Certificate Course in Environmental Health
The Certificate Course in Environmental Health is a 5-month online course for health professionals like health coaches, nutritionists, and doulas to nurses, MDs, DOs, DCs, NDs, and others, who are eager to integrate the topic of toxins into their practices.
This course explores the history of the environmental health movement, from the turn of the last century up to modern-day public policy around toxins, exploration of industry front groups, epigenetics, toxicology, and detoxification protocols. We also explore the majority of the potential exposures we experience in and around our homes, from home construction, furniture, and carpeting, to bedding, personal care products, indoor air quality, basement, garage, and lawn care.
The Certificate Course provides a strong emphasis on the practical application of how to integrate this knowledge into your practice. It also offers comprehensive support around starting or growing a business and includes small group business coaching on topics like niche, program offerings, marketing, best practices regarding the discussion of environmental health topics, and more.
This course is comprised of 20+ hours of lectures and 36 hours of group and private coaching.
Currently qualifies for 30 CEUs from the NANP