Mastering The Big 3: How You Move, Eat & Think

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Thomas Moorcroft, DO

Everyone. Welcome back to the Healing from Lyme Disease Summit. I’m Dr. Tom Moorcroft and together with my co-host, Dr. Darin Ingels. I mean, this is one of my most anticipated interviews. I’m so excited because today we’re talking with Stacy McCarthy. And one of the things you’ll get to learn a lot about her and stuff. So as you know, I’d like to give you a little bit of background, but I really then want to just take a moment and tell you why Stacy’s here today, because she was honored in 2021 by IDSA World Health and Fitness as Instructor of the Year. So, I mean, this is like one of the most prestigious sort of awards you can get, but it’s really about recognizing people are the superior instructional abilities and they’re also this positive influence on the global wellness industry. And when I first met Stacy and her husband, Tom, on a trip to Puerto Rico with a group of like minded individuals, we kind of singled each other out, kind of accidentally walking down to a little boat trip and we had this amazing conversation and she’s like, I’m a yoga instructor. 

I just won this thing and everything. And she talks about using yoga to reconnect with your body and getting deep with your breath. And I was like, Oh my goodness. In when I had Lyme and Babesia, my back was against the wall. I had no no one had been able to tell me what was wrong at the time. And someone handed me an Ashtanga yoga DVD. And what I learned was that this crazy flexibility thing was about movement on breath. And from there I, I just we really hit it off. And so, you know, one of the things that Stacy is well known for, for teaching for over 35 years now is like how she really tells you to get rid of the mirrors, get rid of all the preconceived notions, stop worrying about what other people are talking about, the judgment about how you look or maybe even how you think and really reconnect to your body so that you can connect to the innate self-healing wisdom within you. And so that’s why I am just so excited for today’s conversation. And Stacy McCarthy, thank you so much for joining us.

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