In this video, Dr. Heather Sandison interviews Dr. Mark Hyman about his work in fixing the food system to address the root cause of health problems in society. Dr. Hyman explains how he came to understand that the problems his patients faced could not be cured in his office alone, but rather were caused and cured by the food system. He started The Food Fix Campaign, a non-profit organization and advocacy group to address the root problems of the food system.
Dr. Hyman highlights that the food system is responsible for the majority of the problems we face today, including the economic burden of chronic diseases, climate change, environmental destruction, social justice issues, and mental health problems. He explains that the food we consume is driving the diseases we see and the costs associated with them.
Dr. Hyman emphasizes the importance of nutrition education in medical school curriculums and is pushing for nutrition and chronic disease questions to be mandated on licensing exams. He also discusses the importance of a ketogenic or pegan diet to address health problems, including Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline.
Dr. Hyman shares anecdotes of patients who have reversed cognitive decline and dementia by addressing issues such as heavy metal toxicity, gut issues, insulin resistance, and methylation problems. He emphasizes that it is not one thing that causes these problems, but rather a collection of issues that need to be addressed.
Dr. Hyman’s work highlights the importance of food as medicine and the need for a complete overhaul of the food system.