In this informative podcast,
Dr. Kelly Halderman, a former medical physician and author of "The Thyroid Debacle," is joined by Dr. Katherine Saunders, a physician entrepreneur and expert in obesity medicine. Together, they delve into the distinct physiological and hormonal changes that occur when people gain weight, shedding light on why the traditional approach of "eat less, exercise more" doesn't work for most individuals.
Dr. Saunders emphasizes the importance of viewing obesity not merely as a lifestyle problem but as a disease with pathophysiological changes that require medical attention. She challenges the use of body mass index (BMI) as the sole measure for obesity and highlights the significance of taking into account a patient's health history and body composition.
Throughout the podcast, Dr. Saunders shares her insights on how her clinic addresses the root causes of weight gain through patient education and by providing tools and resources to promote lasting change. Listeners can gain even more valuable information from DRTalks' upcoming summits, which are promoted in collaboration with the podcast.
Overall, this podcast is an excellent resource for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of obesity, its causes, and how to treat it medically.