Long Haulers Syndrome
- Covid long haul syndrome (CLHS) has many of the features of MECFS, fibromyalgia, autoimmune conditions, EBV reactivation, asthma, allergies, and menopause. There are also significant metabolic risk factors in that people with pre-existing metabolic disease, such as diabetes are at higher risk of developing CLHS. Therefore, treatment of CLHS needs to be multifactorial and layered. While exercise and activity are important in general, they can be aggravating in CLHS and therefore that needs to be gently controlled. The symptoms of CLHS include crushing fatigue, headaches, aches and pains, organ damage, cardiac inflammation, clotting, insomnia, depression, dysautonomia (POTS), sleep apnea and possibly hot flashes. Drpawluk.com has a blog about Long hauler syndrome. PEMFs can help with many of the components described for long haul syndrome. The root causes of CLHS can include micro clotting, aging monocytes/white blood cells, capillary gas exchange issues, vagal nerve imbalance, loan the trick oxide levels, residual viral reservoir activation and autoimmune reactions. Treatment approaches include supplements, nutrition, IV therapies, CPAP is needed, parasympathetic activation, PEMF therapy – all in a layered approach. Endometriosis is also a complex condition with many layers. Comparable multimodality approaches are needed to adequately deal with the condition. PEMF therapies can address many of these components as well, especially pain, inflammation, pelvic pain and bowel and bladder function.