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Yes, the Reversing Chronic Gut Conditions Summit is free during the limited 7-day screening…

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The Reversing Chronic Gut Conditions Summit is completely free.
It is also packed with top-quality and engaging information.

You’ll know exactly what to watch next with clear takeaways, essential points, and replays for easy access. It is the invaluable gift of several health-giving strategies.

But with so much valuable information in this 7-day summit, it’s easy to miss the presentations that matter most to you.

DrTalks Premium gives you lifetime access to all 40+ interviews (including videos, audio files, and transcripts) to enjoy at your leisure.

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The Truth Is…

Living with chronic gut conditions can feel like a silent struggle. It’s a battle where the enemy is within, and it can feel like your body has turned against you. The discomfort, the bloating, the pain – it’s not just about digestive trouble. It’s about constant worry over meals, it’s about sleepless nights, it’s about missed gatherings, and canceled plans. But more than anything, it’s about a relentless quest for relief, for normalcy, for a moment’s peace.

Your gut isn’t just an organ, it’s a crucial part of who you are. It’s often called the body’s ‘second brain’, and for good reason. When your gut is out of balance, it can affect everything from your mood to your energy levels, your immunity, and even your long-term health.

The truth is, that chronic gut conditions are not just about digestion. They’re about your lifestyle, your well-being, and your freedom. But remember, you are not alone in this fight.

At the Reversing Chronic Gut Conditions Summit you will find a community that’s with you every step of the way. Because every step you take towards understanding your gut health is a step towards reclaiming control. It’s a step towards regaining your quality of life, and restoring your health.

And that is a journey worth embarking on.

Here are some of the solutions that you’ll learn at Reversing Chronic Gut Conditions Summit :

🟢 Understanding Gluten’s Impact: Unravel the intricate effects of gluten on gut health. Discover how gluten-induced deficiencies can lead to chronic gut symptoms. Learn to devise a nutrition plan that side steps these harmful effects.

🟢 Pesticide Recovery Protocols: Learn how to detoxify, balance, and repair your gastrointestinal (GI) function. Especially after you’ve been exposed to pesticides. Know how to combat pesticide-induced dysbiosis and leaky gut.

🟢 Dealing with Medication Side Effects: Gain insights into the lesser-known side effects of common prescriptions. They might be aggravating your gut conditions. Understand the role of these medications and learn to manage their effects for a healthier gut.

🟢 Unmasking SIBO: Grasp the hidden factors contributing to Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). Understand the downstream health effects of untreated SIBO. Familiarize yourself with ways to overcome obstacles in the healing process.

🟢 Nutrition Management: Develop a deeper understanding of how your diet impacts your gut health. Learn to identify foods that may contribute to gut inflammation or imbalances in gut flora. Adopt dietary changes that foster a healthier gut environment.

🟢 Effective Detoxification: Discover the importance of regular detoxification in maintaining gut health. Especially in the face of exposure to harmful substances such as pesticides. Learn safe and effective detox methods that promote gut health and overall wellbeing.

At the Reversing Chronic Gut Conditions Summit, you’ll learn from 40+ leading experts in fields like nutrition, detoxification, mental health, endocrinology, gastroenterology, and holistic healing, all working towards empowering you with the latest advancements, strategies, and insights in managing and reversing chronic gut conditions.

Unfortunately, each of these presentations will only be available for 24 hours.

Do you want to watch the presentations whenever you want, any day or a week from today? Do you want to know more than you’ll ever expect so you never again compromise on caring for your health?

With DrTalks Premium, you’ll own the ENTIRE SUMMIT – immediately.

Get the toolkit and the help you need so you too ‌can reclaim your life despite ‌your chronic gut diagnosis. Your best days are still ahead of you, and we’re here to help you get there.

what you'll learn at the reversing chronic gut conditions summit

Here are your next steps:

Step 1

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Step 2

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for Life

Step 1

Check Out The Speakers

Learn from these 40+ world-leading experts

Day 1

Sinclair Kennally CNHP CNC 400x400 1

Sinclair Kennally, CNHP, CNC

Parasites: Are They Your Gut's Friend Or Foe?

  • Understand the role of parasites in the gut and their potential benefits or harms
  • Learn about the conditions under which parasites can take over the gut
  • Discover strategies to maintain a balanced gut environment in the presence of toxins
Todd Watts

Todd Watts, DC, PSCD

Get To The Root Of Your Gut Issues

  • Discover the three main root causes of gut issues and understand the implications of SIBO and SIFO
  • Learn the top steps for eliminating these root causes to improve your gut health
  • Understand the role of everyday activities and emotional well-being in achieving optimal health
Dr. Jessica Peatross

Jessica Peatross, MD

Detect Hidden Environmental Factors Of Chronic Gut Issues

  • Uncover the root causes of leaky gut that are often overlooked
  • Understand the concept of ‘sick building syndrome’ and its implications on chronic gut issues
  • Learn the difference between terrain and germ theory and how it matters for gut conditions, along with actionable next steps
Stephanie Seneff

Stephanie Seneff, PhD

The Effect Of Glyphosate On Digestion And Neurology

  • Learn about Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, and its pervasive presence in our food supply
  • Understand how Glyphosate disrupts the gut microbiome, chelates minerals, and interferes with the supply of critical nutrients, leading to health issues
  • Discover how Glyphosate impairs protein metabolism, leading to autoimmune diseases, and hampers the liver’s ability to detoxify toxic exposures
Evan Brand CFMP FNTP

Evan Brand, CFMP, FNTP

Uncover The Link Between Mold And Chronic Gut Issues

  • Discover how mycotoxins contribute to candida and bacterial overgrowth
  • Learn about the influence of gut microbes on neurotransmitters, affecting conditions like chronic fatigue, anxiety, and depression
  • Gain knowledge on treating mold colonization naturally, and understand protocols for mold illness and mast cell activation
David Jockers

David Jockers, DNM, DC, MS

Manage Low Gastric Juices With H. Pylori And Stomach Acid

  • Learn about the interplay between H. pylori, stomach acid, and gut health
  • Understand how gut bugs proliferate when gastric juice levels are low
  • Uncover strategies to manage this delicate balance for improved gut health
Jaban Moore

Jaban Moore, DC

Protect Your Gut From Parasitic Infections

  • Understand the symptoms, causes, and solutions for parasitic infections affecting your gut
  • Gain knowledge from clinical experiences with parasitic infections and co-occurring toxicities
  • Learn practical ways to lower your risk for parasitic infections and maintain a healthy gut
William Pawluk 300x300 1 300x300 1

William Pawluk, MD, MSc

Propel Gut Healing With Your Guide To PEMF Therapy

  • Learn about the powerful connection between PEMFs and gut healing
  • Understand the critical variables in selecting and using a PEMF system
  • Access the necessary resources to support your journey with PEMF therapy
Jennifer Miele

Jennifer Miele

Uncover Light Therapy's Role In Chronic Healing

  • Discover how bioregulatory medicine, root cause medicine, and integrative medicine converge to address chronic gut conditions
  • Understand the transformative potential of light therapy in accelerating healing
  • Learn about often-overlooked tools that can aid in healing chronic and persistent gut conditions

Day 2

Sinclair Kennally CNHP CNC 400x400 1

Sinclair Kennally, CNHP, CNC

Find The Liver Stressors Causing Your Gut Discomfort

  • Discover the link between a sluggish liver and gut dysbiosis
  • Understand how liver stagnation and gallstones can drive gut distress
  • Learn actionable steps to address liver stressors and promote gut comfort
Isaac Eliaz MD

Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc

Recover From Pesticide-Induced Leaky Gut And Dysbiosis

  • Learn the detrimental effects of pesticides on your gut, causing dysbiosis and leaky gut
  • Understand how to detoxify, balance, and repair your gastrointestinal (GI) function after pesticide exposure
  • Gain knowledge about the role of dysbiosis and leaky gut in disease development and overall health
Dr. Amy Myers 1

Amy Myers, MD

Where Are You On The Autoimmune Spectrum?

  • Understand how Candida Overgrowth and SIBO contribute to autoimmunity
  • Recognize the signs, symptoms, and testing procedures for Candida Overgrowth and SIBO
  • Discover a 3-step approach to treating Candida Overgrowth and SIBO effectively
Shivan Sarna​

Shivan Sarna

Everything You Need To Know About SIBO

  • Discover the hidden factors that contribute to Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) in your body
  • Understand the potential downstream health effects when SIBO goes untreated
  • Learn about the obstacles that can hinder the healing process of SIBO and how to overcome them
Spencer Feldman

Spencer Feldman

Cultivate Your Microbiome: Support Your Hidden Ally

  • Understand the roles of probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics in gut health
  • Learn about the significance of biofilm in maintaining a healthy gut
  • Discover the importance of bile beyond just fat digestion
Laura Fronteiro New

Laura Frontiero, FNP-BC

Uncover Your Solution To Your Energy Crisis

  • Discover the missing strategies that can solve your energy crisis
  • Understand the underlying causes of energy depletion and how to address them
  • Learn actionable steps to rejuvenate and maintain optimal energy levels
Sachin Patel

Sachin Patel

How To Heal Consciously By Decoding Gut Health Secrets

  • Debunk prevalent myths surrounding the roots of chronic illnesses and gut-related conditions
  • Learn the transformative journey from merely managing symptoms to truly healing consciously
  • Understand the roadmap to flourishing amidst the widespread epidemic of chronic diseases
Margret Floyd Barry

Margaret Floyd Barry, RWS, NTP, CGP, FNTP

Initiate Healing: Why It Starts With Your Digestion

  • Understand the vital role of digestion in every health condition
  • Recognize the importance of healing the gut, even without overt symptoms
  • Learn the core steps everyone should take for gut healing and the often missed piece of the puzzle

Day 3

Sinclair Kennally CNHP CNC 400x400 1

Sinclair Kennally, CNHP, CNC

Conquer Candida: Why Your Past Cleanse Failed

  • Understand the hidden factors behind persistent Candida and its impact on the gut-brain connection
  • Learn why previous Candida cleanses might have failed
  • Discover effective strategies to address Candida and restore gut health


Repair Your Brain-Immune-Gut Axis For Gut Health

  • Understand the crucial impact of the brain-immune-gut axis on chronic gut conditions
  • Learn about the brain’s connection to chronic digestive issues and immune system dysregulation
  • Discover a roadmap to navigate and heal the brain-immune-gut axis for improved gut health
Navaz Habib

Navaz Habib, DC

Learn How The Vagus Nerve Influences Your Gut Health

  • Learn about the critical role of the vagus nerve in maintaining gut function and controlling inflammation
  • Understand the reasons behind vagus nerve dysfunction
  • Discover tools and exercises to improve your vagus nerve function for optimal gut health
Trudy Scott

Trudy Scott, CN

Use GABA For Anxiety Reduction And Gut Healing

  • Understand the role of low GABA in increasing anxiety and leading to self-medication with alcohol and sugar, contributing to poor gut health
  • Learn about the gut effects of self-medicating with alcohol, sugar, and gluten, and how GABA helps you quit without feeling deprived
  • Discover how GABA can alleviate increased pain, anxiety, and insomnia in conditions like IBS/SIBO
Kiran Krishnan

Kiran Krishnan

Strengthen Your Gut-Brain Axis For Better Mental Health

  • Learn about the enteric nervous system and its neuronal activity which acts as the gut’s brain
  • Discover the role neurotransmitters play in your health and their bidirectional influences on the microbiome
  • Understand how studies are showing the impact of microbiome modulation and specific probiotic strains on the gut-brain axis
Peter Osborne

Peter Osborne, DC

Uncover Your Gut's Reaction To Gluten Sensitivity, Nutrient Deficiencies And Medications

  • Understand the implications of gluten on the effective functioning of your gut
  • Discover how gluten-induced nutritional deficiencies can detrimentally affect your gut health
  • Learn about the role of medications in treating chronic gut symptoms and the lesser-known side effects of common prescriptions
Ari Whitten

Ari Whitten, MS

The Role Of Mitochondria In Persistent Gut Conditions And Chronic Illness

  • Understand why mitochondria and the brain are vital regulators of your energy levels
  • Learn to enhance your mitochondrial health and discover the secret of hormesis
  • Discover how to prevent the loss of up to 75% of your mitochondria as you age

Will Cole, DNM, IFMCP, DC

Unraveling Your Gut Feelings: Decoding The Gut-Brain Connection

  • Grasp the intricate relationship between your mind and body, and how they impact each other
  • Understand the concept of the gut-brain axis and learn ways to support it for optimal health
  • Learn to reconnect with your gut feelings for improved mental and physical well-being

Day 4

Sinclair Kennally CNHP CNC 400x400 1

Sinclair Kennally, CNHP, CNC

EMFs: The Unexpected Player In Gut Health

  • Discover the surprising role of EMFs in gut conditions
  • Understand how your home environment can hinder gut healing
  • Learn easy and actionable tips to mitigate the effects of EMFs on gut health
Elisa Song

Elisa Song, MD

The Impact Of PANS/PANDAS On Your Gut And Brain

  • Gain knowledge about PANS/PANDAS and its fundamental connections to your child’s gut-immune and gut-brain health
  • Learn about the crucial role of the vagus nerve in healing children with PANS/PANDAS
  • Discover the steps for restoring the gut-immune and gut-brain connections in children suffering from PANS/PANDAS
Kelly McCann 2023

Kelly McCann, MD

Does Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Interfere With Your Gut?

  • Understand the impact of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) on your gastrointestinal health
  • Learn about the difference between histamine intolerance, food sensitivities, allergies, and MCAS
  • Explore low histamine diets, supplements, and lifestyle treatment options for MCAS
Beverly Yates ND

Beverly Yates, ND

Debunk Top 5 Myths Impacting Your Gut Health

  • Understand the influence of nutrition on delaying gastric emptying and regulating the release of food from the stomach
  • Discover how sleep impacts appetite and satiety through the control of the hormones Leptin and Ghrelin
  • Learn about the effects of stress on cravings and food choices, the role of exercise in gut health, and the importance of meal timing
Christine Schaffner June 20 New

Christine Schaffner, ND

Discover The Importance Of Your Lymphatics

  • Understand how lymphatic flow impacts your digestive health
  • Familiarize yourself with Dr. Schaffner’s four-pronged EECO System, which addresses each individual’s unique health history, symptoms, and triggers
  • Learn how to create a personalized health journey blueprint specifically designed for you
Kelly Kennedy 300x300 1

Kelly Kennedy

Understand The Role Of Fascia & Lymph In Your Health

  • Gain a brief overview of our lymph and fascial systems and their impact on overall health, including digestion
  • Understand how interference fields affect energy flow and cellular communication, leading to stagnation
  • Learn to support lymph and fascia for improved digestion and flow
Dr. Michelle Perro

Michelle Perro, MD, DHom

The Factors Shaping Your Baby's Gut Microbiome

  • Understand the vital role parents play in shaping a baby’s microbiome
  • Learn about the factors that influence the development of a robust baby’s microbiome
  • Discover the effects of breastmilk and formula feeding on a baby’s microbiome and the steps to optimize it
Deanna Hansen

Deanna Hansen

Perfect Your Posture For Better Gut Health

  • Understand how strengthening your diaphragm is essential for supporting gut health
  • Learn about the interconnectedness of each cell through the fascia system and how distant cause sites need addressing to support the gut
  • Discover how a collapsed ribcage into the core can displace abdominal organs, causing inflammation and leaky gut
Sinclair Kennally CNHP CNC 400x400 1

BioPure / Sinclair Kennally, CNHP, CNC

Unlocking Your Gut Health: The BioPure Difference

  • Learn about the unmatched quality and results of BioPure products in supporting gut health
  • Understand the unique benefits of BioPure’s diverse product range, from herbal teas to suppositories
  • Gather insights on real-life success stories and the transformative impact of BioPure on chronic gut conditions

Day 5

Sinclair Kennally CNHP CNC 400x400 1

Sinclair Kennally, CNHP, CNC

Expose Unexpected Origins Of Your Gut Condition

  • Understand how mold exposure can lead to long-term gut dysfunction
  • Learn about the systemic effects of mold on digestion, hormones, and the immune system
  • Discover simple steps to address mold exposure and promote gut health
Jack Wolfson 1

Jack Wolfson, DO, FACC

Understand The Connection Between Leaky Gut And Your Heart

  • Uncover the connection between gut health and its impact on the cardiovascular system, including conditions like high blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Understand the relationship between inflammation and heart health
  • Learn how gut health can influence risks for heart attack and stroke
Joel Kahn

Joel Kahn, MD, FACC

How Your Gut Influences Heart And Artery Health

  • Understand how food, as pro or anti-inflammatory, impacts heart and artery health
  • Learn how certain foods lead to the production of toxic TMAO in the blood, affecting arteries, kidneys, and other organs
  • Discover why a plant-based diet is optimal for both heart and gut health
Sharon Stills

Sharon Stills, ND

Enhance Reproductive Health Through Female Hormones

  • Understand the connection between reproductive health and female hormones
  • Learn how hormone balance can affect overall health and wellness
  • Discover strategies to enhance reproductive health through hormone regulation
Kelly Halderman

Kelly Halderman, MD

The Thyroid-Gut Link: Digestion's Dual Impact

  • Understand the intricate connection between thyroid health and digestive conditions
  • Learn how digestive issues can influence thyroid health and vice versa
  • Discover strategies to balance both thyroid and gut health for optimal well-being
jessica drummond

Jessica Drummond, DCN, CNS, PT, NBC-HWC

Endometriosis: How It Relates To Your Gut Health

  • Understand the three main root causes behind the surge in gut issues
  • Learn the essential steps to address and remove these root causes effectively
  • Gather insights into what both allopathic and functional medicine often overlook in treating gut conditions
Kevin Ellis 400x400 1

Kevin Ellis

The Intersection Of Your Gut And Bone Health

  • Recognize the early warning signs of celiac disease and its impact on bone health
  • Understand the cascading effects of unchecked gut issues on bone health
  • Discover actionable steps to ensure long-term bone health


Dr. Elena Villanueva

Dr. Elena Villanueva

Discover Root Causes Of Chronic Conditions

  • Understand the most common root causes of chronic conditions
  • Learn how these root causes interplay and influence overall health
  • Discover strategies to piece together the puzzle of chronic conditions for better health outcomes


Day 6

Sinclair Kennally CNHP CNC 400x400 1

Sinclair Kennally, CNHP, CNC

Food Filters: Find The Right Guide For Your Diet

  • Discover the importance of choosing the right food filter for your unique needs
  • Understand that even healthy foods can contain irritants that affect gut health
  • Learn how to identify and select the best dietary guide for optimal gut health
Lisa Jendza

Lisa Jendza

Learn True Prevention Techniques For Your Kids

  • Understand the implications of convenience foods on children’s long-term health
  • Learn the effects of using food as a reward or punishment and the importance of critical thinking in children
  • Discover how to empower children to make healthy choices that positively influence their future
Trina Felber 1

Trina Felber

Improve Your Gut Health: Unveil The Impact Of Oral Hygiene

  • Unearth the connection between gum disease and heart disease, highlighting the importance of oral hygiene
  • Discover how common toothpaste ingredients and mouthwash can disrupt your gut balance
  • Familiarize yourself with the benefits of nitric oxide production and light therapy for oral health
Dr. Maya Shetreat 1

Maya Shetreat, MD

Discover The Relationship Between Terrain And Gut Health

  • Uncover hidden stressors that significantly impact your gut health
  • Delve into the potent healing properties of master plants for digestive wellness
  • Learn to address and resolve chronic gut conditions by targeting their root causes
Cynthia Thurlow

Cynthia Thurlow, NP

Learn How Intermittent Fasting Boosts Your Gut Health

  • Learn the transformative effects of intermittent fasting on your metabolic health
  • Understand the paramount importance of nutrition and lifestyle in maintaining optimal gut health
  • Discover how intermittent fasting influences crucial health markers like blood sugar levels, cognitive abilities, and immune responses
Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill

How To Achieve Holistic Well-Being In Your Midlife

  • Engage with Natalie’s inspiring journey towards healing intricate gut issues
  • Understand that true gut health transcends mere symptom treatment, focusing on holistic well-being
  • Discover the limitations of standard medical tests in detecting underlying health challenges
Wendie Trubow MD MBA 2023

Wendie Trubow, MD, MBA, IFMCP

Toxins: Learn Why Your Gut Can't Bear Them

  • Learn about the profound impact of toxins on the gut
  • Understand the common sources of toxin exposure in daily life
  • Discover actionable steps to minimize your exposure and protect your gut


Amish Shah

Amish Shah

Heal Celiac Disease With The Wisdom Of Ayurveda

  • Discover the secrets of Ayurveda in managing and healing celiac disease
  • Grasp the power of Ayurvedic nutrition in reversing chronic gut conditions
  • Learn holistic Ayurvedic techniques for achieving a balanced, healthy gut
Catherine Arnston

Catharine Arnston

Unearth How Algae Can Improve Your Gut Health

  • Discover how nutrient-dense algae can transform your gut health
  • Learn how algae could improve your immune system health
  • Understand that algae can increase your energy

Day 7

Sinclair Kennally CNHP CNC 400x400 1

Sinclair Kennally, CNHP, CNC

Enemas: Your Guide To At-Home Therapy

  • Discover the therapeutic benefits of coffee enemas for digestion
  • Learn the proper techniques for performing coffee enemas at home
  • Understand the science behind enemas and their role in promoting gut health
Reed Davis

Reed Davis, HHP, CNT

Get The Right Tools To Solve Health Problems

  • Gain insights into Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN) and its role in metabolic health and wellness
  • Understand a unique perspective on resolving chronic gut conditions by addressing their root causes
  • Learn that symptoms aren’t the problem, but the result of the problem, and discover how to find and address the root cause


Alex Howard 300x300 1

Alex Howard

How Emotional Trauma Affects Your Digestion

  • Grasp the concept of maladaptive stress response and its impact on your health
  • Learn why resetting the nervous system is pivotal to digestive healing
  • Understand the RESET framework for recovery from emotional trauma and improved digestion
Kent Holtorf 1 300x300 1

Kent Holtorf, MD

Are Peptides Your Answer To Gut Disorders?

  • Understand how immune dysfunction, specifically a Th1/Treg to Th2/Th17 shift, is a key driver of gut disorders
  • Learn what peptides are, their mechanism of action, and their effectiveness in various conditions
  • Discover the comprehensive benefits of peptides across a range of conditions, from mast cell activation to gut-brain access


Step 2

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Regular Price: $394
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You’re also getting these bonuses FREE


Why Restoring Your Gallbladder May Be The Secret To Optimizing Gut Health

By Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS
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<p>In this guidebook, we will connect the dots between the gallbladder and liver, bile, metabolism, weight gain, and hormone dysfunction.</p>

Boosting Immunity Through Gut Health Heal Your Gut Boost Immunity Get Your Life Back

Boosting Immunity Through Gut Health Heal Your Gut, Boost Immunity, & Get Your Life Back!

By Shivan Sarna
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<p>This 20+ page guide is packed with information on SIBO, IBS, and leaky gut including a symptom checklist, quick tips for symptomatic relief, and the top 10 foods to avoid to start feeling better right away (plus much more!). Download it and start feeling better today!</p>

Leaky Gut Solutions Guide

Dr. Osborne's Leaky Gut Solutions Guide

By Peter Osborne, DC
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<p>Are you scared of food? Are you struggling because you’ve tried every diet and nothing is working? Don’t be.</p> <p>Drawing from Dr. Osborne’s bestselling book ‘No Grain No Pain’, and covering 15 years of proven protocols, the LEAKY GUT SOLUTIONS GUIDE (e-book and video) will give you the blueprint you have been looking for to break free of autoimmune pain!</p>

Get a Flat Belly and Reduce the BLOAT in Midlife

Get a Flat Belly and Reduce the BLOAT in Midlife

By Natalie Jill
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<p>A guide made for women in their 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond who want better HEALTH, more ENERGY, and a FLATTER stomach with LESS BLOAT so they can wear the clothes they want to wear, and feel vibrant and energetic enough to get through their day! Tips, tricks, and secrets to living your best life, midlife.</p>

Intermittent Fasting Guide

Intermittent Fasting Quick Start Guide

By Cynthia Thurlow, NP
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<p>Welcome to the amazing world of IF — also known as intermittent fasting! Whether you’re brand new to the concept of fasting, or you’re ready to take it to the next level, you’re in the right place.</p> <p>I’m betting you’d rather avoid falling into the trap of “this is just the way things are” mindset of aging. If your goal is to live a healthy and happy life into your 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond. I applaud you! Downloading this guide is a great first step in taking charge of your own health and living life on your own terms.</p>

Quick Reference Guide to Symptoms and Correlated Markers on the GI MAP

The 5 Essentials for Digestive Healing: A Quick Reference Guide to Symptoms and Correlated Markers on the GI-MAP

By Margaret Floyd Barry, RWS, NTP, CGP, FNTP
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<p>Tired of struggling with digestive issues and not finding a solution for yourself or your clients? We understand how frustrating and debilitating it can be. That’s why we’ve created this quick reference guide to help you get started on your journey to digestive healing.</p> <p>In it you’ll learn:</p> <ul> <li>The 5 Essential Considerations for full digestive healing</li> <li>Common symptom presentations to watch out for</li> <li>Correlated lab markers on the GI-MAP stool test</li> <li>Therapeutic considerations for each type of dysfunction</li> </ul> <p>Download now to begin the healing journey!</p>

4 Ways to Detox from Your Glymphatic System

4 Ways to Detox Your Glymphatic System For More Energy and Focus

By Christine Schaffner, ND
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<p>Your glymphatic system is an important waste clearance system for your body. Our brain uses this system to drain the toxins away while we sleep. Each night, during deep sleep, the brain shrinks and gets washed with cerebrospinal fluid, and this waste is carried through the glymphatic system and gets moved into the peripheral lymph. Learn through step by step, the 4 ways that you can detox your glymphatic system and gain more energy with Dr. Christine Schaffner.</p>

Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Managing Leaky Heart Syndrome

Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Managing Leaky Heart Syndrome

By Jack Wolfson, DO, FACC
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<p>In this eBook you will learn:</p> <ul> <li>What leaky heart is</li> <li>How leaky heart impacts your health</li> <li>The causes of leaky heart</li> <li>What to eat for a healthy heart</li> <li>Lifestyle practices for a healthy heart</li> <li>Treatment options if you have leaky heart disease</li> </ul>

3 Secrets To Stronger Bones eBook

3 Little Known Secrets To Build Stronger Bones

By Kevin Ellis
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<p>Worried about fractures as you age? Build stronger bones and prevent fracture and injury with the 3 Little Known Secrets To Build Stronger Bones eBook today! Presented by BoneCoach™ Kevin Ellis. Reviewed by medical doctors and our team of credentialed experts. Get confident in your stronger bones plan today.</p>

Natures Secret Code To A Slim Youthful Healthy Body

Nature's Secret Code To A Slim, Healthy, Youthful Body (Without Dieting)

By Amish Shah
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<p>An informative guide to achieve optimal physical and mental wellbeing by incorporating Ayurvedic principles and daily practices.</p>

DIY Gut Flush

DIY Gut Flush

By Sinclair Kennally, CNHP, CNC
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<p>A Gut Problem is a Liver Problem… and Vice Versa. The health of our gut and liver are intricately interconnected. When one layer becomes congested, other organs and body systems can experience pressure, stagnation, and chronic symptoms. A main question we should ask ourselves about chronic gut conditions is: What has changed in the last few decades? Why are we so sick? In 1960 only 4% of the population had a chronic illness as compared to now, we have over 54% of the population with one. If you dive deeper into the statistics on the liver, there are 25% of Americans that have fatty liver disease. 61% of Americans have had serious chronic digestive issues within the last 7 days. And surprisingly, these can come from liver and gallbladder congestion. And gut and liver problems lead to lymph distress. When the body becomes burned by trauma, pathogens, environmental toxins, or other root causes, lymph flow can slow down and become stagnant. The gut microbiome can be disrupted. Use this guide to learn how a gut flush can help restore the body to the vibrancy you deserve!</p>

Gut Detox Supplements Guide

Gut Detox Supplements Guide

By Sinclair Kennally, CNHP, CNC
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<p>As someone who used to have serious GI issues and gut distress, this topic is near and dear to my heart! It took years of research, trial, and error to discover how to heal my own gut. Now these support strategies are a central part of our practice, where we specialize in helping people with chronic illness and digestive issues to recover their health. In this era of daily chemical exposure, we all have to take care of our guts and account for the environmental stressors, parasites, and toxins. I hope these tips help you navigate your own health journey!</p>

Stay in the Flow of Life E Book

Stay in the Flow of Life

By Kelly Kennedy
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<p>In order to truly get the lessons of lymphatics you must understand the paradigm of FLOW; Fascia Lymph Overall Wellness, as it applies to full-body wellness. Understanding the amazing network of ecosystems that we know as the HUMAN BEING requires deep understanding of the sciences including biology, chemistry, physics, quantum physics, microbiology, genetics, physiology of emotions, vibrational medicine, anatomy and physiology just to name a few! In this mini E-book, Kelly Kennedy (aka “Lymph Queen”) discusses the role of the lymphatic system on whole-body health in an easily-digestible way and provides you with 10-ways to ensure you keep yours FLOWING.</p>

Mold and Mycotoxin Solutions 1

A Guide Mold and Mycotoxin Solutions

By Evan Brand, CFMP, FNTP
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<p>Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition and Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Evan Brand, suffered his own mold struggles and knows how confusing it is to find the right tests to run on your house and your body. This starter kit will show you what tests you should be running, what supplements you can consider if you’re dealing with mold and mycotoxin illness, and how you may be able to improve the health of your living environment using botanical oils. Take back your health confidently from an experienced provider.</p>

Simple Tasty Recipes for Diabetes to Boost Energy and Fight Inflammation Recipe

Simple Tasty Recipes for Diabetes to Boost Energy and Fight Inflammation

By Beverly Yates, ND
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<p>This eBook offers Simple Tasty Recipes for Diabetes to Boost Energy and Fight Inflammation. The recipes are all delicious, simple, gluten-free, and dairy-free.</p>

Dirty Girl Toxin Free Living Guide

Dirty Girl Toxin-Free Living Guide

By Wendie Trubow, MD, MBA, IFMCP
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<p>We’re standing under a waterfall of more than 100,000 potentially dangerous chemicals in our daily lives, and more are added to the list every day. No wonder cancer and other life-threatening diseases are escalating – they are a direct reflection of our environment.</p> <p>This step-by-step guide will help you protect yourself and your family. Through it, you will not only find out about the chemicals in your food and the consumer products that make you sick, but also learn how to avoid them and transform your health for good.</p>

Histamine Conscious Food List

Histamine Conscious Food List

By Kelly McCann, MD
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<p><span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"Looking for an easy to read list of foods to incorporate and foods to avoid? Download my free Histamine Conscious Food List"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":4995,"3":{"1":0},"4":{"1":2,"2":14281427},"10":2,"11":3,"12":0,"15":"Arial"}">Looking for an easy to read list of foods to incorporate and foods to avoid? Download my free Histamine Conscious Food List</span></p>

How Do I Know If I Have Parasites copy

How Do I Know If I Have Parasites?

By Jaban Moore, DC
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<p>Learn to recognize and understand parasitic infections! With clear explanations and practical self-assessment tools, this book helps identify symptoms and encourages early detection and proactive prevention. An indispensable resource for taking charge of your health and well-being!</p>

How to Use Amino Acids like GABA

How to Use Amino Acids like GABA and Tryptophan to End Sugar Cravings and Ease Anxiety

By Trudy Scott, CN
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<p>Food Mood expert, Trudy Scott, covers how the targeted individual amino acids such as GABA, tryptophan, DPA, glutamine and tyrosine can be used to end carb, sugar, gluten and alcohol cravings (with no feelings of deprivation) and also ease anxiety and panic attacks quickly. Results are illustrated with powerful case studies. Be sure to listen to Trudy’s interview with Sinclair where she discusses how low GABA can drive self-medication with alcohol, can also prevent cravings/addiction and heal the damaged gut.</p>

Coffee Enema Guide

Coffee Enema Guide

By Sinclair Kennally, CNHP, CNC
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<p>For people working on resolving chronic digestive and health issues, enemas can be an essential supportive tool for symptom relief. They can also aid in administering nutrition and supplements when digestion absorption has been compromised. Enemas can be considered an alternate delivery pathway for important protocol support. For example, a sensitive client may have initial difficulty tolerating a supplement when taken orally, but they can still experience the benefits of the supplement when added to an enema instead. The options included in this pdf are recipes that we have used personally and in our practice. In many cases our clients created them and reported significant improvements as they used these tools on the path to health. Cheers to a happy and healthy liver and drainage pathways!</p>

The Full Moon Parasite Cleanse Protocol

The Full Moon Parasite Cleanse Protocol

By David Jockers, DNM, DC, MS
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<p>The phases of the moon influence the activity of many biological organisms. Parasites and other microorganisms are thought to increase in activity around the full moon phase. This image-rich and easy to read, 49 page PDF will discuss what parasites are, how they impact our body and how to do a full moon parasite protocol to cleanse these organisms from our body.</p>

The Role of Fascia in Reversing Chronic Gut

The Role of Fascia in Reversing Chronic Gut Health Conditions

By Deanna Hansen
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<p>Supporting your fascia system is key to supporting gut health lifelong. Your fascia system is one of the most underutilized ways to ensure cell health, mobility, and a cascade of longevity benefits beyond gut health that include size, shape, posture, pain relief, mood regulation, brain health, and more. Learn fascia decompression techniques to open flow and take proper care of your fascia to support your gut and overall health.</p>

Pain As Your Sacred Messenger

Pain As Your Sacred Messenger During Your Meno(Pause) Journey

By Sharon Stills, ND
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<p>There are so many different types of pain… emotional pain, mental pain, physical pain, even toxic pain. And so, pain is part of the human experience, and in it is the opportunity to grow from that pain – emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Download this ebook to discover proven naturopathic tools, assessments + approaches to address and welcome the sacred messages of chronic pain.</p>

Eating For Energy A Complete Guide To Simplify Mealtime copy

Eating For Energy, A Complete Guide

By Laura Frontiero, FNP-BC
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<p>A complete guide to eating food that restores your body while boosting energy and brainpower.</p>

5 Step Strategy for Better Gut Function

5-Step Strategy for Better Gut Function + 15% Sitewide Discount from BioPure

By BioPure
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<p>Discover why this 5-step strategy is key for enhancing gut function and optimizing your gastrointestinal microbiome. This program is ideal for overcoming setbacks from exposure to mold, mycotoxins, environmental toxins, and imbalanced microbes. Start building a solid foundation for any wellness protocol and save 15% sitewide at</p>

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Patient Success Stories


“So glad I found this summit. Sinclair is a wealth of knowledge and has already taught me so much.

The presentations are full of information that is truly mind boggling. Can’t stop listening.”



“I wish I stumbled upon this incredible summit sooner, but I'm so happy to binge on it. It’s jam-packed and full of health insights with real live stories. Why binge on it? Because you’ll get tidbits to make small steps to improve your health.

You may think I don’t have Mold, Parasites or think my gut health (bloating, food sensitivities) is not that bad- trust me this Summit will blow your mind and give you real tips to get on & stay on the path to true health!”



“This summit changed my life. It sometimes feels so overwhelming to think about how so much of our world today is toxic.

But listening to Sinclair break it down and calmly explain things and offer solutions/ideas/mitigations makes it feel so much more manageable. She is funny and relatable but also clearly brilliant! I really appreciate her approach. Usually she offers ideas for bare minimum solutions all the way up to full caliber, so you feel like you can easily take small steps to get there.”



“I was exposed to Sinclair on a summit several years ago and really found a person I can trust, believe and follow with a sense of safety, impeccable knowledge, and exceptional empathy! She brings her quirky sense of humor with a Rockstar passion to support people where they’re at.

Her podcast topics are spot on, and her approach is very doable for the weary health warrior, who just wants to feel better and get to the root of their issues. As a certified regenerative health coach myself, I rely on Sinclair to be able to spread her message and help my clients. Bravo Sinclair, keep it up!”



“Working with Sinclair helped bring me back from the brink when years of doctor/specialist visits failed to even detect anything physically wrong with me, let alone treat me.

They are a true wealth of knowledge in an industry (alternative medicine) flooded with misinformation. To be clear, if I am sick I will go to a doctor. If I want to be well, I’ll listen to Sinclair.”



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