Optimal Health Complexity Science & Optimized Health

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  • Using complexity science to understand how the brain works.
  • Findings in my practice that have surprised me about health.
  • Understanding attention and mental energy.
Chronic Illness
Robby Besner PSc.D.

Welcome back to another exciting interview. Today, I have a dear friend for years. We go back when I had an opportunity to walk his land with him and his wife and some friends and my wife in Asheville. It was amazing. I think there were, I must have climbed at least 2000 feet. At least it felt that way to me. Dr. Dan Stickler is in much better shape than I am, and he climbed it tirelessly. We did have an opportunity to have a great meal at his home, and he was amazing and his wife, in their hospitality. Dan is an amazing author, speaker, blogger, podcast. He’s done everything. He’s an MD, and he’ll give us a little bit of the backdrop of where he was and where he is today. 

But he’s really exciting because the things he’s doing now, well, actually it started at way back when, when he started what’s called the Apeiron Center and it’s really about reaching optimal health and human potential. And I don’t know if you know this about me, Dan, in my own research, I actually kind of each year have a topic and it came to me from a mentor of mine Dr. Lee Cowden. And so every year he’d have like a dedicated topic. And in 2021 my topic was optimal health. And so of course our body of work is harnessing infrared sunlight, but there’s a spin on that in creating a healing platform to help the body, you know, revive itself. 

So optimal health is right there. And what I discovered was it’s, and prior to that for 20 plus years, we were working with the chronically affected challenged people. That’s the community we’re talking today, the Lyme community. And as a practitioner, I can’t say it’s easy, but it’s not as difficult to move the needle and help someone that’s chronically ill because they’ve got all these different kinds of symptom. And so we can kind of go one by one and figure out the puzzle and get them sort of back on track. Now it’s a whole different story when you’re dealing with someone that’s optimal health and you wanna maintain that and continue to raise the bar. So that’s a whole other equation and I kind of liked it because it was an awesome challenge. And it’s new. It’s really, to me, it’s sort of cool to address people before they get chronically ill or before they’re symptomatic to maintain that high bar. So Dr. Stickler, thank you so much for joining us, joining us on the Lyme summit, Healing from Lyme Naturally summit, and how you doing today?

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