Genetics, Epigenetics And Mental Health

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  • Learn about the relationship of genetics to mental health including discussion on pyroluria
  • Learn about microbe impact on genetic expression
  • Explore what you can do to help promote healthy genetic expression
  • Connections between microbes and mental health
Diane Mueller​, ND, DAOM, LAc

Hey everybody Dr. Diane Mueller here in this particular presentation, I’m going to talk about genetics, epigenetic expression and mental health and how all of this is related to microbes. So genetics and epigenetic expression is a topic that comes up quite a bit in my medical practice. And there’s a lot of different ways we can measure our genetic code these way these days, looking for prey problems and polymorphisms. One of the things that I always like to make sure we’re all on the same page with is just because we have a gene does not mean we get the disease. So when we have a particular genetic abnormality, we actually have to have that gene express in order to have a disease. So there’s all sorts of different ways this can relate to things like mental health we have. There is a genetic condition out there for example called pyroluria. Pyroluria is a genetic condition where our body starts making these molecules called Pyre Als. When our body starts making these molecules called pyre ALs, they all the pyros will then essentially grab ahold of certain nutrients like B six like zinc and pull these nutrients out of the body. And these nutrients are essential for the production of things like serotonin and dopamine. So it’s really, really important that we’re considering this particular genetic condition when it comes to mental health. 

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