Long Haul Management from Front Line Clinicians
  • Therapy suggestions for spike protein
  • How he found Ivermectin and the early results
  • The use of blood thinners and anti-cogulation therapies
Mobeen Syed, MD
Mobeen Syed, MD
Research Review of Spike Protein Nanoparticles and the novel mechanism for immune activation
  • Research on how the spike protein impairs endothelial function via downregulation of ACE 2
  • How the spike protein is affecting the olfactory nerve
  • Circulating exosomes a novel mechanism for immune activation
Yusuf (JP) Saleeby, MD
Yusuf (JP) Saleeby, MD
How the S-Spike Protein Can Activate Chronic Illness (Including CFS) and the latest way to normalize the natural immune response
  • Why the SARS-coV2 spike protein (S1) is so pathologic
  • The mechanism of action for why S1 causes immune dysregulation
  • Ways to treat spikopathy
Dr. Jordan Vaughn
Dr. Jordan Vaughn
The Virus as an Endothelial and Vascular Disease and what to do about it
  • US medical system inability to start solving this issue
  • Understanding the Spike Protein S1 Subunit and its ability to form microclots and resultant local tissue hypoxia in Long COVID
  • Diagnoses and treatment of endothelial and vascular disease due to spike protein injury
Nafysa Parpia, ND and Eric Gordon, MD
Nafysa Parpia, ND and Eric Gordon, MD
Why This Summit - The Intersection of Long Haul, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Other Complex Chronic Illnesses your options
  • Why this is not "just another virus" that had a post viral sequel of chronic fatigue
  • How the spike protein adds a new dimension to chronic illness
  • Why we are positioned to understand and treat long haul


Dale Bredesen, MD
Dale Bredesen, MD
The Brain Fog, Long Haul, Alzheimer's connection and what to do to keep your brain healthy
  • Similarities between COVID and Alzheimer's
  • Brain fog in COVID
  • Treatment and prevention of brain fog
Tania Dempsey, MD, ABIHM
Tania Dempsey, MD, ABIHM
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Long Haul: what you need to know
  • First level treatment of MCAS
  • EDS, lax connective tissue, POTS and MCAS
  • Research for the future
Aimie Apigian, MD, MS, MPH
Aimie Apigian, MD, MS, MPH
Chronic Freeze State; unblocking the effects of Unresolved Trauma
  • Why trauma is your biology and not psychology
  • Three ways to recognize unresolved, stored, trauma
  • Stored trauma in the body and its effects
  • The biology that gets people stuck on their healing journey from trauma
  • What biology pre-disposes us to experiencing trauma
Dr. Michael Peluso
Dr. Michael Peluso
National Institute of Health Researcher shares the latest Long Haul COVID Research Studies and Clinical Trials
  • Understanding the biology of COVID
  • The early days of the virus and the journey of the LIINC study (and how the disease has morphed since inception)
  • Understanding variability in the long-term immune response between individuals
  • The Recover Program, a national study of Long Covid
  • Review of mechanisms that are being investigated
Nafysa Parpia, ND and Eric Gordon, MD
Nafysa Parpia, ND and Eric Gordon, MD
Our Unique Approach to Treatment of Complex Chronic Illness
  • Why there is a low incidence of long haul in existing patients
  • What we are seeing in patients who recovery quickly
  • Review of our protocol including testing, detox, and next steps
Ari Whitten, PhD Candidate, CES, PES
Ari Whitten, PhD Candidate, CES, PES
Mitochondria and Your Brain Are Regulators of Energy - Unlocking your secret energy powerhouse
  • Why mitochondria don't just produce energy, but control whether or not to produce energy
  • How our energy levels are a reflection of the degree to which our mitochondria are sensing "danger" or stress
  • Why most people lose 75% of their mitochondria with age, and how to PREVENT this from happening to you
Suzanne Gazda, MD
Suzanne Gazda, MD
The Downfall Of The Brain In Long COVID: A Neurological Health Crisis
  • We are facing an undeniable health catastrophe the likes of which we could have never imagined a few years ago
  • The neurological impacts are vast and profound and in order to try and help the millions that are suffering, we must understand the complex mechanisms underlying this multi-system illness
  • Health care systems will be crushed under the burden of this huge surge in chronically ill patients
Lauren Tessier, ND
Lauren Tessier, ND
The Overlooked Connection Of Long Haul, Mold Sensitivities, and Herpes Viruses
  • How COVID lays the foundation for mold infections
  • How long haul and mold illness overlap
  • Correlation of herpes family of viruses and COVID


Joseph P. Smith, DC, DACNB
Joseph P. Smith, DC, DACNB
Chiropractic Neurology: Reverse The Negative Impact Of Covid On Your Brain
  • How to address symptoms including depression, brain fog, anxiety, MCAS/POTS, and stress chemistry
  • Why it may be important to prioritize brain support in healing complex chronic illness
  • The supplement model may not be enough to overcome the various physiological vicious cycles that underlie the symptoms of long haul
Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc
Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc
Long Haul Constellation: Immune Dysregulation, Neuroinflammation, and Microclotting
  • The role of survival paradox protein galectin-3 in viral infection & virulence, cytokine storms and immune dysregulation, and how to block it
  • Toxic body burden, biofilms, and long haul
  • Neuroinflammation and degeneration in long haul, and how to address it
  • Supporting microcirculation and breaking up biofilms
  • The role of therapeutic apheresis
Paul Harch, MD and Juliette Harch, RN
Paul Harch, MD and Juliette Harch, RN
Hyperbaric Medicine: Get Rid Of Your Chronic Fatigue Induced By Long Haul Post Covid
  • How pressure and oxygen help change the epigenetics of inflammation
  • Using QEEG to individualize the optimal pressure and oxygen for the patient
  • Challenges with getting hyperbaric therapy into mainstream medicine
Matt Cook, MD
Matt Cook, MD
Cutting Edge Therapies For Treating PTSD in Long Haul
  • Peptides and IVs therapies
  • Review of Stellate Ganglion Block
  • Plasmapheresis and ozone therapy
Nafysa Parpia, ND and Eric Gordon, MD
Nafysa Parpia, ND and Eric Gordon, MD
Understanding Complex Chronic Illness Through the Lens of Cell Danger Response
  • Understanding your cell healing cycle (known as the Cell Danger Response)
  • The three distinct phases of Cell Danger Response, signs that you are "stuck" in a specific phase
  • How the Cell Danger Response plays a critical role in ME/CFS and other post-viral syndromes caused by chronic inflammation
Margaret Christensen, MD
Margaret Christensen, MD
The Trauma Of Being Ill: How Covid Impacts Your Mood Disorders & Chronic Fatigue
  • The contributing factors of anxiety, depression, and collective trauma to long haul and chronic fatigue
  • Calming the traumatized nervous system
  • Chronic fatigue and mitochondrial health
Kelly McCann, MD
Kelly McCann, MD
Reverse The Risk Of Acquired Hypercoagulability After COVID
  • How MCAS contributes to Long Haul
  • The relationship between Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) and Long Haul and how to treat it
  • Hypercoagulability and Long Haul, what it is and how to test for it
Kent Holtorf, MD
Kent Holtorf, MD
Increase Your Immunity and Mitochondrial Energy with Peptide Therapy
  • Immune system, hormonal and nervous system dysregulation in Long Haul and Multi systemic diseases
  • Treatment for immune dysregulation and mitochondria with peptides


Thomas Moorcroft, DO
Thomas Moorcroft, DO
Your Emotional Heart and Healing
  • How the symptoms of Long Haul are very similar to chronic Lyme Disease
  • The critical role the heart plays in healing
  • Dr. Moorcrofts personal journey and pearls healing from Lyme
Dr. Sharon Stills
Dr. Sharon Stills
Holistic Health Post Pandemic
  • The role of whole-body nourishment in disarming the spike protein
  • Natural detox methods to promote immune system restoration
  • At-home self-care practices to reduce inflammation
Darin Ingels, ND
Darin Ingels, ND
Decrease Your Brain Fog, Fatigue, Insomnia, & Chronic Depression By Switching Off The Allergic Reactions In Your Brain
  • How Long Haul affects the immune system and the cascade that can lead to MCAS, allergies, and autoimmunity
  • How infection can alter immune function and worsen allergies
  • Possible treatments for allergies once you have been sensitized
Rodger Murphree, DC, CNS
Rodger Murphree, DC, CNS
Covid Co-Related Symptoms: Could It Be Fibromyalgia?
  • Symptoms that could be either long haul or fibromyalgia including achy pain, brain fog, and fatigue
  • Why estimates show that fibromyalgia and CFS will skyrocket due to long haul
  • Why functional medicine offers a great change of preventing and overcoming long haul symptoms
Dr. Ralf Oettmeier
Dr. Ralf Oettmeier
Enhance Your Self Regulating Process Post Covid With High Tech Plasma Purification
  • Underlying immune factors in Long Haul and Chronic Fatigue
  • Inuspheresis - A promising new treatment in CFS
  • The Anti-Inflammatory power of Procaine
  • Health benefits of spiking a fever
Dr. Oz Garcia
Dr. Oz Garcia
The World Has Changed: Optimize Your Health After The Virus
  • Personal journey through Long Haul and into recovery
  • Recovery steps
  • How to shift your emotional state for healing
  • The powerful role nutrition plays in recovery
Jill Crista, ND
Jill Crista, ND
Learn How To Use Vulnaries To Reduce Inflammation & Replace Viral Infected Cells
  • Healing epithelial cells with herbs (these cells line our respiratory tract, digestive tract, and blood vessels)
  • How vulnary herbs can bring about cell turnover, reduce hypercoagulabiilty and moves the lymph
  • Top three vulnerary herbs important for Long Haul, especially mold-affected CFS patients
Jamie Kunkle, ND
Jamie Kunkle, ND
Unmask Underlying Illnesses In Your Body's Long Haul Response
  • Individual considerations of this syndrome and how to not miss KEY pieces
  • The importance of taking a clear history to determine issues that may have predisposed one to long haul
  • How a healthy individual can harbor infections, toxins and genetic susceptibilities to illness


Gary Kaplan, DO
Gary Kaplan, DO
Overcome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome By Amplifying Your Immunity Post Covid
  • Examining the process of immune dysfunction and the involvement of genetics
  • Epigenetics and the associated factors of environmental toxins, sleep, infections, and trauma
  • ME/CFS seen as an autoimmune disease
James Odell, ND, OMD, LAc
James Odell, ND, OMD, LAc
Take Back Your Health From Long Haul With Bioregulatory Medicine
  • How Bioregulatory Medicine addresses hidden causes of Long-Haul including specific approaches used in recovery, the importance of cellular immune support and psychoemotional factors related to Long-Haul
Gez Medinger
Gez Medinger
Understand, Manage, and Treat Your Long Covid With Therapeutic Interventions
  • Pharmacological vs holistic measures
  • Breakdown of medications, supplements and invasive therapies
  • The importance of nervous system support in healing
Kashif Khan
Kashif Khan
Risk Factors For Long Haul Through the Lens of Genetics
  • Using your genes to know how to intervene and become more efficient in the healing process
  • How individualized inflammation is and how you can support your own peronsalized genetic needs to lower inflammation
  • The importance of the quality of the endothelium lining
Jill Carnahan, MD
Jill Carnahan, MD
Limit The Potential Impact of Wildfire Smoke on Your Long Haul Symptoms
  • Impact of wildfire smoke on the immune system
  • Possible impacts of wildfire smoke on those who have Long Haul
  • Practicing medicine using both intuition and science
Eleanor Stein, MD
Eleanor Stein, MD
Modify Your Lifestyle Effectively To Overcome ME/CFS and Long Haul
  • Why lifestyle modification is a biomedical intervention
  • How to achieve restorative sleep to support recovery
  • The special sauce for rewiring the brain for healing
Jennifer Miele and Robert Weber, MSc
Jennifer Miele and Robert Weber, MSc
Achieve Optimal Health in a Post Pandemic World
  • Who is being affected?
  • Looking at the health of a patient keeping in mind the effects of spike protein
  • Supporting the body holistically


Evan Hirsch, MD
Evan Hirsch, MD
Fix Your Fatigue By Knowing The Reasons For Long Haul
  • Long haul as a biofilm disruptor
  • How long haul is different from chronic fatigue syndrome
  • The association between Long Haul and other infections
  • Long haul and hypercoagulation
  • Reason why people get long haul
Jaban Moore, DC
Jaban Moore, DC
Are Parasites Suppressing Your Immune System & Heightening Your Long Haul Symptoms?
  • Parasites can make you more vulnerable to Long Haul and ME/CFS
  • How parasites causes immune imbalance
  • How parasites mislead your immune system and increase inflammation and decrease your ability to clear viruses
Beth O'hara, FN
Beth O'hara, FN
Atypical Responses To Covid: The Intersection of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Long Haul
  • What are Mast Cells?
  • Research on the influence of Long Haul on Mast Cell Activation
William Pawluk, MD, MSc
William Pawluk, MD, MSc
Reduce Hyper-Inflammation Triggered By COVID With Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields (PEMFs)
  • Physical changes of long haul
  • How PEMF devices can be used as supportive therapy
  • Understanding safe versus unsafe magnetic fields
Dr. Kelly Halderman
Dr. Kelly Halderman
Is Long Haul Really Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS)?
  • What is CIRS (pathophysiology, signs & symptoms, tests to confirm)
  • The Long Haul CIRS connection
  • The role of hydration and water in healing
Dr. Lew Lim
Dr. Lew Lim
Improvements To Long Haul Symptoms With Light Therapy
  • Symptoms that may respond well to Photobiomodulation
  • Data and mechanisms suggest Photobiomodulation to Long Haul that is agnostic to variants
  • Review of upcoming Vielight study seeking clearance from the FDA for Long Haul


Kevin Conners, DPSc, FICT, FAARFM
Kevin Conners, DPSc, FICT, FAARFM
Your Genetics Are A Key Factor To Overcoming Long Haul
  • How do different detox genes possibly affect one's inability to overcome such a disorder
  • How the histamine genes play a part in continual inflammation
  • How methylation gene defects may add to constant fatigue
Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD
Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD
Improve Your Natural Immune Protection Against COVID's Spike Protein
  • How we can address the impact of the spike protein on the body
  • Addressing the spike protein via natural compounds
Heather Sandison, ND
Heather Sandison, ND
Simple Steps That Keep Your Brain Healthy In Long Haul
  • How inflammation in the body can lead to brain inflammation
  • An exploration of the body's terrain to understand why inflammation occurs
  • Understanding susceptibility to long haul and cognitive decline
Dr. Gerry Curatola
Dr. Gerry Curatola
The Vital Role Your Oral Microbiome For Overcoming Long Haul and Chronic Fatigue
  • The role of the Oral Microbiome in the modulation and regulation of the systemic immune system
  • The Major Sources of Chronic Inflammation and Toxicity in the Mouth
  • Understanding the bidirectional nature of the Mouth-Body Connection in oral health and systemic wellness
 Ashok Gupta, MSc
Ashok Gupta, MSc
Neuroplasticity: Rehabilitate and Retrain Your Brain Post COVID
  • How long haul covid may be a "neuro-immune conditioned syndrome" caused by abnormalities in the brain, and the hypothesis underlying it
  • What causes all of the symptoms
  • How brain retraining neuroplasticity approaches can support healing
Sabine Hazan, MD
Sabine Hazan, MD
Understand the Severity of Your Long Haul By Understanding Your Microbiome
  • What was happening in the gut and stool with COVID
  • Benefits of fecal transplant in restoring healthy bacteria
  • In a world of big viruses you need strong bacteria
Robert Downey, MD
Robert Downey, MD
How To NOT Be Overwhelmed By The Complexity of COVID Information
  • You can't supplement yourself out of a lifestyle deficit
  • Resistant, resilience and recovery
  • KISS healing protocol

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Meet Your Summit Hosts


Nafysa Parpia, ND

Dr. Nafysa Parpia is a board-certified Naturopathic Doctor and has spent the last decade treating patients with complex chronic illnesses. She specializes in tick-borne illness, environmentally acquired illness, mold/mycotoxin illness, autoimmunity, fibromyalgia, and ME/CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). She uses cutting-edge laboratory tests and deep intuition applied to the full range of scientific data to create comprehensive treatment plans that are highly personalized.

Dr. Parpia is also a sought-after speaker at medical conferences and summits. She is on ISEAI’s Board of Directors (International Society for Environmentally Acquired Illness) and is a Scientific and Medical Advisor for Neurohacker Collective.


Eric Gordon, MD

Eric D. Gordon, MD is President of Gordon Medical Research Center and clinical director of Gordon Medical Associates which specializes in complex chronic illness. In addition to being in clinical practice for over 40 years, Dr. Gordon is engaged in clinical research focused on bringing together leading international medical researchers and cutting-edge clinicians. His research is focusing on ME/CFS, Lyme disease, autoimmune diseases, and autism.

He also co-author a groundbreaking study with Dr. Naviaux called “Metabolic Features of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS).


Dr. Sharon Stills

Dr. Sharon Stills is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor providing comprehensive health care, therapeutic and diagnostic services to patients worldwide. She combines her conventional medical training, data-driven science, cutting-edge diagnostic tools and a deep knowledge of natural healing to effectively identify and treat health concerns ranging from allergies to end stage cancer, and everything in between.

Dr. Stills is a 2001 graduate of SCNM (The Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine) in Tempe, Arizona, one of the nation’s foremost accredited medical schools. She specializes in European Biological Medicine – having trained extensively with Dr. Thomas Rau formerly of the Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland and was chosen to lecture alongside him as part of the Paracelsus Academy.

She is highly-regarded as an expert in the natural treatment of cancer due to her successful treatment protocols used with patients diagnosed with cancer – from early to advanced stage – and has been a featured expert in many oncology summits based on her experience and knowledge of the subject.

Drawing from a wide variety of traditions and healing foundations, including Naturopathic, Bio-Regulatory, Functional, Homeopathic, TCM and Ayurveda, she has been successful in providing answers and healing pathways to her patients when others have failed.

She is continuously humbled and inspired by every patient she has the opportunity to guide towards Reinventing Their Health….Naturally!

Here’s What You Will Learn at the
Overcoming Long-Haul Syndrome Summit

…And much more!

Related DrTalks Resources

There are several ways you can overcome Long-Haul Syndrome and you can learn everything you need to know at the Overcoming Long-Haul Syndrome Summit. Discover the causes and highest risk groups, the symptoms to watch out for, and how to differentiate between Long-Haul and other chronic infections. Experts are ready to share tips for finding relief from chronic fatigue, brain fog, aches and pains, and headaches, and how to activate your body’s natural healing processes. Learn about exciting new treatments involving epigenetics, peptides, stem cells, and telomeres, and gain insights into the future of chronic disease treatment.

Related DrTalks Resources

There are several ways you can overcome Long-Haul Syndrome and you can learn everything you need to know at the Overcoming Long-Haul Syndrome Summit. Discover the causes and highest risk groups, the symptoms to watch out for, and how to differentiate between Long-Haul and other chronic infections. Experts are ready to share tips for finding relief from chronic fatigue, brain fog, aches and pains, and headaches, and how to activate your body’s natural healing processes. Learn about exciting new treatments involving epigenetics, peptides, stem cells, and telomeres, and gain insights into the future of chronic disease treatment.

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Overcoming Long-Haul Syndrome Summit

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