Welcome to the
Trauma To Transcendence Summit

When you register for free today, you’re also getting instant FREE access to several registration bonuses as a gift from our Summit speakers.

Affiliate Promotion startsAugust 20, 2024

Summit DateSeptember 3-9, 2024

Welcome to the
Trauma To Transcendence Summit

When you register for free today, you’re also getting instant FREE access to several registration bonuses as a gift from our Summit speakers.


Join us this September 2024 for an unprecedented journey from Trauma to Transcendence, where groundbreaking research meets the wisdom of top experts in neuroscience and spirituality.

Hosted by the visionary Dawson Church, PhD, and co-hosted by transformational leader Dr. Sue Morter and physician Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc, this summit promises to revolutionize your perspective on adversity and unlock the keys to resilience and profound well-being.

It’s time to challenge conventional thinking! Ever wondered why some individuals emerge from traumatic experiences stronger than ever, while others struggle with lingering pain — sometimes for life? Prepare to be amazed as we unveil the science behind “posttraumatic growth.” It shows that 2/3 of people who experience traumatic events don’t develop PTSD. They not only overcome trauma but thrive, using their hardships as catalysts for personal evolution.

At Trauma To Transcendence Summit, we believe that every challenge holds the potential for transformation. Here, you will find a perspective on suffering that allows you to see it as a gateway to growth and spiritual enlightenment. Together, we’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery, where adversity becomes the fuel for profound inner change.

Our stellar lineup of speakers represents the pinnacle of expertise in neuroscience and spirituality, ensuring an unforgettable summit experience. From cutting-edge research to timeless wisdom, from the lab to the monastery, prepare to be inspired by luminaries who are reshaping the way we understand trauma and transcendence.

Join us as we rewrite the narrative of trauma and embrace the transformative power of resilience. Together, we’ll illuminate the journey from darkness to light, from pain to purpose, and from trauma to transcendence. Are you ready to turn your life’s darkest moments into catalysts for healing and growth? Mark your calendar and reserve your spot today – your journey awaits!

Meet Your Speakers

Day 1

Dawson Church New 400x400 1

Dawson Church, PhD

How Trauma Can Spark Transcendence

  • Discover how effective, somatic-based therapies can help you recover from PTSD and regain a sense of safety
  • Understand the potential for post-traumatic growth and how trauma can lead you to self-transcendence and higher states of consciousness
  • Learn practical steps to cultivate resilience and transform life’s challenges into opportunities for personal growth
Dr. Sue Morter 400x400 1

Dr. Sue Morter

The Light of Who We Truly Are

  • Learn how holding yourself in a loving space can promote healing and clarity
  • Discover how anchoring yourself in your body can sustain higher states of consciousness
  • Understand how viewing challenges as growth opportunities can elevate your consciousness
Fleet Maull PhD CMT P 400x400 1

Fleet Maull, PhD

Unlock Growth: Trauma Healing With NSM & Responsibility

  • Discover how shaming and blaming can hinder trauma recovery and how to shift towards empowering narratives
  • Explore the unique facets of Neuro-Somatic Mindfulness (NSM) that facilitate both trauma healing and growth
  • Gain insights from Fleet Maull’s personal healing journey through radical responsibility and mindful practices.
Colette Baron Reid

Colette Baron-Reid

Unlock Your Spiritual Gifts To Overcome Trauma

  • Discover how hitting rock bottom catalyzes spiritual awakening and healing
  • Learn how storytelling and service transform addiction recovery and daily challenges
  • Gain insights on embracing daily life with radical acceptance and resilience
Isaac Eliaz MD MS LAc 400x400 1

Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc

Discover Open Heart Medicine

  • Discover how the survival paradox impacts your trauma and path to healing
  • Understand the process of healing survival scars through heart-centered practices
  • Learn to tap into your heart’s infinite potential for profound healing and transformation
Dravon James 400x400 1

Dravon James, PharmD

Turn Your Challenges Into Opportunities

  • Discover how to transform life’s challenges into growth opportunities through gratitude and perspective healing
  • Learn to harness hyperfocus for creative problem-solving and enhancing self-awareness, turning obstacles into gateways for personal development
  • Delve into the therapeutic practices of journaling and the Smile Journal for positive mind reorganization

Day 2

Dawson Church New 400x400 1

Dawson Church, PhD

Oneness With The Universe

  • Discover the concept of post-traumatic growth and how two-thirds of people naturally experience it after traumatic events
  • Learn the benefits of eco-meditation and its impact on brain function, enhancing compassion and joy while reducing stress
  • Commit to a 30-day challenge to use eco-meditation to transform your life, and promote happiness and transcendent states of well-being
Michael Beckwith FInal

Michael Beckwith

5 Steps To Transcend Trauma

  • Understand the importance of recognizing trauma as an experience, not as your identity
  • Learn how changing your self-identity can transform your thoughts and perceptions, accelerating healing
  • Discover the steps that change your thoughts and perceptions, leading to faster emotional and psychological recovery
Christy Whitman

Christy Whitman

Calling In Your Divine Self

  • Discover how major life challenges can help fuel personal growth and transformation
  • Understand the power of conscious choice in navigating your personal journey
  • Learn practical ways to apply personal development insights to achieve real change
Ervin Laszlo PhD 400x400 1

Ervin Laszlo, PhD

Uncover Secrets In Consciousness Exploration

  • Explore life’s big questions and learn how individual consciousness connects to cosmic consciousness
  • Understand how intuition serves as a guiding force, leading to deeper universal connections
  • Discover the profound roles of love, oneness, and belonging in solving personal and societal challenges
Amit Goswami PhD

Amit Goswami, PhD

Healing With Quantum Integrative Medicine

  • Discover how consciousness shapes healing, highlighting quantum medicine’s role in health
  • Learn about your five bodies—beyond physical—to foster holistic wellness
  • Understand love’s impact on health, linking emotional and physical well-being
Joseph Selbie

Joseph Selbie

Psychedelics: Your Gateway To Mystical Experiences

  • Follow Selbie’s journey through psychedelics, meditation, and scientific inquiry
  • Understand the brain’s pivotal role in shaping thoughts and emotions, and how targeted practices can rewire it for spiritual and emotional well-being
  • Experience the transformative potential of meditation, realizing its capacity to contribute to personal and social healing

Day 3

Dawson Church New 400x400 1

Dawson Church, PhD

When Trauma Is Overwhelming

  • Discover how EFT tapping can effectively reduce PTSD symptoms, anxiety, depression, and physical pain
  • Understand the scientific research behind EFT, including its ability to improve overall health and immunity
  • Learn how group EFT sessions and certified practitioners can provide powerful, life-changing results
Sarah Close 1

Sarah Close

Getting Past Defensiveness


Anita Sanchez PhD

Anita Sanchez, PhD

Discover Your Healing Path With Indigenous Wisdom

  • Learn about indigenous wisdom and the solutions it offers for the world’s problems
  • Embrace the Four Sacred Gifts for personal and communal healing
  • Understand forgiveness as a powerful step towards freedom and unity
Grace Sesma

Grace Sesma

Indigenous Trauma

  • Learn how to heal holistically by combining traditional and modern approaches
  • Understand how communities can help you overcome trauma
  • Learn to set healthy boundaries and communicate with compassion
Peter Mark Adams

Peter Mark Adams

Healing Consciousness: Your Journey To Wholeness

  • Discover Peter Mark Adams’ energy healing transformative journey
  • Understand how ancestral traumas affect health and the pathway to healing them
  • Recognize empathic engagement and hauntings as crucial elements in overcoming deep traumas
Mirjam Paninski

Mirjam Paninski

Voices in Labor: Healing The Start Of Life

  • Discover how understanding your birth story can transform your emotional well-being
  • Learn techniques to heal from early life trauma and rewrite your origin story
  • Gain insight into racial disparities in maternal care and their long-term effects

Day 4

Dr. Sue Morter 400x400 1

Dr. Sue Morter

Dealing With Physical Challenges

  • Discover how recognizing and addressing unresolved trauma can transform it into personal empowerment and growth
  • Learn to identify as your true, essential self to interpret trauma-induced anxiety as an opportunity for empowerment
  • Understand the bioenergetic mechanics to dissolve negative energy patterns and unlock your full potential
Anita Moorjani

Anita Moorjani

Unlock Your Hidden Healing Power

  • Discover the overlooked key in wellness that traditional healing often misses
  • Learn how to harness your inherent power to overcome adverse conditions effectively
  • Gain insight into your infinite potential for profound and enduring transformation
2024 Martin Wuttke 400x400 1

Martin Wuttke

Addiction And Spiritual Awakening

  • Discover Marty Wuttke’s path from addiction to awakening through meditation
  • Learn that reaching higher consciousness naturally aligns with disciplined meditation
  • Uncover the power of neurofeedback and meditation in transforming addiction into spiritual growth
Irene Lyon 400x400 1

Irene Lyon

Discover Your Path To Somatic Healing And Harmony

  • Discover how somatic practices enhance trauma recovery and interpersonal relationships
  • Understand the impact of the environment on healing and human-animal-nature connections
  • Learn holistic approaches to trauma recovery for better well-being and relationships
Lorrie Rivers

Lorrie Rivers

How Chronic Illness And Toxins Exacerbate Trauma

  • Understand how EFT tapping can address trauma and chronic illness
  • Learn how practicing EFT tapping can retrain your nervous system, reducing stress and improving your ability to handle daily challenges
  • Uncover the importance of addressing hidden infections and toxins to support your immune system
Ameet Aggarwal

Ameet Aggarwal, ND

Emotional Healing: Somatic And Homeopathic Paths

  • Discover holistic healing through somatic and homeopathic methods
  • Learn how your gut and liver may impact your physical and mental health
  • Experience Family Constellation therapy to heal ancestral trauma deeply

Day 5

Dawson Church New 400x400 1

Dawson Church, PhD

Releasing Stress

  • Learn how eco-meditation quickly reduces anxiety, depression, and PTSD while boosting happiness
  • Explore the Veterans Stress Solution’s success in helping 20,000+ veterans heal from PTSD
  • Discover the 21-Day Walk with Your Higher Power to connect with your higher self and achieve peak states
McCraty and Elbers

Rollin McCraty, PhD & Dr. Jorina Elbers

Heart-Brain Coherence: Key To Trauma Recovery

  • Understand the scientific evidence supporting HeartMath’s effectiveness in trauma and PTSD recovery
  • Learn about the diverse applications of HeartMath tools in various settings and their specific benefits
  • Discover the tangible improvements in physical and mental health achievable through the consistent use of HeartMath techniques

Alfred Heath, MA, LPC

The Power Of Zero Point Intention

  • Explore the healing technique called Set Free Fast, and its unique approach
  • Learn the art of communicating with your subconscious to resolve deep-seated emotional and belief issues
  • Discover Zero Point Intention, a healing technique leveraging the power of intention and consciousness for transformative healing
Linda Yael Schiller MSW LICSW

Linda Yael Schiller, MSW, LICSW

PTSDreams: Healing Beyond Sleep

  • Unlock the guidance within your dreams for personal growth and problem-solving
  • Embrace the idea of incubating your dreams to resolve personal problems and issues
  • Use dream work for trauma recovery, transforming nightmares into healing experiences
Christian de la Huerta

Christian de la Huerta

Awaken Your Soul's Power Today

  • Explore breathwork for deep emotional and personal transformation
  • Discover authentic strength in soul power, beyond traditional power dynamics
  • Understand oppression’s impact on authenticity and spiritual freedom
Philip Carr Gomm 400x400 1

Phillip Car-Gomm

Unlock Mystical Insights Through Sleep

  • Discover the intriguing parallels between sleep, mystical states, and psychedelic experiences
  • Learn techniques to enhance your sleep quality, including yoga nidras and sleep cycle improvement
  • Explore how lucid dreaming and image rehearsal therapy can help rewrite traumatic experiences
Amanda Wonderland

Amanda Wonderland

Tapping And Self-Care After Trauma

  • Discover how committing to self-growth sets you apart from those stuck in routines
  • Understand how new ideas can turn past traumas into opportunities for growth
  • Gain practical tools like EFT tapping and journaling to heal stress and trauma

Day 6

Isaac Eliaz MD MS LAc 400x400 1

Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc

Self-Care And Thriving

  • Discover how trauma affects us at the cellular level and influences our behavior
  • Understand the role of epigenetics in trauma and how gene expression can be altered for healing
  • Learn heart-based meditations to transform trauma by connecting with the heart’s inherent acceptance and compassion
Alex Howard New 400x400 1

Alex Howard

Decode Your Trauma: Stages And Healing Insights

  • Learn how to navigate and understand each stage of trauma recovery for a structured healing journey
  • Gain insights into how trauma impacts the nervous system and what that means for your overall well-being
  • Gather practical healing strategies inspired by Alex Howard’s personal experiences and expertise in trauma recovery
Jason Prall

Jason Prall

Practical Steps To Personal Transformation

  • Learn how to use personal adversity as a catalyst for profound life change
  • Explore practical strategies for applying trauma insights to personal development
  • Understand the role of personal experience in shaping transformative action
Ari Whitten MS 400x400 1

Ari Whitten, MS

How To Turn Stress Into Strength

  • Discover how beliefs about stress impact your health and how changing these perceptions can reduce its negative effects
  • Uncover the benefits of “”doing hard things”” to build resilience and improve stress tolerance systematically
  • Explore emotional and psychological growth strategies, turning adversities into valuable growth opportunities
Mindy Pelz 400x400 1

Mindy Pelz, DC

Unlock Your Healing: Fasting And Hormonal Balance Tips

  • Discover the impact of fasting on your body and how it can kickstart your healing process
  • Learn how to listen to your body’s rhythms and use them to overcome trauma
  • Understand the relationship between your thoughts and your body’s chemistry for better health
Nathan Crane 2024

Nathan Crane

A Story Of Recovery With Nathan Crane

  • Discover Nathan Crane’s journey from addiction to holistic health advocacy
  • Uncover the role of integrating physical, emotional, and spiritual healing
  • Explore the importance of spiritual and emotional wellness in recovery

Day 7

Dawson Church New 400x400 1

Dawson Church, PhD

Integrating Transcendence With Daily Life

  • Wrap up. How to use your journal to implement what you’ve learned in the Summit
Simon Ree 400x400 1

Simon Ree

Gain Insights: The Tao Of Trading Revealed

  • Discover the core financial secrets and strategies for successful stock market trading
  • Understand the crucial link between financial literacy, stress reduction techniques, and personal growth
  • Shift your mindset about money, exploring it as a tool for abundance and a pathway to spiritual growth
Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati

Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati

Living In Enlightenment

  • Discover how spiritual practices can help you heal from past traumas and find peace
  • Understand the importance of letting go of past narratives to embrace a fulfilling life
  • Gain insights on living in the present moment to achieve calmness and joy
Shai Tubali

Shai Tubali

Unraveling The Illusion Of Self For You

  • Explore the transformative journey of living consciously and overcoming personal fears
  • Learn meditation techniques for brain renewal and confront past traumas in a meditative state
  • Discover the concept of ‘infinite silence’ and how to integrate transcendent experiences into daily life
David Gandelman 400x400 1

David Gandelman

Uncover Paradoxes Of Your Spiritual Journey

  • Discover how personal energy influences your spiritual journey toward enlightenment
  • Learn the importance of a living master and personal effort in spiritual growth
  • Understand enlightenment as an evolving process of self-awareness and integration
Stephen Altair

Stephen Altair

The Science Behind Embodied Practices

  • Identify the benefits and challenges of walking a mystical path
  • Understand the importance of finding the right community, and integrating mystical experiences into daily life
  • Shift consciousness with meditation, understanding interconnectedness and kindness

You’re also getting these bonuses FREE

Becoming One With Infinite Consciousness

Becoming One With Infinite Consciousness (Or The 5 Characteristics Of Enlightenment Experiences)

By Dawson Church, PhD

The enlightenment experience changes your life forever. Researchers have collected thousands of stories of ordinary people who’ve had these experiences, and found that they have 5 common characteristics. In this video Dawson Church shares, in simple non-technical language, what they are and how you can use them to cultivate awakened experiences in your life too.

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The Four Brain Circuits of Ecstasy

The Four Brain Circuits Of Ecstasy

By Dawson Church, PhD

Bullet points:

  • Dawson’s personal journey from depression to inner peace.
  • Delve into research on the physiological cues that trigger advanced brain states.
  • Learn about the brain changes that occur as a result of meditation.
  • Discover a brain circuit called the Enlightenment Network, which promotes compassion and living in the present moment.
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Meditation with Tonglen Guide

Meditation With Tonglen Guide

By Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc

Discover the keys to protecting your heart, enhancing your emotional well-being, and restoring balance to your energy by quieting your mind with Dr. Isaac Eliaz. In this comprehensive guide, delve into the science of meditation and uncover its profound health benefits that you simply can’t afford to overlook.

Unlock the transformative power of meditation with a practical 3-step Shamatha meditation practice designed to cultivate inner peace and clarity. Explore the intricate connection between meditation and the vital organs—liver, heart, and kidneys—and their role in motivation and overall well-being.

Whether you’re seeking to reduce stress, improve mental focus, or enhance your overall quality of life, this guide provides invaluable insights and techniques to help you harness the transformative potential of meditation for holistic health and wellness. Quiet your mind, nurture your heart, and awaken your inner vitality with Dr. Isaac Eliaz as your trusted guide.

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Anxiety Depression Trauma Insomnia Gut Liver Health Connection

Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Insomnia & Gut-Liver Health Connection

By Ameet Aggarwal, ND

Heal your mind and body together to overcome anxiety, depression, insomnia, weight gain, inflammation, gut issues and chronic health issues. Voted Top 43 naturopaths to follow, Dr. Ameet helps you heal the root cause through trauma healing, family constellations therapy and naturopathic medicine.

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The Top 3 Key Mistakes That Keep You From Healing Trauma

The Top 3 Key Mistakes That Keep You from Healing Trauma

By Dr. Sue Morter

Are you tired of feeling trapped by your past traumas? Do you struggle with triggers, intrusive thoughts, and emotional turmoil? “The Top 3 Mistakes that Keep You from Healing Trauma”ebook offers a transformative guide to reclaiming your peace and well-being.

In this insightful and empowering ebook, you’ll uncover:

  • The three common mistakes that hinder your healing from past trauma.
  • Practical strategies to overcome emotional disturbances and health issues.
  • Tools to build emotional resilience and improve your relationships.


Unlock the secrets to liberation from anxiety, depression, and poor overall well-being. Start your
journey towards healing and emotional freedom today.

Download your free copy now and take the first step to reclaiming your life!

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7 Simple Ways To Increase Health Happiness Abundance

7 Simple Ways To Increase Health, Happiness, & Abundance

By Jason Prall

Within you lies the potential to construct the reality you have always dreamed of. Jason Prall, founder of Awakened Health Academy, shares this guide which offers direct and practical steps to activate your innate healing wisdom and bring you back into balance. It is from this place that you become available to effortlessly receive profound insights and fuel your life experience from intuition, love, and inspired action.

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Embodying Love in a Fear Based World Toolkit

Embodying Love In A Fear-Based World ~ Toolkit

By Anita Moorjani

I’ve noticed a lot of you are feeling sensitive to the times we’re in. You’re feeling uncertain or sensing turbulence around you… And you’re not wrong!

Our culture is incredibly harsh for highly sensitive people and Empaths. We are constantly bombarded by fear in our media – whether it’s war, the economy, or politics, there’s always a new ‘breaking story’ that keeps us frozen to our TVs. The vibrational undercurrents of fear can be overwhelming and can quickly seep into every facet of our lives. We all know how dangerous it is to live in a state of stress so imagine how damaging these high doses are to us sensitive people! I know that our capacity to feel deeply is a profound gift, yet I can’t deny it comes with its own set of trials…

In this toolkit, we will work to acknowledge the challenges we face in this harsh world and let this awareness become the catalyst for transformation, a force capable of transmuting fear into compassion! In this fear-based world, you are not alone; your empathic soul is needed more than ever. By navigating this challenging terrain with love as your compass, you become an alchemist of transformation, weaving threads of empathy into the fabric of our collective consciousness. Together, we will shine the light of love in the face of adversity, creating a ripple effect that transcends the fear-based narratives and ushers in a new era of understanding, connection, and love.

I hope the tips and exercises below help you to navigate the challenges of this fear-based world and embrace love as your guiding force. If you’re ready to empower yourself, to shift your perspective, change your marinade, and embody love in every aspect of your life, let’s get started!

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Neuro Somatic Mindfulness A Direct Path To Awakening

Neuro-Somatic Mindfulness A Direct Path To Awakening

By Fleet Maull, Phd

In this eBook, I will offer an introduction to a deeply embodied, neuroscience-informed approach to mindfulness and awareness meditation that I call Neuro-Somatic Mindfulness.

I will first describe the practice and explain its purpose. You will also find a link to an audio recording, in which I will guide you in an introductory session on Neuro-Somatic Mindfulness practice.

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Fatigue 12 Secrets To Recover

Fatigue - 12 Secrets To Recovery

By Alex Howard & Anna Duchinsky

Recovery from debilitating fatigue can often be a lonely and confusing journey. As your companion on the healing journey, Secrets to Recovery shares twelve inspirational stories of overcoming severe fatigue, showing not just that recovery is possible, but sharing the details of how each person did it.

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The 10 Practices of Spiritual Intelligence

The 10 Practices Of Spiritual Intelligence

By Dawson Church, PhD

This valuable bonus report outlines the 10 keys to living as a spiritual being on a human path. These keys are drawn from ancient spiritual traditions. But they’re also backed by science. Here Dawson Church reviews the research behind each of these 10 techniques and how you can apply implement them easily in your own life.

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Transcending Trauma By Awakening the True You

Transcending Trauma By Awakening The True You

By Dr. Sue Morter

Are you seeking a way to transcend trauma and past experiences that are holding you back? All you need to do is connect with the True Self, the source of healing within you. This healing meditation by Dr. Sue Morter, is designed to guide you on a profound journey of self-discovery and inner peace.

In this powerful meditation, you will:

  • Experience a gentle yet transformative healing process.
  • Release negative energy and emotional blocks.
  • Enhance your emotional resilience and well-being.
  • Align with the energies of the True You to awaken a natural flow of healing energy.


Whether you are new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner, this guided session will help you unlock the healing power within you.

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Sample of The Gift of the Night A Six Step Program for Better Sleep by Philip Carr Gomm

Sample of The Gift of the Night: A Six-Step Program for Better Sleep by Philip Carr-Gomm

By Phillip Car-Gomm

With this bonus, receive the first two chapters of Philip’s latest book that combines sleep science with spirituality to create a powerful six step program that can get you sleeping better faster. Treating sleep as an embodied spiritual practice in itself, Philip shows how you can combine the proven advice of sleep scientists alongside techniques drawn from spiritual traditions – with thirteen different ways to experience better sleep.

“This workbook is a rare marriage of science and soul.”
David Peters, Professor Emeritus, Westminster Centre for Resilience, College of Liberal Arts and Science, University of Westminster

“A brilliant, important and inspiring book that will be so helpful to so many people.”
Dr Rosalind Watts, Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Lead for Imperial College London’s psilocybin trial

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The Portable Ervin Laszlo

The Portable Ervin Laszlo

By Ervin Laszlo, PhD

Ervin Laszlo’s writings have vastly increased our understanding of the universe, evolution and the meaning of life. The Portable Ervin Laszlo includes definitive samples from decades of his writings and other works. It provides an overview of his world view and will give you a renewed hope and optimism about the purpose of life and human evolution. This authorized collection is the only one of its kind.

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Bonus Chapters Survival Paradox

Bonus Chapters Survival Paradox

By Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc

Dive into the core of Dr. Eliaz’s groundbreaking book, “The Survival Paradox,” as we explore Chapters 1, 2, 6, and 16. Unravel the intricate web of how our primal survival response intricately impacts our health, delving into the heart of true survival. From understanding the physiological and psychological ramifications to exploring practical techniques like meditation to melt fixation, this journey illuminates the hidden causes of aging and chronic disease while offering actionable insights for holistic wellness.

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The Science Of The Heart Volume 2

The Science Of The Heart Volume 2

By Rollin McCraty, PhD

Explore intriguing aspects of the science of the heart, much of which is still relatively not well known outside the fields of psychophysiology and neurocardiology. Learn about research that bridges the science of the heart and the highly practical, evidence-based skill set known as the HeartMath System.

This insightful and comprehensive monograph provides fundamental and detailed summaries of HeartMath Institute’s many years of innovative research. It presents brief overviews of heart rate variability, resilience, coherence, heart-brain interactions, intuition, and the scientific discoveries that shaped techniques developed to increase personal and social fulfillment and effectiveness. Summary reports of research conducted in the business, education, health, and first responder fields are included. Both the layperson and science professional will appreciate its simplicity and thoroughness.

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Tapping for Stress Relief

Tapping For Stress Relief

By Amanda Wonderland

Discover a powerful way to reduce stress in this guided tapping session with Amanda Wonderland. You’ll use Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to tap on specific acupressure points, helping you release tension and calm your mind. Perfect for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike, this video provides soothing guidance to help you manage stress effectively.

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EcoMeditation For Turning Trauma To Transcendence

By Dawson Church, PhD

EcoMeditation is a simple method that combines several simple evidence-based techniques. It was developed by Dawson Church in 2009 as a way to help non-meditators and people who’ve failed other meditation programs reach transcendent states. This track includes affirmations that allow you to re-vision the traumatic experiences of your life as a gateway to transformation.

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Spirituality And Stress Release

Spirituality And Stress Release

By Mirjam Paninski


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A Handbook for Healing

A Handbook For Healing A Resource For The Trauma To Transcendence Summit

By Better Help


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Meet Your Summit Hosts

Dawson Church New 400x400

Dawson Church, PhD

Dawson Church is a best-selling science writer and the author of three award-winning books. The Genie in Your Genes broke new ground by showing that gene expression is influenced by emotions. Mind to Matter is based on hundreds of studies showing that our brains play a key role in constructing the reality around us. In Bliss Brain, he demonstrates that as we cultivate peak states, our brains rapidly rewire themselves for happiness. He is the founder of the Veterans Stress Solution, which has offered free PTSD treatment to over 22,000 veterans. After retiring from active business management, Dawson has continued to teach and inspire through his presentations, podcasts, books and blog posts.

Church’s second best-seller, Mind to Matter reviews the science behind the brain’s remarkable ability to create material reality, and was named “Best Health Book” by the American Book Fest. Church followed this with Bliss Brain, which analyzes the transcendent “flow” states found in meditation and peak performance, and how these rapidly remodel the brain for happiness.

Church has been involved in over 100 scientific studies published in peer-reviewed journals, many as Principal Investigator. He has collaborated with researchers from prestigious institutions including Harvard Medical School, California Pacific Medical Center, Emory, Columbia and Duke. He has edited several special issues for top-ranked journals such as Frontiers in Psychology

Church spent some 20 years engaging in outcome studies focusing on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety. He founded the peer-reviewed journal Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment and after earlier managing Aslan Publishing now serves as the general manager of Energy Psychology Press. To train professionals in evidence-based stress reduction methods such as meditation and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT acupressure tapping), in 2010 Church established EFT Universe, one of the most-visited alternative medicine sites on the web. He developed the EcoMeditation method to make meditation easy for novices.

Church’s academic journey began during his undergraduate and graduate studies at Baylor University. He became the first-ever graduate of the academically rigorous University Scholar’s program in 1979. He went on to earn his doctorate in Integrative Healthcare at Holos University under the mentorship of the eminent neurosurgeon, Dr. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD, founder of the American Holistic Medical Association, and later a post doctorate in Natural Medicine. With Dr Shealy he co-authored the book Soul Medicine which reviews role of energy in healing throughout history.

Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc 400x400

Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc

Isaac Eliaz MD, MS, LAc has been a pioneer in integrative medicine since the early 1980s, focusing on cancer, immune health, detoxification, and mind-body medicine. He’s a respected clinician, researcher, educator, author of The Survival Paradox, and formulator with ecoNugenics.

He is also the founder and Medical Director of Amitabha Medical Clinic and Healing Center in Santa Rosa, California.

Dr. Eliaz is a lifelong student and practitioner of Tibetan Buddhist practices. One of them is Tonglen Meditation, a practice that involves the art of exchanging suffering with love and compassion. After decades of practice and study, Dr. Eliaz created Open Heart Medicine, a modality that combines science, meditation, and a unique understanding of the heart’s physiology and its inherent ability to perform Tonglen meditation as a unique approach to promoting healing on all levels.

Sue Morter New

Dr. Sue Morter

Dr. Sue Morter is a renowned international speaker, Master of Bio-Energetic Medicine, and a pioneer in Quantum Field exploration. Leveraging high-frequency energy patterns, she unlocks the complete spectrum of human potential. With over three decades of clinical expertise and a transformative awakening during meditation, Dr. Sue has developed visionary models and techniques redefining living in creative genius and personal freedom.

As the #1 LA TImes and USA Today bestselling author of “THE ENERGY CODES: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body and Live Your Best Life,” Dr. Sue shares profound insights on activating untapped energy and neurocircuitry within the body for healing and living into our full capacity. Her mission is to empower individuals to embrace their hidden potential and manifest their true, essential selves.

Founder of the globally-taught coursework, The Energy Codes®, and creator of the BodyAwake® RYT 200 Certified Yoga Program, Dr. Sue is a co-creator of the Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.). Serving on professional licensing boards and as adjunct faculty at Michigan State University Medical School, she provides guidance on integrative healthcare leadership. In 1987, Dr. Sue established Morter HealthCenter, laying the foundation for the Morter Institute for Bio-Energetics, a visionary organization focused on teaching self-healing techniques rooted in Quantum Science and higher consciousness. Through three schools – the School of Energy Medicine, School of BodyAwake® Yoga, and School for Higher Consciousness and Personal Development – Dr. Sue empowers the global community to heal, awaken to their highest potential, and create a life they love.

Dates at a Glance

August 20, 2024

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