Fermentationist Certification Program

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Help every client in your practice heal their gut naturally by getting certified as a Fermentationist®. As a fermentationist, you will help people adopt traditional fermented foods back into their diet, reconnect with their roots, and integrate time-honored healing techniques to prevent modern ailments. You will use the theory of biological terrain to approach healing. This means that instead of trying to kill off the offending organism, you will use traditional and modern methods to bolster the strength of the native bacterial communities to fight off disease while consistently rebuilding and replenishing mineral and vitamin reserves so that the body itself can grow continually stronger. As a Fermentationist, you will heal your own body first by balancing your gut flora with functional ferments. You create a greater impact when you have experienced the success yourself. Once you understand *experientially, not mentally* the symbiotic relationships within your own body, you gain the key component to creating harmony within yourself and expand it out into the world. The Fermentationist Certification Program starts with you.

Reed Davis, HHP, FDN-P, CMTA, CNT

Hey, welcome back folks. Today I have the distinct pleasure to introduce to you Summer Bock Bock. She’s a trained herbalist certified in integrative nutrition through Columbia University. She was a raver in her early twenties—I’m not sure what that is but it’s probably some cool thing, knowing Summer Bock as well as I do. But she also had devastating allergies and when those emergent left her exhausted and hive-ridden, and she was only able to consume maybe about 30 foods without a reaction—that’s something that totally stumps the medical community. I think it’s right in the backyard of a good health coach. So we invited Summer Bock on because she’s got an amazing program and history and we’re gonna have her tell us all about it. She’s leveraged her background in microbiology and her fascination with the gut. 

She transformed her own health, obviously, using wild probiotics in fermented foods and digestive bitters. I know Summer Bock well enough to know she’s got a lot more going than that, so put your seatbelts on. We’ll see what happens as we interview, but she now—also, I want to have her brag about her gut rebuilding program. It’s called Guts & Glory apothecary online. The whole phrase gut rebuilding probably came from Summer Bock thanks to Summer Bock and her efforts. It’s a cornerstone terminology in the health coaching field, and you’re looking at one of the original pioneers here, folks. So Summer Bock, thank you so much for being here. It’s a real pleasure. I look forward to hearing more about your background first. Let’s start with that. Like, what the hell is a raver and what was going on back then?

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