Discover 40+ Strategies to Turn The Tide On Your Symptoms at the Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmune Summit!

Terry Wahls copy
Hosted by Terry Wahls, MD Developer of the Wahls Protocol.
Physician, Educator, Researcher, and Patient

Don't miss the summit

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Watch the 1st Day For FREE
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finally hope for ms


For those living with MS, worry is a constant companion. You’re losing a piece of your life day by day, bit by bit. Each day you wake up wondering what part of me will be gone tomorrow. 

Will I lose my job? Be a burden to my family? Break apart from my relationships. Need a walking cane or wheelchair? Will I still be an active part of my children’s lives? Will I still be me? 

It can be tough. Brutally tough. You might feel disheartened, anxious, or afraid. It’s okay. We’re here to tell you there’s finally hope for MS. It’s possible to turn the tide. 

Are you ready to take back control of your health? Are you ready to wake up each day, feeling in charge of your own well-being despite having Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?

The Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmune Summit is a groundbreaking online event designed just for you, hosted by none other than the inspiring Dr. Terry Wahls. Register now and join thousands of other individuals just like you, ready to reclaim their health despite MS.


Whether it’s chronic fatigue, electric-like face pain, visual problems, or anxiety and depression – you deserve to live without ‌constant discomfort. In this free summit, you’ll have access to over 40 leading experts from various fields related to MS management. These are top neurologists, nutritionists, mental health professionals, and more, ready to guide you with evidence-based strategies that can help alleviate the symptoms of MS and improve your quality of life.

After this summit, you’ll feel a renewed sense of optimism. You’ll be able to tell yourself, “I can handle this. I can get my life back on track. I can have a full and wonderful life.”

Because there is a world out there where you feel better, more energetic, and more vibrant. A world where you’ve overcome the grip MS has on your life.

Join Dr. Wahls, a clinical professor of medicine, a renowned author, and a warrior who triumphed over secondary progressive MS, along with over 40 leading experts who will empower you to reverse your MS symptoms and improve your quality of life.

Step into a world where MS doesn’t define you, but rather, your strength and resilience do.

recovery is possible

Learn From These 40+ World-Leading Experts

Day 1

Terry Wahls copy

Terry Wahls, MD

Welcome To The Multiple Sclerosis And Neuroimmune Summit

  • Hear Dr. Terry Wahls’ inspiring story of her diagnosis and struggle with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, and her determination to slow her decline
  • Understand the incredible results of her diet and lifestyle interventions that surprised her family, colleagues, and physicians
  • Learn about her remarkable recovery within a year, from being unable to sit up for more than 10 minutes to being able to bike 18.5 miles
Ari Whitten

Ari Whitten, MS

Your Mitochondria And Your Energy

  • Understand the connection between fatigue and mitochondrial health, including how mitochondrial efficiency and numbers decline with age
  • Learn about the issues caused by the lack of mitochondrial “challenge” in our current living environment
  • Discover key steps in rebuilding your mitochondria and energy, including how to correctly dose your “challenge” for optimal mitochondrial training
Isaac Eliaz MD

Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc

How To Break The Cycle Of Neurodegeneration And Finally Heal

  • Learn how our cells’ biological survival methods can lead to damage in the brain and other organs, and understand the role of galectin-3 in creating inflammation and scarring
  • Understand the role of modified citrus pectin in reducing inflammation and eliminating heavy metals
  • Gather information about how stress accelerates disease and the steps to mitigate its negative impact, including the benefits of heart-centered meditation practices
Justine Stenger

Justine Stenger

Why Making Deposits Into Your Biochemical Bank Accounts Matters

  • Understand how levels of key building blocks for myelin production decline as we age
  • Learn about the importance of phospholipid replacement as a building block for myelin
  • Discover the roles of bile acids in healthy aging and butyrate in immune and brain health
David Perlmutter

David Perlmutter, MD, FACN, ABIHM

You Are The Architect Of Your Brain's Health And Vitality

  • Understand why microglia are essential for a healthier brain and how they can either benefit or harm your brain
  • Learn about the significant role diet and lifestyle play in balancing your microglia
  • Grasp the role of nitric oxide in heart and brain health and strategies to improve your nitric oxide levels
Dr. Mark Hyman

Mark Hyman, MD

Mercury: A Hidden Driver of MS and Neuroimmune Issues

  • Understand the significant role heavy metals, particularly mercury, play in increasing the risk of MS and neuroimmune problems
  • Learn about the common sources of mercury, lead, and arsenic exposure
  • Know the strategies to reduce exposure to these heavy metals and to improve the body’s clearance of these toxins
Jeffrey Bland2

Dr. Jeffrey Bland

How Your Nutrition Impacts Your Immune Function And MS

  • Nutrition plays a crucial role in managing MS, with Vitamin D and cod liver oil having significant impacts on immune function
  • The food we consume can influence our genes, potentially altering the severity of diseases like MS
  • The standards of clinical care are evolving, emphasizing that what we add to our diet is just as important as what we remove
Dale Bredesen

Dale Bredesen, MD

Cognitive Decline Is Now Optional: Here's Why

  • Neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s have been a significant area of biomedical therapeutic failure, but new research is changing this narrative
  • Alzheimer’s is seen as a network insufficiency, and treating it requires identifying and addressing multiple potential contributors
  • This approach led to the first reversals of cognitive decline in patients with Alzheimer’s or pre-Alzheimer’s, marking a significant breakthrough in the field

Day 2

Terry Wahls copy

Terry Wahls, MD

How I Developed The Wahls Protocol® And Why It Matters To You

  • Learn about the essential elements of the Wahls Protocol®, a comprehensive program developed by Dr. Terry Wahls
  • Understand how this program is designed to address the environmental factors that contribute to the development of multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune conditions
  • Discover why the Wahls Protocol® matters to you, especially in relation to the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerve health
Jocelyn Strand ND

Jocelyn Strand, ND

How To Balance Your Oral And Gut Microbiome

  • Understand the connection between the microbiomes in the mouth and intestines, and the potential harm caused by mouthwash and foaming toothpastes
  • Learn about the damage caused by bad bacteria in the mouth and how these microbes can influence the risk for MS and neuroimmune disease flares
  • Discover strategies to modulate and rebalance the immune system for improved health
Mason Bresett

Mason Bresett, ND

Mushrooms Are Powerhouses For Supporting Your Immune Function

  • Learn about the importance and impact of mushrooms on the immune system and their neuroprotective potential
  • Discover the top mushroom compounds beneficial for patients with MS and other neurological disorders
  • Understand which specific mushrooms are useful for those dealing with anxiety and depression and the molecules in mushrooms that have shown promise in animal models of neurological and psychiatric diseases
Kevin Ellis

Kevin Ellis

MS & Bone Loss: Building Stronger Bones Is Possible

  • Learn about specific foods linked to poor bone density and those that support better bone density
  • Understand the key vitamins and minerals (beyond just vitamin D and calcium) necessary for healthier bones
  • Discover effective exercise strategies for better bone density and which milk products are better for those who can tolerate dairy
lane freeman and dr. stuart nunnally

Dr. Stuart Nunnally and Dr. Lane Freeman

How Dental Health Problems Can Worsen Your Autoimmune Issues

  • Learn about the significant role dental restorative materials can play in increasing the risk of neuroimmune problems
  • Understand the potential risks associated with root canals and wisdom teeth removal in worsening autoimmune problems
  • Gather insights on the best approaches for reducing periodontal disease and tips on how to find a holistic dentist
Marco Ruggiero

Marco Ruggiero, MD, PhD

Awakening Your Consciousness For Better Healing

  • Understand the concepts of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th brains, and explore the sources of consciousness in the absence of an anatomical brain
  • Learn about the roles bacteria, fungi, and viruses play in consciousness
  • Know about the functions of microbes in cancer and neurological diseases
Elisa Song

Elisa Song, MD

Protect Your Children From Autoimmunity

  • Understand the three M’s (Microbiome, Mitochondria, Mindset) for optimal health and immune function in kids
  • Learn why the gut microbiome is crucial for lifelong immune health and the steps to optimize it for your child
  • Know the importance of supporting mitochondrial function and the power of mindset in children’s immune health, along with simple, cost-free actions to improve their mindset
Darin Ingels 1

Darin Ingels, ND

4 Complementary Therapies Enhance Your Healing For MS Patients

  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can improve brain recovery, while low-dose immunotherapy and sublingual immunotherapy can calm the immune system
  • Fecal microbial transplant can reset the microbiome, potentially aiding in the management of MS
  • Acupuncture can reset the immune system, with novel ways to stimulate the acupuncture points in the body offering additional benefits

Day 3

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Terry Wahls, MD

Access The Tools To Help You Adapt The Wahls Protocol

  • Learn about the ways you can improve your diet and self-care routine
  • Discover the tools created by Dr. Terry Wahls to support people making changes to their diet and self-care routines
  • Understand the resources available, including her books, The Wahls™ Diet App, and the Wahls Protocol® Mobile Program
Garrett Salpeter

Garrett Salpeter

Supercharge Your Recovery With Electrical Stimulation

  • Understand the concept of neuroplasticity and how our brains are constantly changing
  • Learn how electrical stimulation of muscles can significantly accelerate beneficial neuroplasticity
  • Discover how others with severe walking impairment have utilized electrical stimulation of muscles
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William Pawluk, MD, MSc

Using PEMF Therapy For Nervous System Health

  • PEMFs, or Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields, are a significant tool in the field of health and wellness, particularly in managing nervous system damage
  • Understanding the difference between PEMFs and EMFs is crucial for their effective application
  • PEMFs have been shown to be beneficial in managing MS, highlighting their potential in the field of neurology
Brian Richards

Brian Richards

Heal With Red Light And Sauna

  • Learn how photobiomodulation can enhance mitochondria and immune function
  • Understand the impact of incandescent red light and near-infrared light on cellular processes
  • Discover the role of sweating and heat shock proteins in improving cell function and ways to make sauna and red light treatments more tolerable for those with heat sensitivity
Gretchen Hawley

Dr. Gretchen Hawley

How To Use Functional Exercise To Improve Your Walking

  • Neuroplasticity makes strength improvements possible, and functional exercise can significantly enhance walking ability
  • Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and ensuring proper stomach acid and bile flow are crucial for overall health and inflammation control
  • Intermittent fasting can be a powerful tool in reducing inflammation and improving overall health
Rosalind C Kalb

Rosalind C Kalb, PhD

Find Wellness For You And Your Family

  • Understand why wellness should be an essential part of everyone’s treatment plan for MS and neuroimmune issues
  • Learn how to find and access health and wellness programs tailored for people with MS and neuroimmune issues
  • Discover the importance of staying engaged in activities that speak to your heart and how wellness programming can help meet the needs of partners
Trevor Wicken

Trevor Wicken

Movement Is Medicine. How Are You Moving?

  • Understand the concept of “movement as medicine” and its significance
  • Learn how a person dependent on a wheelchair or scooter can begin their movement journey
  • Discover ways to access movement instruction and support, while drawing inspiration from stories of hope and possibility
Debra Atkinson

Debra Atkinson

How Exercise Can Help Your Neuroimmune Conditions

  • Finding an exercise professional who understands MS and neuroimmune conditions can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your exercise regimen
  • Despite severe fatigue, there are ways to exercise that can improve your condition and overall health
  • Different exercises are beneficial for MS, RA, and other neuroimmune conditions, including those suitable for individuals who are wheelchair dependent

Day 4

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Terry Wahls, MD

How To Work With A Health Coach To Achieve Your Goals

  • Understand how health coaches can help improve health behaviors, similar to how athletes and businesses use coaching to enhance performance
  • Learn how working with a health coach can help patients achieve greater success on their healing journeys, from the perspectives of Dr. Terry Wahls and Health Coach Beth Schultz
  • Gather insights into the research-backed behavior change model that can transform patients and elevate a health practice
Jodi Cohen

Jodi Sternoff Cohen

How Essential Oils Can Support Your Healing Journey

  • Essential oils can play a significant role in managing MS symptoms. They can calm the nervous system, reset the hypothalamic, pituitary, adrenal response, and aid in the removal of toxins
  • There’s a difference between mushroom powders and mushroom tinctures. Understanding this can help in choosing the right product for your needs
  • Self-care strategies and a balanced diet are crucial in managing MS symptoms
Margaret Christensen

Margaret Christensen, MD

Gettting Your Hormones Right Is Critical For Your Brain

  • Understand how physical and psychological stress disrupt sex, adrenal, and thyroid hormones, which are critical for healthy brain function
  • Learn about the roles estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone play in brain health and the functional medicine approach to measuring these hormones
  • Discover the most effective methods to replace and restore hormone levels
Sharon Stills 300x300 1

Sharon Stills, ND

Say Yes To Getting Your Sexy Self Back

  • Understand why sex is a crucial part of health and vitality and why sexual desire often decreases in MS and Neuroimmune patients
  • Learn that restoring sexual interest involves more than just addressing hormone levels
  • Gather tips to increase your sensual and sexual intimacy with yourself, your romantic partner, and your medical team
Dr. Cleopatra Kamperveen

Dr. Cleopatra Kamperveen

Simple Steps To Improve Your Fertility

  • Understand that men and women with MS and neuroimmune issues have higher rates of infertility
  • Learn about the best strategies to improve your chances of a successful pregnancy and delivery within the next year
  • Grasp the role of epigenetics in getting pregnant and how it can improve the health of your future generations
Dian Ginsberg

Dian Ginsberg, MD

How Hormones Care For Your Heart, Brain, And Wellbeing

  • Hormones, particularly estrogen, and progesterone, play a significant role in heart and brain health, with research indicating potential risks of heart attacks and cancer
  • Testosterone is crucial for brain protection, and understanding the relationship between hormones and brain health can lead to improved management of conditions like MS
  • Measuring estrogen levels accurately is essential for understanding hormonal balance and its impact on overall health
jessica drummond

Jessica Drummond, DCN, CNS, PT, NBC-HWC

The Connection Between Endometriosis And Immune Health

  • There is a significant connection between immune health and endometriosis, which can influence the management and treatment of the condition
  • Optimizing immune health in patients with endometriosis can lead to better outcomes and improved quality of life
  • Assessing the immune health of someone with endometriosis is a crucial step in understanding the disease and developing an effective treatment plan
Anshul Gupta

Anshul Gupta, MD

How Is Your Thyroid Linked To Your Brain?

  • People with Hashimoto’s often experience brain fog and cognitive issues due to the intricate link between thyroid health and brain function
  • Individuals with MS have higher rates of thyroid disease, including Hashimoto’s, highlighting the importance of key nutrients for thyroid health
  • Toxins can contribute to both MS and thyroid issues, and understanding the role of thyroid hormone in brain health can help those with Hashimoto’s improve their cognitive function

Day 5

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Terry Wahls, MD

Dr. Terry Wahls’ Big Hairy Audacious Goal

  • Dr. Terry Wahls is committed to changing the standard of care for patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis or a neuroimmune condition, emphasizing the critical role of diet and lifestyle choices in disease progression or recovery
  • Understand that it typically requires 30 years of high-quality, peer-reviewed research to significantly alter medical standards of care, a journey Dr. Wahls has been undertaking for 15 years
  • Gain insight into the major milestones of Dr. Wahls’ research journey thus far, and learn about the future work she plans to conduct in this field
Madiha Saeed

Madiha Saeed, MD

A Family Affair: How To Get Your Family On Board For Your MS Lifestyle

  • Sleep and gratitude can significantly improve immune function, contributing to overall health and wellbeing
  • Meditation, mindfulness, and laughter have profound benefits on immune function, and sprouting broccoli seeds can boost immune health
  • Managing time and costs while improving diet can be challenging, but with the right strategies, it’s achievable and beneficial for the whole family
Dr. Folake Taylor

Folake Taylor, MD

Progressive MS? Recovery Is Possible!

  • Learn about the warning signs of primary progressive multiple sclerosis and know that recovery of function is indeed possible
  • Understand how being African American may influence the course of your disease
  • Grasp the role of mindset and service in managing symptoms and aiding in recovery
Cynthia Thurlow

Cynthia Thurlow, NP

Support Your Healing Journey With Fasting Strategies

  • Understand the different fasting strategies including time-restricted eating, intermittent fasting, and prolonged fasting, and how they can improve metabolic health and lower inflammation
  • Learn how fasting can be different for men and women, and who is a good candidate for fasting
  • Discover how to begin incorporating fasting into your self-care routine to support your healing journey
Patty James

Patty James, MS

Overcome Roadblocks On Your Road To Healthy Eating

  • Healthy eating can be a challenge, but with the right tips and strategies, it’s achievable and beneficial for the whole family
  • Getting your family on board with a healthier lifestyle can make the transition smoother and more enjoyable for everyone
  • The first steps to improving your diet can be simple and manageable, setting the foundation for a healthier lifestyle
Trudy Scott

Trudy Scott, CN

Reduce Your Anxiety And Pain With Nutrition

  • Understand the prevalence of anxiety in MS patients and the issues with benzodiazepine use for managing anxiety
  • Learn about the role of low GABA in driving anxiety in MS patients, and how to use this amino acid to combat anxiety, insomnia, and spasms.
  • Discover how low serotonin and endorphin levels in MS can lead to problems and how to use tryptophan and amino acids to address these deficiencies and reduce pain
Dr. David Jockers 1

David Jockers, DNM, DC, MS

How To Reduce Your Inflammation By Changing What You Eat

  • Inflammation is a complex process that can be influenced by what we eat. Understanding its root causes and how to measure it through lab tests is crucial
  • Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is important in managing inflammation. Certain foods can support healthy blood sugar levels
  • Intermittent fasting can be a powerful tool in reducing inflammation, along with ensuring proper stomach acid and bile flow
Nicole Apelian

Nicole Apelian, PhD

Successfully Manage Your MS With Medicinal Mushrooms

  • Medicinal mushrooms can influence immune system function and brain health, and understanding the difference between mushroom powders and tinctures can help in their effective use
  • Key self-care strategies for managing MS, including dietary changes, can be beneficial for those living with the condition
  • Anti-viral herbal medicines and the role of medicinal mushrooms in their preparation can offer additional avenues for managing MS symptoms

Day 6

Terry Wahls copy

Terry Wahls, MD

Inspire Your Journey With These Transformative Stories

  • Gain insights and inspiration from people who have utilized the Wahls Protocol® to support their healing journeys and have experienced transformative results
  • Through personal interviews, learn about their path to recovery, the challenges they faced, and how their lives were profoundly changed by implementing the principles of the Wahls Protocol®
  • Understand the powerful impact of Dr. Wahls’ approach, not just theoretically, but through real-world success stories of individuals who have witnessed its transformative potential
Ken Sharlin

Kenneth Sharlin, MD

How Stem Cell Therapy Can Help Patients With MS

  • Stem cells, particularly different types like hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells, hold promise in treating MS and other neurological disorders
  • Understanding research terms like IRB, IND, and clinical trial phases is crucial in comprehending the progress and potential of stem cell therapy
  • The FDA’s regulation of stem cell use and the future of regenerative therapies are key areas to watch in the treatment of MS-related issues

Deanna Minich, MS, PhD, FACN, CNS, IFMCP

The Unexplored Link Between Autoimmunity And Melatonin

  • Melatonin plays a role beyond sleep benefits, including potential impacts on autoimmune diseases and mitochondrial function
  • Dietary and supplemental sources of melatonin can be leveraged to support health
  • The relationship between melatonin and autoimmune diseases is an emerging area of research, with potential implications for treatment strategies
Christine Schaffner June 20 New

Christine Schaffner, ND

Better Health Starts With Better Sleep. Here's Why

  • Sleep is vital for Glymphatic Drainage, a process that clears toxins from the brain, contributing to overall health and well-being
  • Improving glymphatic clearance of toxins can be achieved through certain steps, including the use of red light and photobiomodulation, and neck massages
  • Understanding the role of sleep in our health can lead to better lifestyle choices and improved health outcomes
Tom Moorcroft copy 300x300 1

Thomas Moorcroft, DO

Recover From Infectious Triggers of Autoimmunity

  • Understanding the role of infection in triggering autoimmunity and the importance of self-care in treating autoimmunity
  • Exploring how different toxins/infections can trigger similar symptoms in different patients and the role of sympathetic/parasympathetic response in healing
  • Learning how to reduce the sympathetic response and increase the parasympathetic response to promote healing and a simple three-minute routine that supports the recovery process
Austin Perlmutter 1

Austin Perlmutter, MD

Learn How To Avoid MS Relapses Triggered By Anxiety

  • Inflammation in the brain, which may be a major driver of depression, is linked to immunity and mood
  • Exercise plays a significant role in brain plasticity and depression, potentially mitigating the effects of inflammation in the brain
  • Limiting brain inflammation is possible through dietary improvements and the incorporation of exercise into our self-care routine, which can help avoid MS relapses triggered by anxiety
Cheng Ruan 2

Cheng Ruan, MD

Upgrade Your Brain With This New Technology

  • Learn about the latest technology that provides insights into brain function
  • Understand how a home device can be utilized to train the brain, enhancing memory and overall function
  • Know the significant role dentists play in brain health and how untreated sleep disorders impact brain health improvement
Keesha 2023

Keesha Ewers, PhD, ARNP-FNP-C, AAP, IFM-C

How Early Childhood Trauma Can Trigger MS Later In Life

  • Trauma is a universal experience and its impact can manifest in various ways, including triggering autoimmunity
  • There is a significant connection between trauma and autoimmunity, which can influence the onset of diseases like MS
  • The Freedom Framework is a tool that can help individuals navigate and heal from the impacts of trauma
Dr Miles Nichols

Dr. Miles Nichols

How To Address Constipation Or Diarrhea

  • Bowel dysfunction, particularly constipation, is a common issue for those with MS. Understanding the root causes and strategies for dealing with constipation is crucial
  • Various factors contribute to constipation, and lab testing can help identify these factors and inform treatment strategies
  • There are effective treatments to resolve either diarrhea or constipation and restore healthy bowel function, improving the quality of life for those with MS

Day 7

Terry Wahls copy

Terry Wahls, MD

Research Study: Diet And Your Quality Of Life

  • Discover why this research study, focusing on diet and quality of life in multiple sclerosis patients, is one of the largest and longest of its kind
  • Understand how diet studies differ from drug studies and the importance of randomization in the research process
  • Learn about the specific design of the study, its expected outcomes, and how you can participate and contribute to this significant research
Jill Carnahan

Jill Carnahan, MD

Hidden Triggers Of Autoimmunity: Mold

  • Biotoxin illness, often caused by mold, can present with a variety of symptoms, and understanding these symptoms is the first step towards diagnosis and treatment
  • Diagnosing biotoxin illness involves a comprehensive approach, including understanding the patient’s history and conducting specific tests
  • Treatment for biotoxin/mold illness is available and can significantly improve the patient’s quality of life and health outcomes
Datis Kharrazian

Datis Kharrazian, PhD

Toxic Triggers: Chemical Drivers Of Neuromimmune Issues

  • Understanding the difference between chemical immune reactivity and chemical load is crucial in the context of neuroimmune issues
  • Identifying chemical immune reactivity is a significant step in managing and treating neuroimmune issues
  • Clinical management of chemical immune reactivity is possible and can lead to better health outcomes
Dr. Wendy Myers

Wendy Myers, ND

How To Reduce The Burden Of Heavy Metals In Your Body

  • Learn about the four heavy metals that most impact your immune system and their connection to Multiple Sclerosis
  • Understand how to use binders effectively to aid in the detoxification of heavy metals from the body
  • Gather information on the top three methods to detoxify your body and how to assess your personal toxicity levels
Tom OBryan DC CCN DACBN 1 1


Early Biomarkers Of A Brain On Fire

  • Understanding the difference between protective and predictive autoimmunity is crucial in the context of brain health and disease prevention
  • The concept of ‘Canary in the Coal Mine’ is used to describe the brain as an early biomarker of a body in accelerated degeneration
  • The Smell Test is a significant tool in relation to brain health, and it emphasizes the importance of testing over guessing when identifying the most sensitive biomarkers of brain inflammation
Dr. Titus Chiu

Titus Chiu, MS, DC, DACNB

Concussed: Why Concussions Are Double The Danger For MS Patients

  • Trauma, particularly to the head, has been linked to multiple sclerosis, emphasizing the importance of understanding and protecting the blood-brain barrier
  • The concept of a “leaky brain” is introduced, highlighting its connection to multiple sclerosis and the importance of maintaining a healthy blood-brain barrier
  • Simple steps can be taken to heal and protect the blood-brain barrier, potentially reducing the risk of conditions like multiple sclerosis
Felice Gersh 2023

Felice Gersh, MD

The Life Hormones And How They Impact You

  • Understand that estrogen is a vital hormone with several forms and functions
  • Learn about the surprising locations in our bodies where estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are produced, and the protective role of oxytocin in the brain
  • Recognize why perimenopausal symptoms matter and what actions can be taken to manage them
Aly Cohen MD FACR

Aly Cohen, MD

How To Improve Brain Health For Those With Rheumatologic Conditions

  • Rheumatologic conditions can have neuroimmune effects, impacting brain health and necessitating strategies for diagnosis and management
  • Toxins play a role in rheumatologic conditions, and pure water is essential in managing these conditions
  • There are strategies to improve brain health in the context of rheumatologic conditions, offering hope for better management and quality of life
Dayan Goodenowe

Dayan Goodenowe, PhD

How To Protect Your Nerves And Mitochondria With Plasmalogens

  • Myelin, formed and maintained in specific ways, is crucial for nerve health, and plasmalogens play a key role in maintaining myelin integrity
  • Mitochondrial insufficiency is a common issue in MS, and strategies to support remyelination can help mitigate this problem
  • Understanding the role of plasmalogens in nerve and mitochondrial health can lead to better management of conditions like MS

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Meet Your Summit Host

Terry Wahls copy

Terry Wahls, MD

Dr. Terry Wahls is an Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner and a board-certified internal medicine physician.  She also conducts clinical trials testing the efficacy of diet and lifestyle in the setting of multiple sclerosis.  In 2018 she was awarded the Institute for Functional Medicine’s Linus Pauling Award for her contributions to research, clinical care, and patient advocacy. In addition, Dr. Wahls has secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, which confined her to a tilt-recline wheelchair for four years. Dr. Wahls restored her health using a diet and lifestyle program she designed specifically for her brain and now pedals her bike to work each day. She is the author of The Wahls Protocol: How I Beat Progressive MS Using Paleo Principles and Functional Medicine, The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles (paperback), and the cookbook The Wahls Protocol Cooking for Life: The Revolutionary Modern Paleo Plan to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions.  Learn more about the current study Efficacy of Diet on Quality of Life in Multiple Sclerosis here.  Pick up a one-page handout for the Wahls™ Diet at Follow her on Instagram @drterrywahls, and on Facebook/Twitter at @TerryWahls. See Terry Wahls at the DrTalks Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmune Summit.

Dr. Terry Wahls is a remarkable individual who has not only revolutionized her own life but has become a beacon of hope for millions of people around the world. As a clinical professor of medicine and a survivor of Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Dr. Wahls has transformed the way we view and approach the management of this complex condition.

Facing the challenges of MS firsthand, Dr. Wahls was once confined to a tilt-recline wheelchair for four years. Determined to take control of her health, she embarked on a remarkable journey of self-discovery and pioneered a unique protocol that combined dietary changes, functional medicine, and lifestyle modifications. The result? Dr. Wahls not only restored her own health but is now pedaling her bike to work every day, defying the limitations of her previous condition.

Dr. Wahls’ personal experience has inspired her to share her knowledge and insights with others. Through her books, including “The Wahls Protocol: How I Beat Progressive MS Using Paleo Principles and Functional Medicine,” she has empowered countless individuals to take charge of their health and explore new possibilities for overcoming the symptoms of MS.

By joining the Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmune Summit, you will have the incredible opportunity to learn directly from Dr. Terry Wahls herself. As well as participate in a live Q&A where you’ll be able to ask her questions. Her expertise, backed by rigorous research and clinical experience, will provide you with invaluable insights into reversing MS symptoms, improving your quality of life, and finding hope amid the challenges.

Dr. Wahls’ approach goes beyond traditional treatments, offering a comprehensive perspective that includes nutrition, exercise, stress management, and more. Her protocol has transformed lives, offering a new path for individuals with MS to follow—one that empowers them to regain control over their health and redefine what is possible.

Don’t miss out on the chance to learn from Dr. Terry Wahls and join the Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmune Summit. Together, we can explore groundbreaking research, discover effective strategies, and tap into the power of community to conquer MS and reclaim our lives.

Join the summit and let Dr. Wahls be your guide on this extraordinary journey towards health, empowerment, and a future filled with possibility.

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