Chronic Fatigue, Mental Health And Microbes

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  • Learn the relationship between chronic fatigue syndrome and mental health
  • Learn about how microorganisms impact your mental health hormones: serotonin and dopamine
  • Learn about how microorganisms impact the energy hormones: thyroid and cortisol
Diane Mueller​, ND, DAOM, LAc

Hey everybody Dr. Diane Mueller here in this particular presentation, I’m going to talk about chronic fatigue syndrome and its relationship to microbes and mental health. This particular topic is near and dear to my heart because I had chronic fatigue syndrome so bad at one point that I was having a hard time walking, I was having a hard time moving. I was having a hard time really functioning in my life at all. And with chronic fatigue syndrome, we want to start with the fact that it is a syndrome, right? So, a syndrome is basically a conglomeration of symptoms and we diagnose the syndrome when other things have been ruled out. So how does this relate to mental health? Well, many times if people have chronic fatigue syndrome, this is leading to things like depression, right? This can lead to mental health issues can lead to anxiety to it can lead to all sorts of mental health imbalances. Because when we don’t have energy to participate in life, when we are struggling every day to make it through the day when we don’t have time for our social engagements, all of these things will play a big role in our mental health and in our happiness in all of these various things.

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