Understand how mold-associated illness and CIRS, Lyme disease, aging, CFS,FM, autoimmunity, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, GI dysfunction, CV disease, DM, and other inflamatory diseases and diseases of aging have a common immune dysfunction as the underlying pathophysiology that results in a pathological vicious cycle that leads to multi-system disease.
Understanding that immune modulators, including peptides, effectively address the core abnormality of immune dysfunction, including a Th1 to Th2/Th17 immune shift, natural killer cell dysfunction, abnormal mast cell activation, T cell exhaustion, and immunosenescence, should be the first step in treatment.
Therapies that protect the body from the toxic effects of myco and other endotoxins can replace the use of binders, the core therapy of the Shoemaker protocol, which is marginally beneficial, fraught with numerous side effects, poorly tolerated, and often prescribed for many months or years without benefit.
The Holtorf Updated Peptide Protocol for the Rapid Treatment of CIRS (HUPPRTOC) will almost always make the use of the misunderstood peptide vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) unnecessary. Also, with a greater understanding of VIP’s mechanism of action, risks, and side effects, it becomes clear that the use of VIP may be helpful in the short term but has long-term adverse effects and significantly hinders long-term resolution of symptoms and mold sensitivity.
Most all mold illness/CIRS patients have pre-existing immune dysfunction that makes them dramatically more likely to suffer from toxic effects of mold and mycotoxin exposure that has little impact on those with a healthier immune system. Genetic predisposition is far from proven.
Dr. Cook is President and Founder of BioReset® Medical and Medical Advisor of the BioReset® Network. He is a board-certified anesthesiologist with over 20 years of experience in practicing medicine, focusing the last...
Kent Holtorf, MD is the medical director of the Holtorf Medical Group (www.HoltorfMed.com) and the founder and medical director of the non-profit National Academy of Hypothyroidism (NAH) (www.NAHypothyroidism.org), which is dedicated to the...