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Reverse Inflammaging Body and Mind Longevity Medicine Summit!

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Relish in Your Best Years With an Extended Healthspan

Chronic inflammatory diseases, such as cancer, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, can shorten not just your lifespan, but also your healthspan.

They’re thieves that not only steal your time on this earth, but also the quality of the life you have left.

But that doesn’t have to be the case. 

You have the power to take control of your health and address the root cause of these diseases – inflammaging.

Imagine waking up each morning with vitality and energy, spending the golden years of your life happily with the people you value most. 

You deserve nothing less than to live in good health for as long as possible.

At the Reverse Inflammaging Body and Mind Longevity Medicine Summit, discover actionable strategies and tools to reverse chronic conditions and improve health and longevity. You’ll understand how the mind, stress, and emotions affect physical health and you’ll have the toolkit to make the necessary adjustments to boost your healthspan and lifespan.

With 50+ insightful interviews, this summit is your roadmap to living the best years of your life with the people you value most. Each presentation is packed with key insights and actionable next steps to help you improve your wellbeing.

And here’s the best part: the summit is free for seven days! You’ll have access to the entire event, giving you the chance to watch all the talks and absorb the groundbreaking insights throughout the week.

But remember, each presentation will only be available for 24 hours. If you miss it, it’s gone.

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Learn from these 50+ world-leading experts


Robert Lufkin, MD and Dr. Stephen Sideroff
Robert Lufkin, MD and Dr. Stephen Sideroff
Inflammaging and The Mind/Body Approach
  • What is Inflammaging?
  • The importance of integrating mind and body perspectives
  • Motivation for this summit
Mark Hyman, MD
Mark Hyman, MD
Young Forever: the Emerging Sciences of Longevity
  • The Hallmarks of Aging
  • Biological vs. Chronological Age
  • The Root Causes of the Hallmarks of Aging
Dr. Kelly Halderman
Dr. Kelly Halderman
9 Hallmarks of Aging
  • Pathogenesis of inflammaging
  • Selective antioxidants
  • The 9 hallmarks of Aging
Peter Diamandis, MD
Peter Diamandis, MD
The Future of Longevity
  • The longevity mindset
  • The use of technology in promoting longevity
  • The basics are still most important
Robert H. Lustig, MD, MSL
Robert H. Lustig, MD, MSL
Sugar: Metabolic Dysfunction
  • Fructose leads to de novo lipogenesis and oxidative stress
  • Fructose alters the gut microbiome leading to inflammation
  • Sugar reduction reverses metabolic syndrome, without changes in calories or weight
Aubrey de Grey, PhD
Aubrey de Grey, PhD
Rejuvenation Biotechnology To Reverse Inflammaging
  • Inflammaging is the maladaptive, misdirected activation of a normally desirable process
  • Indiscriminate dampening of inflammation is therefore a very imperfect a solution
  • The best solution is to remove the inappropriate target: amyloid, oxidised cholesterol, etc
Eric D. Gordon, MD
Eric D. Gordon, MD
Aging is Another Chronic Illness
  • Cell Danger Response as a roadmap to understand chronic inflammation
  • Cell senescenes in relation to Cell Danger Response
  • The mistaken differences between functional illness and pathological illness
Rakesh M. Suri, MD, DPhil
Rakesh M. Suri, MD, DPhil
Challenges Ahead: Longevity and Inflammaging
  • Challenges of our current health model
  • Value of annual precision diagnostics


Dr. Stephen Sideroff
Dr. Stephen Sideroff
The Power of the Mind in Healing and Longevity
  • Your beliefs are powerful tools for healing
  • Neuroplasticity
  • The importance of self-regulation
Bruce H. Lipton, PhD
Bruce H. Lipton, PhD
The Biology Of Belief - Empowering Lessons
  • Environment, not genes, is the primary determiner of your destiny
  • When you embrace life your body produces more telomerase, the telomere protector
  • 1% of disease comes from genes, 90% comes from stress
Dr Joe Dispenza
Dr Joe Dispenza
The healing power of the mind
  • How meditation effects the brain and body
  • A practical formula for transforming one’s life
  • Results of research on biofeedback and other approaches to self-regulation and optimal functioning
Ari Whitten, MS
Ari Whitten, MS
Beat Fatigue, Supercharge Mitochondria and Unlock All-day Energy
  • Why mitochondria and the brain are the two key regulators of energy
  • How to enhance mitochondrial health
  • The secret and benefits of hormesis
Austin Perlmutter, MD
Austin Perlmutter, MD
Neuroinflammation & What To Do About It?
  • What is neuroinflammation?
  • 5 major lifestyle variables linked to neuroinflammation
  • Interventions to lower neuroinflammation
  • What are microglial cells and why are they so important to this conversation?
James Strole
James Strole
Immortality is in all of us
  • What is significance of the immortal germline? 
  • What is your perspective on the trauma of death and why is it important?
  • The power of togetherness to advance super longevity
Jeffrey Becker, MD
Jeffrey Becker, MD
Unlock the Promise of Brain-Mind-Soul Medicine
  • Psychiatry ceded brain and soul In the name of medication management
  • Mental health needs to address all layers of the human being: Soul, Mind and Brain
  • How mind and mental health impact aging and longevity
  • How ketamine and other psychedelic medicine offers new elevated tools to help with mental disorders
Daniel F. Kelly, MD
Daniel F. Kelly, MD
Neuroplasticity: Psychedelics and Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy
  • The paradigm shift with Psychedelic-assisted therapy
  • The evidence for psychedelics as neuroplastigens
  • Results of clinical trials using psychedelics for mental health
Stephen Porges, PhD
Stephen Porges, PhD
Trauma and the Polyvagal Theory
  • What is the Polyvagal Theory?
  • Explain the nervous system process of social engagement and its evolution and role in self-regulation
  • How do deficits in this system cause several mental and physical disorders
  • Discuss the importance of a sense of safety for self-regulation and reducing inflammation
  • What is your “safe and sound” protocol?


Robert Lufkin, MD
Robert Lufkin, MD
How Nutrition Drives Inflammaging
  • When we eat is important
  • Junk Food Genocide
  • Food Order Matters
Dr. Andy Manganaro
Dr. Andy Manganaro
The power of preventive health screening
  • Preventive screenings are a vital way to take control of your health
  • For many people who have a stroke or heart attack  there were no symptoms leading up to the event
  • Screenings can detect early disease before symptoms  so you can take action
Tim Peterson, PhD
Tim Peterson, PhD
The Science & Economics Of Infectious Disease And Aging
  • Infectious disease is an underappreciated aspect of longevity
  • Aging is a multi-hit disease (e.g., many pathogens over our lifetime), therefore we need therapies that combat the multiple insults
  • VitaDAO. a new longevity research funding mechanism
Emeran Mayer, MD
Emeran Mayer, MD
Your Microbiome: The Gut-Brain Axis and Longevity
  • The brain, the gut and the immune system form a system that is essential for homeostasis
  • The gut microbiome mediates between dietary and psychosocial influences
  • The central role of the brain gut immune system in health and disease is reflected in the saying “all diseases start in the gut"
Joel Kahn, MD, FACC
Joel Kahn, MD, FACC
How To Reverse Inflammation and Heal From Heart Disease
  • Inflammation is a root cause of heart disease
  • Inflammation can be reversed with intensive lifestyle measures
  • Heart disease is reversible with intensive lifestyle measures
Kamyar M. Hedayat, MD
Kamyar M. Hedayat, MD
Preventing Alzheimer's Dementia With Functional Lab Testing
  • Pre-Alzheimer's dementia can be treated before dementia sets in
  • Functional lab testing can identify the major factors that lead to dementia: inflammation. amyloid plaques and feelings of loneliness
  • For Alzheimer's dementia, the specific supports need to be identified for each person. A one-size fits all will not work
Dale Bredesen, MD
Dale Bredesen, MD
Why Alzheimer's Is Becoming Optional
  • A new model of Alzheimer's disease and a novel approach to treatment
  • The Subtypes of Alzheimer's disease
  • New trial showing improvement in cognition (not just slowing of decline) in 84% of patients with Alzheimer's or pre-Alzheimer's
Heather Sandison, ND
Heather Sandison, ND
Reverse Alzheimer's and Delay Dementia
  • Alzheimer’s disease and inflammation
  • Ketogenic nutrition and Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Multi-factorial treatment approaches
Christopher M. Palmer, MD
Christopher M. Palmer, MD
Brain Energy: The metabolic theory of mental illness
  • Mental disorders are metabolic disorders of the brain
  • Trauma, stress, and adverse childhood events can have a significant impact on mental and metabolic health
  • Metabolic treatments can play a powerful role in the treatment of mental disorders


Dr. Stephen Sideroff
Dr. Stephen Sideroff
Measurement of Health and Aging
  • New approaches to measuring longevity
  • The role of the microbiome
  • Emerging technologies
Ryan Smith
Ryan Smith
DNA Methylation To Measure Biological Age
  • What is an epigenetic clock and what is its history?
  • How can epigenetic clocks be helpful in looking at Inflammaging?
  • What is DNA methylation?
Gordan Lauc, PhD
Gordan Lauc, PhD
Glycans as Biomarkers On Ageing and Disease
  • What are glycans? 
  • How do they relate to ageing?
  • Can we change our glycans?
Alex Zhavoronkov, PhD
Alex Zhavoronkov, PhD
AI & Your Biological Clock
  • Explain the different types of biological clocks
  • How is artificial intelligence aiding in the study of longevity?
  • Describe some breakthroughs in this area
Michael Dubrovsky
Michael Dubrovsky
Emerging Technology: At-Home Blood Testing
  • Why track biomarkers?
  • What are the typical markers you measure?
  • What is a silicon hotonic biosensor?
Kashif Khan
Kashif Khan
Your Individualized Risk Assessed By Your DNA
  • How does DNA inform about risks for inflammation?
  • How Kashif used functional genomics personal genetic risks
  • What are the greatest genetic drivers of illness to be tested for?
Danny Grannick
Danny Grannick
Good Health & Your Oral Microbiome
  • Oral inflammatory disease is associated with chronic systemic diseases
  • The oral microbiome dysbiosis leads to disease and ultimately aging as well
  • Steps to improve the oral microbiome


Robert Lufkin, MD
Robert Lufkin, MD
Exercise and Sleep to Reverse Inflammaging
  • Accountability is Key
  • Physical and Mental Exercise are Vital
  • Both Sleep Quantity and Quality Matter
Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc
Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc
The Survival Paradox and Its effect on Inflammaging
  • The survival paradox works via its protein, galectin-3
  • How galectin-3 fuels inflammation, fibrosis, and inflammaging
  • How to address inflammaging upstream at the source
David Perlmutter, MD, FACN
David Perlmutter, MD, FACN
Diet and Inflammaging: Beyond Gluten and Sugar
  • How Sugar Drives Inflammaging
  • It’s not only the gluten in grain that is a problem
  • Inflammation and Chronic Disease
Joseph Antoun, MD, PhD, MPP
Joseph Antoun, MD, PhD, MPP
Fasting & Fasting Nutrition For Healthy Aging
  • How fasting impacts metabolism and cells
  • How fasting is a healthy aging and longevity intervention
  • How to incorporate fasting into our lifestyles
Megan Ramos
Megan Ramos
Intermittent Fasting for Type 2 Diabetes Reversal
  • Type 2 diabetes is a disease of too much insulin and inflammation
  • How insulin resistance can be reversed
  • How to fast in order to reverse type 2 diabetes
Kara Fitzgerald, ND, IFMCP
Kara Fitzgerald, ND, IFMCP
Biological Age: A Younger You
  • 3 reasons why your genes don't dictate your fate
  • 6 foods to eat to lower your biological age
  • Lifestyle changes to make now to reduce your bio age by over three years in a matter of weeks
Lori Shemek, PhD, CNC
Lori Shemek, PhD, CNC
Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition Strategies
  • What are the Forms of Inflammation and Its Role in Longevity and Health
  • How Diet Plays a Critical Role in Protection From Chronic Inflammation and Inflammaging
  • What Supplements Help to Protect Against Inflammaging
Tina Woods, MBA
Tina Woods, MBA
A vision for quantum healthy longevity
  • What is the UK National Innovation Centre for Ageing
  • The blueprint for a 'Healthy Longevity Innovation Mission'
  • How creativity, emotional intelligence, compassion, & altruism affect longevity


Dr. Stephen Sideroff
Dr. Stephen Sideroff
Supplements To Enhance Your Health
  • The many approaches to addressing biochemical deficits in the body
  • Keeping toxins out of the body
Sandra Kaufmann, MD
Sandra Kaufmann, MD
Kaufmann Program: 7 Tenets of Cellular Ageing
  • The seven tenets of cellular aging
  • What role does stress and the mind play in aging?
  • How to make supplement choices
  • How do you create a personalized longevity protocol
Joseph Mercola, DO
Joseph Mercola, DO
A Deep Dive Into Inflammation & Heart Disease
  • Intensive lifestyle measures can reverse heart disease
  • What makes Omega-6 fats so deleterious to mitochondrial health
  • The benefits of sunlight exposure instead of supplements for vitamin D
Catharine Arnston
Catharine Arnston
The Healing Energy Benefits of Algae
  • What are the different nutrient profiles of algae and their healing benefits? 
  • How does algae help support mitochondria health and reduce inflammation?
  • The scientific research supporting algae benefits
Kevin Ellis
Kevin Ellis
Inflammation x Bone: How To Protect Against Osteoporosis
  • What causes osteoporosis?
  • What is the connection between inflammation and bone loss?
  • What is the connection between gut health and bone health?
  • What are best approaches to prevent or recover from Osteoporosis?
Nathan S. Bryan, PhD
Nathan S. Bryan, PhD
Nitric Oxide: The Longevity Molecule
  • What is Nitric Oxide?
  • How is it involved in longevity?
  • How Nitric Oxide regulates mitochondrial function and telomere length
Brian Vaszily
Brian Vaszily
How to Prevent Common & Dangerous Toxins
  • The worst source of toxins that even many "health conscious" people are still feeding their bodies daily -- cosmetics and personal care products
  • Women use an average of 12 personal care/cosmetics daily, which contain an average of 168 different chemicals
  • The physical, emotional and mental dangers associated with cosmetic use
Andrew Salisbury
Andrew Salisbury
Can you drink coffee for your health?
  • Coffee contains high levels of antioxidants
  • Discussion of research showing reduced risk of heart disease with regular coffee consumption
  • Link between coffee and brain health


Robert Lufkin, MD
Robert Lufkin, MD
Reducing Stress to Fight Inflammaging
  • Stress is how we react to events
  • Breathing tools 
  • Mindfulness and Meditation
Nir Barzilai, MD
Nir Barzilai, MD
Delay Aging and Protect Against Age-Related Diseases
  • Inflammatory proteins are biomarkers for aging
  • Gerothrapeutics can change inflammatory biomarkers
  • Inflammaging is a hallmark of aging that should be targeted
Matt Kaeberlein, PhD
Matt Kaeberlein, PhD
Targeting biological aging with rapamycin
  • Background on mTOR biology and rapamycin mechanism of action
  • Evidence that mTOR inhibition with rapamycin is an effective strategy for increasing lifespan and healthspan
  • Rapamycin for effects on lifespan and healthspan in companion dogs
Sajad Zalzala, MD
Sajad Zalzala, MD
Real-world Data of Longevity Focused Therapies
  • Data from patients using therapies such as metformin, LDN, NAD+, and rapamycin
  • Efforts to make longevity as accessible as possible
  • Updates on clinical trials
William Pawluk, MD, MSc
William Pawluk, MD, MSc
Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields and Longevity
  • What is EMF?
  • The differences when it comes to PEMFs and EMFs?
  • How do PEMFs reduce inflammation?
Joseph Peter Errico
Joseph Peter Errico
Inflammaging: Your Nervous System & Innate Immune Cells
  • What is the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway?
  • The role of the vagus nerve and aging
  • The importance of the macrophage
Irina Conboy, PhD
Irina Conboy, PhD
Reversing biological age with plasma dilution
  • Mechanism of plasma dilution
  • Plasma dilution results in animal studies
  • Clinical plasma dilution findings
Elizabeth (Liz) Parrish, MBA
Elizabeth (Liz) Parrish, MBA
Gene Therapy to Treat Biological Aging
  • Aging is a disease
  • Gene therapy to treat aging
  • CMV gene therapy delivery systems

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