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Fasting Lifestyle Certificate Program Principles of Fasting Lifestyle Certificate Cover

Fasting Lifestyle Certificate Program: Principles Of Fasting Lifestyle Certificate

By American Nutrition Association

Dive deep into the captivating world of fasting regimens and practices that have shaped health and nutrition throughout history. Uncover the remarkable mechanisms driving this transformative practice, from the fascinating process of autophagy to the enhancement of metabolic flexibility. Delve into the scientific foundations and research underpinning diverse fasting protocols. Explore the optimal strategies to leverage fasting as a powerful tool tailored to your unique needs. Unleash the potential of your mind and body, and unlock the secrets to a vibrant, revitalized lifestyle. Join us in this exploration of fasting’s transformative power.

Fasting Transformation Quickstart Guide cOVER

Fasting Transformation Quickstart Guide

By David Jockers, DNM, DC, MS

This image-rich 53-page guide is designed to help you understand all the best tips and practices when it comes to implementing intermittent fasting, partial fasting, or an extended fast.

You will learn how to properly prepare your body for a fast and how to best break a fast and what you can consume while you are fasting.

30 Cancer Fighting Superfoods

30 Cancer Fighting Superfoods

By David Jockers, DNM, DC, MS

This book is designed to help you understand the benefits of 30 great cancer fighting foods and the best strategies to maximize their benefits. These foods and herbs will help you strengthen your immune system, enhance cellular detoxification and improve your fight against chronic disease.

Activating Autophagy Cover

Activating Autophagy: Your Guide To Cellular Healing

By David Jockers, DNM, DC, MS

In this image-rich, 59-page, research-based guide you will discover the key strategies to unlock your body’s innate ability to heal and repair itself. You will learn about advanced nutrition principles, herbs and lifestyle strategies to drive up autophagy and deep cellular healing. In this guide, you will learn the following:

  • The Groundbreaking Science of Autophagy
  • Top 7 Herbs to Enhance Cellular Healing
  • The Top Nutritional Strategies to Stimulate Deep Cellular Healing
  • Best Way to Exercise to Stimulate Autophagy
Secrets of AntiAging 15 Proven Ways To Reverse Aging At the Cellular Level

Secrets Of Anti-Aging: 15 Proven Ways To Reverse Aging At The Cellular Level

By Jason Prall

Are your cells operating at 100%? The secret to anti-aging is to optimize function at the cellular level. When your cells are working better, you age better. This cutting-edge report from Jason Prall, creator of The Human Longevity Project, details the most advanced and effective solutions used by some of the top anti-aging doctors and regenerative medicine clinics around the world.

Dr. Kahns Guide To Avoiding A Heart Attack

Dr. Kahn’s Guide To Avoiding A Heart Attack

By Joel Kahn, MD, FACC

Heart attacks kill hundreds of thousands in the USA alone every year. Yet, most heart attacks are preventable. Heart disease can be identified years before a heart attack. A plan to prevent and reverse the deadly outcome is known and teachable.

Cell Danger Response Cover 1

Cell Danger Response: The New Science That Connects Environmental Health With Mitochondria And The Rising Tide Of Chronic Illness

By Eric Gordon, MD

There is a rising tide of chronic illness, and the current medical model has a major blind spot resulting in incomplete healing, lingering symptoms, and debilitating illness. If you are suffering from a chronic medical condition that affects your ability to function in your daily life, your body could be stuck in the Cell Danger Response. Learn what happens in the Cell Danger Response 3-phase cycle, the vital role of the mitochondria in the recovery process, and much more.

Carrots. Coffee. Cancer

Carrots. Coffee. Cancer.

By Jamie Holmes

I’m not a martyr. I’m not better or stronger than you are. I don’t want to convince you or talk you into or out of anything. I do want to explain the less traveled path that I chose when I was diagnosed with stage 3B cancer, to give hope, insight, and the impetus to delve deep into your own choices of treatment, and the validation that some alternative treatments deserve. I chose to heal and not to fight, and this is my personal experience.

Unlocking Type 2 Diabetes Regression Remission with Fasting Mimicking Diets

Unlocking Type 2 Diabetes Regression & Remission With Fasting Mimicking Diets

By William Hsu, MD

Delve into L-Nutra Health’s visionary approach, using precision nutrition to empower type 2 diabetes individuals to thrive without medication. Uncover the science behind Fasting Mimicking Technology (FMT), discover the Remission and Regression Protocol’s transformative 12-month journey to reducing or even removing entirely diabetes medications, and embrace the Longevity Diet’s power. Join the movement to reshape diabetes care, where innovation, science, and personalized guidance converge for a diabetes-free future.

100 Is The New 30 How Playing The Symphony of Longevity Will Enable Us To Live Young for A Lifetime

100 Is The New 30: How Playing The Symphony of Longevity Will Enable Us To Live Young for A Lifetime

By Jeffrey Gladden, MD, FACC

What if you knew the secrets to Living Young for a Lifetime™?
A new possibility is emerging. Breakthroughs in cutting-edge longevity, regenerative, and performance science and technology are making it possible to experience vitality, resilience, and the joy of youthfulness for the duration of your lifetime.

We have grown up in a culture that has normalized aging. For generations, we have dreaded and feared growing older and losing our abilities and independence but we saw no other option.

Today we no longer have to give up our capabilities, freedom, autonomy, and relevance with each passing birthday.

Jeffrey Gladden, MD, FACC, a leading longevity trailblazer, challenges everything we thought we knew about aging. In 100 is the New 30, this triple-board certified physician with over four decades of experience unlocks your body’s potential with easy-to-digest applications.

Inside, you will discover:

  • How Changing Your Mindset on Aging and Longevity is essential to Living Young for a Lifetime: You don’t have to settle for losing your impact and performance as part of the way you age.
  • How the Pursuit of Resilience, Joy, and Purpose Replaces the Pursuit of Happiness: Resilience in all areas of life is the best place to create the scaffolding you need to create the life you didn’t think was possible.
  • Why Your Chronological Age Is Not Your Real Age: Your age doesn’t equal your number of birthdays. You’ll come to understand we are all a Mosaic of Biological Ages™, and you are only as young as your oldest age.
  • The Latest Breakthroughs in Regenerative Medicine: Dr. Gladden unlocks the key to youthfulness. by teaching you how to play The Symphony of Longevity™.
  • You’ll understand that Aging Is not a Linear Process but an Exponential One, Requiring an Exponential Strategy if we are going to Live Young. Learn how to create an exponential strategy for an exponential challenge.


Become an Age Hacker™ and experience greater vitality, resilience, and joy—starting today.

A Guide to Fasting for Menopause

A Guide To Fasting For Menopause

By Felice Gersh, MD

Unlock the secrets of fasting in menopause with this insightful eBook, authored by Dr. Felice Gersh, a leading expert in women’s health and nutrition. Dr. Gersh offers a concise exploration of the science and practical application of fasting—prolonged, intermittent, and fasting mimicking diets—for women navigating the challenges of menopause. From hormonal balance to weight management, this guide provides women with evidence-based strategies to make this transformative phase more manageable. Discover the potential health benefits of fasting during menopause and embrace this period with confidence and vitality.

Unlocking Longevity The Power of the Fasting Mimicking Diet

Unlocking Longevity: The Power Of The Fasting Mimicking Diet

By Joseph Antoun, MD, PhD, MPP

“Unlocking Longevity” serves as your definitive guide to the science and practical experience of the fasting mimicking diet, presented in an engaging and informative format. Delve into the transformative potential of this revolutionary approach to health and longevity. Explore the science underpinning this innovative program, shedding light on its capacity to facilitate weight loss, increase energy levels, and enhance longevity. Moreover, discover how scientific evidence supports its numerous benefits across a spectrum of conditions, from cancer and autoimmune diseases to diabetes and Alzheimer’s, and beyond.

“Unlocking Longevity” effectively bridges the divide between scientific research and its real-world application. Gain access to the understanding and implementation of fasting mimicking diets, supported by step-by-step guidance. Grasp the profound advantages this approach offers for various health conditions.

This book serves as your gateway to a healthier, longer life through the principles of fasting mimicking.

Intermittent Fasting Guide

Intermittent Fasting Quick Start Guide

By Cynthia Thurlow, NP

Download the free Intermittent Fasting guide to support an anti-inflammatory autoimmune lifestyle.

Your Guide to Longevity with Carbon 60 cover

Your Guide To Longevity With Carbon 60

By Ken Swartz, MS

Learn how to neutralize toxic free radicals and oxidative stress that contribute to aging

Skinny Sleep

Skinny Sleep

By Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD

Learn about the sleep-weight loss cycle, obstacles to deep sleep, and how optimizing sleep can enhance calorie burn, muscle repair, and reduce hunger-inducing hormones. The guide includes the “Skinny Sleep Protocol,” offering practical tips for improving sleep and achieving sustainable fat loss.

The Connection Between Thyroid Function and Mental Well Being 1

The Connection Between Thyroid Function And Mental Well-Being

By Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD

Discover ways to boost your energy and emotional health. Understand the link between thyroid health and emotions. This ebook offers dietary, nutritional and lifestyle tips to enhance your thyroid for better energy, happiness, and tranquility.

Your Thyroid Menu Plan 1

Your Thyroid Menu Plan

By Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD

An essential guide for those with hypothyroidism, offering a comprehensive look at foods to avoid and embrace for optimal thyroid health. It details how certain foods can hinder thyroid function and medication absorption, while providing a 7-day meal plan rich in thyroid-supportive nutrients like selenium, iodine, and omega-3s. This ebook is an invaluable resource for managing hypothyroidism through diet.

FREE Meal Planning Tool from Aviv Clinics 2

Building Healthy Meals

By Aviv Clinics

Three Steps Anyone Can Follow to Build the Perfect Meal

GoE Wellness App

GoE Wellness App

By GoE Wellness

GoE Wellness focuses on holistic and balanced life – and helps users lead more fulfilling life through timely and contextual suggestions of content and experiences. We aim to empower you by providing you with the tools to make small, sustainable changes in your life – and we do it across four of our main pillars:

* Active – how much activity do you do each day, what kind of activity,
* Rest – how well you can rest, how you sleep, what is your recovery,
* Nutrition – what, when and how much you eat,
* Beauty – how do you feel about yourself and think of yourself.

Download our app to begin your journey to a better life!

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