3 Energy Shifting Tools for Creating A Life You Love

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  • How to get a clear vision of your dreams
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Tom McCarthy

I’m super excited to introduce you to our next guest. We’ve just been chatting here and we’re actually in a group together, that has a conference twice a year, but we’ve never been at the conference at the same time, so I’m just so delighted to meet her and introduce you to. Her name is Mary Morrissey and she’s made it her mission to empower people to create and live a life they love, and for over 50 years she’s been studying how to do that, and so she has tremendous expertise, she’s the founder and you can see it right in the back there, she is the founder of the Brave Thinking Institute, which is one of the world’s premier provider of transformational training and coaching. Mary’s got a new book coming up, which is gonna be really exciting, I can’t wait to read it. But she’s also already written two Bestselling books. One is called No Less Than Greatness, which I love that title, and the second one is building your field of dreams. We all remember that movie, and how dreams do come true. And Mary is dedicated to making sure that she helps one billion dreams be achieved around the world. A billion dreams, Mary that’s a big, big goal in itself, but just even in talking with you and seeing your energy and just the way you light up, I know you’re gonna make that happen. So Mary, it’s really wonderful to have you here. Welcome to the Global Energy healing summit,

Mary Morrissey

Thank you Tom. I’m really happy to be here.


Tom McCarthy

Yeah, so first of all a billion dreams. How did you even conceive that? That’s pretty phenomenal.


Mary Morrissey

Well, it’s our dream is that as people learn this system of transformation, not only does their dream come through, but they help their Children have their dreams come true and the multiplication of that. And we gave ourselves a decade. So anybody who comes to anything we’re doing, when you say this is our vision and the dream.


Tom McCarthy

Yeah, well that’s so true. When someone learns how to do that, it doesn’t stay within them, like their Children, their friends. And even just even if they don’t teach people the specific way of how they did it. Just that inspiration of seeing somebody else do something, you’re like, whoa, okay, I gotta think a little bit bigger too. So the ripple effect, I’m sure will be huge. Yeah. So you’ve done all sorts of cool things, You’ve, you’ve got a PBS special, you’ve convened a three week long meeting with his holiness, The Dalai lama, you’ve met President Mandela was one of my heroes, You met him before he passed away. Just amazing, amazing life you’ve led. How did it all start? Where did your transformation start?


Mary Morrissey

Well, even the idea that it was possible started for me. As a teenager, I grew up in Beaverton Oregon, which is a nice suburb of Portland Oregon


Tom McCarthy

I was just there last week actually doing a talk up there. Yeah.


Mary Morrissey

Yeah. And I had a high school experience, like most young girls dream about my junior year in high school, I was class vice president had to lead the junior play on the drill team and homecoming princess. And at the end of that year, May 1, my high school boyfriend had come home on spring break. We dated four years. He went off to college, Came home on spring break and May one, I’m having to tell my parents that I am now pregnant. And in my junior year in high school, my mother wept for me as if I had died. 

We had a very hasty 10 person wedding a couple of weeks later the principal of the high school calls me to his office and says, are these rumors? I’m hearing about you. True. I said, well if the rumors are I’m pregnant and married in that order, then yes, they’re true. I just had his hands and he said, Mary you have great grades, terrific honors. You are not going to be allowed to return here for your senior year would be totally inappropriate for a pregnant girl to get mixed in with the normal girls. This is 1966. But if you want to get a high school diploma which I did because I always dreamed of being a teacher and I saw this as a detour, but not a dead end. It was just gonna take me a little longer probably to accomplish it. And so he says, but if you wanna high school diploma, there is a high school for people like you, it’s across the river, it was in a part of Portland, I hadn’t been allowed to drive in after dark and it is after dark and it’s where the pregnant girls and delinquent boys go to high school. That next fall I drove across the river. I remember thinking as I’m walking up these steps, every girl here is either pregnant has a baby. Every guy is some kind of delinquent. This is my new student body. And over the course of the summer, my best three girlfriends, we’d all been this group of four girls, very, very connected for since fourth grade mothers got together and decided their daughters could no longer see me. As if what I had was contagious, I think. So my son was born in December. I graduated from Washington Evening High School in May, and in July I was in an intensive care ward in Portland Hospital having been diagnosed with fatal kidney disease when I was totally destroyed with nephritis kidney disease. 

The other had 50% destruction active nephritis and we don’t have transplants. We don’t have dialysis at this point. And it’s, you know, they’re very sad and, but it’s a death sentence and they’re telling me that, maybe if we can get the blood talks and level in my body reduced enough to sustain a surgery to remove the right kidney, maybe I could have six months. And you know, the I what helped me over time as I looked back was I had the god of my upbringing was not a friendly place to go when you felt like you really screwed up. I’m sent to a school with delinquent. So clearly I’m the bad girl, My girlfriend’s can’t see me anymore. So I’ve been carrying this. And finally, finally, the night before my surgery was going to happen, a woman walked in my room who identified herself as a visiting chaplain and she got a list of surgeries that were gonna happen the next day in order of seriousness. My name was at the top of the list. She said, did I want someone to pray with me? I was scared. 

I said, okay, she pulls her chair next to my bed and she didn’t do anything that seemed anything like I’d ever thought of as prayer. She said, would you be willing to tell me what’s been going on in your life the last year or two. I told her my story at the end of which she looked at me compassionately and she said, Mary everything’s created twice. I said, what are you talking about? She said you actually know this. In fact, everybody knows that almost nobody knows the power of knowing this, that you’re laying on the nightgown, You’re wearing the sheet covering the walls, the ceiling, the floor, all the machinery that you’re hooked up to. It had to be a thought all of it before it could be a thing. Then she said, I hear how much you love your little boy, but I also hear how much you’ve been hating yourself. You feel like you shamed your school, you shamed your family, you shamed yourself and now that you’re considering how everything is created twice. Could you consider even the possibility that that toxic thinking could have something to do with the toxicity, rampaging your body and threaten your very life?


Tom McCarthy



Mary Morrissey

Nobody I knew thought this way Tom I mean this was this was 1967


Tom McCarthy

That’s one of my favorite quotes, by the way, I always say that to everything is created twice, first inside then on the outside. So I love that. That was an angel that came to see you. It seems like,


Mary Morrissey

It turns out she and then she said, if you could live, what would you do? And I knew, I knew immediately I said I’d raise my little boy and I’m a teacher. And she said, so after the surgery, she asked me first, she said, think about it. There’s infinite possibilities in this universe infinite. So could you believe that there is a possibility that we could say a prayer and just sweep that toxicity out of you. And in the morning when they come get you, they say well you look so much better, asked you and then say that you’re gonna be fine. And I told her the truth no there wasn’t any part of me that could believe at that point that she was going to say some words and I believe way more in my pain. 

And what I would later call minor deities who had M. D. Next to their names. So then she said okay if you can’t believe that, could you believe there’s a possibility that we could sweep that up all that toxicity? Put it in the kidney that’s gonna get removed when it gets removed. Instead of getting worse you just start slowly to get better and you actually get, well could you believe that’s possible? Remember there’s infinite possibilities. There has to be one possibility for this. Now I didn’t believe it but I could tell it was an interesting thing in that moment. I could believe I could. No I knew that she believed it and I was unconscious to do this. 

But I probably just believed in her belief. I said well maybe it’s she said so here’s what we’re gonna do. And then she said I’ll do the prayer in just a minute. Now remember this is all before we had mind body clinics at Harvard and Stanford and L. A. And all the medical teachings large medical teaching facilities. So she said I here’s what’s gonna happen. You’re gonna have the surgery when you get out of the surgery, your gonna be, your mind will be busy and your energy will be busy attending to the pain for however long it’s compelling. Day 23. And then as the pain ebbs, your mind is going to want to go down the same well worn paths of thinking that you’re doing. So here’s what I want you to do whenever you notice a self loathing thought interrupted and say no that left with a kidney because we’re going to take all that shame and all of that and put it in the kidney. That’s gonna get removed. Know that left with the kidney, she said, but it’s, you know, the university pours a vacuum so it’s not enough to just say no. Then immediately I want you to imagine that you’re walking up to a school, have a little warm little boy’s hand, he’s five, it’s your little boy. You’re walking up the steps into the school, there’s a kindergarten teacher who’s welcoming him to his kindergarten class. You give him a hug, he’s happy. He goes inside and you hear the click, click, click of your heels around the corner and there’s your classroom, your first classroom, then fast forward and you’re sitting in a big stadium or auditorium and you’re seeing caps and gowns down on this and there’s your son’s name is called to the stage, he holds up his diploma, you’re cheering and and so grateful not only to see him this, but for all the moments where you’ve helped him achieve this goal for himself and you’re fast forward and you’re sitting in the front row of a wedding and that wedding is your son and he’s marrying the love of his life. 

And you’re, you’re the mother of the groom and your teaching career is flourishing. You said, just keep doing that. Well, I looking back, had to have been an unconscious, competent. I just did what she told me to do. I wasn’t, I didn’t understand the science behind it. I didn’t, I just did it. And a couple of weeks after they removed the kidney, I was still in intensive care about my numbers, started stabilizing. Finally, they said to me, well, we don’t know if you, you know, you might be getting a little bit more time and if you’d like to go home for a week or two, you know, you will have to come back. But maybe. And so I went home in an ambulance. I couldn’t get my head hardly off the pillow. Had to go to the urologist several times a week to get tested. But my numbers stabilized and then just started slightly improving. 

Until about six months after the surgery, I’m sitting in a conference room with the surgeon, the specialists and all the charts and they’re saying we have no science or why your one kidney is functioning as a whole perfect kidney. And that’s what I mean. He says, listen, I, I told your family that was gathered that won the kidney. You, it’s now operating for you. It was withered. It was about 50% of the size pockmarked all over with nephritis. We don’t know if this will last, but then they moved me instead of several times a week to coming every once a week and then once a month and then once every three months. And that was 55 years ago,


Tom McCarthy

55 years later. That’s awesome. I love that.


Mary Morrissey

I wasn’t interested. It was interesting. I’m young. I’m just happy to be better. But I wasn’t interested in. Well, how did this actually occur until I was an undergraduate school just two or three years later. And a series of things occurred in October of 1971 and I began to see patterns. I began to recognize some things and then I became a thirsty sponge for everything I could find in the field of transformation. That’s why I went sought out and, and it was a dream of mine to create. I just want to meet his holiness and ask him a question about transformation and what I saw happen in him. That’s what took me to Cape Town, to nelson Mandela. I was thinking, you know, one day, you know, who, here’s a guy gets sentenced to life 27 years in hard labor,


Tom McCarthy

Right? Yeah.


Mary Morrissey

And well he became violent. He in his story, he’s, you know, when he was non violent, it was he saw his buddies be killed, then he became well they mean, yeah, sent to prison for fighting something that we always exactly. And yet he gets out of prison before he dies, it becomes president of the country that sentenced him to life. Who on our planet does that one guy, I wanted to ask him what happened in you, what was happening in your thinking that produced this result. And he knew exactly what it was. He talked about climbing the slope of thought and how the guy that he said, the guy that went to prison could never have become president. Yeah, so I had to become.


Tom McCarthy

Yeah. So one of the things that I also love is that I tell people you’re under no obligation to be the exact same person. You were five minutes ago, you had to, you were not the same person that went in that hospital. And then, and that’s such a great story you started off with because you know, this is global energy healing summit now some people, they need to heal their minds and their thoughts and you know, create more happiness. But there’s some people watching you right now Mary you have chronic illness or have some scary diagnosis and exactly what you said is what we want them to know, right. It’s a point in time right now, someone might be saying, you’ve got this or whatever, but we, but there’s there’s a role you played in creating it and it’s it’s typically a message to you to shift who you are so that you can get beyond it the same way that you did in shifting just an amazing story. I and that person that came into your life. I mean, that truly was an amazing being that showed up for you and got you to, you know, to start to see things different and here you are, you know, 55 years later, just what a great story. I love it. I absolutely love that story.


Mary Morrissey

So as I got interested in, how does it really occur, that real transformation? You know, what happened with me is my first it was. And then as I began to study more, I began to see the patterns of transformation. I said all the world’s religions. I went to seminary, I got a master’s degree in counseling psychology. Got very interested in studying the new science max Talbot out of Stanford, the holographic universe and quantum field theory. And I began to see patterns of how this crowd reality, what we call reality occurs,


Tom McCarthy

What we call reality. That’s a good way of looking at it. Yeah,


Mary Morrissey

And one of over working with, over the many, many years of working with clients, helping them transform a set of results into another, more life giving set of results. That’s my and one of the things I’ve learned about that health is wanting to be well is not a big enough dream. You healthy when she didn’t say to me, would you love to be well? She said, if you could live, what would you do with your life? I would raise my little boy and I’d become a teacher. Then she helped me shape that into a vision. He had stair steps to it. He’s five, he’s 18, he’s married and my teaching career, she didn’t say so, you know, she didn’t say who was gonna babysit him while I went to school to become a teacher when none of the how is in and that’s a tough thing for people who aren’t used to what I call dream building.


Tom McCarthy



Mary Morrissey

We’ll have dreams. But the science of it is in the building and it’s an inside, as you said, Tom it’s an out process.


Tom McCarthy

Yeah. And what I love about what you do to is you know, there really are no limits in what you teach. You know, there’s there, you know, people can dream as big as they want to and you probably encourage that. So you don’t say, oh no, no, that don’t dream that big, just like that lady that came to you that chaplain, by most people’s standards because most people are firmly entrenched in the physical world where they’re in the physical world, there are limits, right? You know, if you’re just in the physical world, but she brought you into that non physical world where there were no limits and where you can create anything you want. And I know that’s probably a lot of your work is getting people out of that entrenched reality. Another quote that I often say is average conforms to reality. Greatness creates a whole new reality and you’re helping people step into that. So again, I just absolutely love your work. So where do you start? Where do you tell people to start when they are stuck in whatever reality that they’re in, where they don’t like it, but they don’t see any hope or any chance. Where do you start to guide


Mary Morrissey

We as humans, we’re all trained to, live what I call condition based living. An idea comes, I wanted, oh, I would love it if I could. Well, where’s the money gonna come from? And then we go immediately to conditions as decider for who we can be and what we can do. As I began as I studied all of this, I began to realize that what you have right now has nothing to do with your vision or your dream that I define a dream this way. I mean you can have wonderful goals, really, even worthy goals and you know what to do to bring them about. You just haven’t done it yet. That’s not a dream. 

By definition, a dream is something that, as you imagine being the person having that life, it is so life giving and you have no idea how to bring it about because that requires of us then to partner with a higher being, a higher, higher self beyond the self. We know that were connected. We are in my experience and in my deep knowing, we are not just physical beings, we are spiritual beings. Having a human experience. That human experience is malleable. It’s an effect. It’s like the what the movie you see on the screen doesn’t start on the screen, it starts there’s light and you lay down film and that film is the thinking and the and most people just never get supported in creating in their minds and on paper what they would really, really love. So I encourage people to put three things together as a beginning. 

You ask, what’s the beginning, number one notice what you’re noticing. No, and then turn that noticing right now, you can notice your feet, you can notice your knees on top of your head, your notice or will go anywhere. You direct it. Most of us notice what’s missing or what’s wrong. You can turn that noticing to noticing your longing and your discontent where in your life there are four main areas where we’re all creating results anyway, we have results right now. You can measure them. We have relationship results right now, whether they’re fulfilling or tangled or disruptive. You can see the results in your relationship quadrant of life or vocation, what you’re doing, whether you’re earning income with it or not, it’s what you’re doing with your time and talent. How fulfilling is it? How meaningful does it have purpose in it? How do you feel significant our significance in the work that you’re doing? And so that always has other things that it creates, frustration if you’re not. So you’ve got health relationship vocation and the other one, the fourth one is our freedom quadrant, how much time freedom, how much money, freedom and or not. So as people start to notice what they’re noticing, I take if I’m doing a three day event with them or one on one client. So let’s talk about in the area of your health. Where’s your longing and where’s your discontent? This? And I believe those are two signals actually from our, from spirit, from our soul. Send signals and it’s, oh, and when you hear it in your own head though, I’m just so tired of trying to, you know, want to get up in the morning. You know, if you’ve got health issues, you know, I’m tired of pain. You know, you have, you know, discontent. 

And if only I could go run play with my kids. You know, I play basketball with them or, or or I’m so tired of not having enough money to get through the month and figuring it out, always trying to struggle. I’m tired of the struggle. I would love it if so those two sides longing and discontent. And then you ask yourself, so now that you’ve noticed longing and discontent in each of these areas, you pick the one that’s the most painful usually to transform first, which is probably scary for people right? To pick the one that’s most painful. But it is causing the most pain and it will affect as we lift that one up, it’ll rise all things. 

You know, I, cause I actually invite them to not only notice that it’s painful, but how long has it been going on and what’s it costing you to not close that gap between. Yeah. And then, so now I’m noticing my longing and discontent. What do I do without ask yourself this question? What would I love in the area of health now? What do I, and it’s a very different question than what do I think I can have? What are the doctors that I can have? What is this disease? What happens with most people? Like it’s in charge? So what would I love in health, but what I love in my relationships so you can’t create something you don’t define no dream house ever got built that didn’t have a good strong blueprint actually read and a builder could work from. And it’s an expression of what’s going inside of the individual who wants a dream house. It’s the same thing with a dream life.


Tom McCarthy

Yeah, I love that. You know, so many people around health when they get a diagnosis to immediately run to the internet and see, you know, okay, what’s gonna happen and you just said, don’t do that, right? You know, what do you do you what would you love to happen? Not what happens to the average person or how long they live or what are all the symptoms?


Mary Morrissey

I don’t encourage people to be afraid of information or take a look at it, but I encourage them to know that you are more than that.


Tom McCarthy



Mary Morrissey

Right now this is a fact. I mean, you don’t ignore a diagnosis, definitely don’t accept a prognosis because you’re not brought that those are statistics. Statistics only applied to groups. They never apply to individuals, not that you are more than that.


Tom McCarthy

Yeah. I always tell people like if you’re gonna look up something around the condition that you have, find someone who overcame and study them or find a bunch of people and just like be inspired by that, not what happens to the average person that’s stuck in reality. Yeah. So challenges do show up. You had an enormous challenge, 18, 19 years old, however old you were when your kidneys were not functioning, but obviously we can all see how that shaped you into who you are today, you wouldn’t be doing this today. Had that not happened? Probably. I mean, maybe. Yeah. So how do you coach people on dealing with setbacks? Adversities along the way? What do you tell them about those?


Mary Morrissey

Yeah, they’re adversities are not stop signs.


Tom McCarthy



Mary Morrissey

Qualifiers. It really are it? The thing is it big? Is it little we decide it’s going to stop me or is this going to be a stepping stone? I’m gonna get on top of and use the learning that you know, I’m not going to have something happen in my life. That seems bad. Not get the learning and I’m a believer when napoleon Hill studied successful people and their mindset on problems, on difficulties, on setbacks, they, one of the things he codified was that every one of them believed that there was a seed of an equal or greater benefit no matter the heartbreak, no matter what, the loss, there’s a seed of an equal or greater benefit in this than it appears like he’s seeing. It has to be found and planted and nurtured and grown


Tom McCarthy

And the quicker you find that the less pain you have, that’s what I’ve taught my kids now and you know, I’ve learned through many years is the quicker I can, even when it’s in the midst of it happening going, alright, I don’t like this, but let’s milk it, what can I get from this? How can I grow into something better spirit as much? Yeah, that’s awesome. So we’ve talked about becoming a dream builder. How do people take advantage of what you have to offer, Where can they go and and what resources do you have that we can direct them to, because I know a lot of people are listening to this going, I want what she’s teaching, where can they go Mary


Mary Morrissey

Well we have is this where we’d like to give a gift Tom


Tom McCarthy

Let’s give a gift. That’d be great.


Mary Morrissey

Yeah, I created a meditation on crafting your own vision and I’ll ask questions and it’s just a gift from us. Tom mentioned, I’m the founder of Rethinking Institute. And so this is a way that we can make sure you get a gift from us on how to help you craft, even if you think, you know your vision, I’d say about 50% of the clients that come our way come to our conferences and seminars, 50% would say, I don’t really know what my vision like. And it isn’t really that they don’t know, we just haven’t been led to the process the minute we do the process and it becomes clean.


Tom McCarthy

Yeah, so it’s inside them, but this meditation that you’re gonna give the people that helps them kind of know their vision even.


Mary Morrissey

You’ll have clarity in the same way. A really clear vision. Once you have clarity that dictates the vibration.


Tom McCarthy



Mary Morrissey

You’re going to see the pictures on your tv that you’re tuned to with your remote control, tune to a frequency and you have the pictures. If you’re tired of some of the pictures in different parts of your life and you would love other results, we ought to change the frequency. And that starts with a vision. A clear vision, not of what you think. You can have, what’s not just a little better, but what you would absolutely love because it would be enough fire really love. You can have water that gets really hot. But unless it hits the boiling point, it doesn’t have a phase change where it goes from liquid to gas. Want results to be different. We have to have a phase change


Tom McCarthy

And when it comes from within, it does have such incredible power. When you’re trying a lot of people try and, you know, set their goals by what someone else has and then they chase it and they realize it’s not that fulfilling your process really helps it come out from within you where there’s this enormous power just waiting to be unleashed. So where do people go married to be able to get this meditation?


Mary Morrissey

Make sure I’m giving it too quickly. It would go to BTI.com/globalenergyhealing.


Tom McCarthy

Okay, great. So everybody BTI.com/globalenergyhealing.


Mary Morrissey

It’s a gift from Mary to you. I am going to go there and I’m gonna get it and I and everyone should go get that and and and go through that meditation and really find out what’s inside of you bring your dreams to life. Mary, do you feel like there are limits for people or do you just get them to think so big where they go through most of the limits that they tend to think they have.


Tom McCarthy

Here’s what I think ultimately we’re dealing infinite. We’re not infinite. So it’s what we can believe actually with, I have clients, you know, the most they’ve earned. Let’s say it’s somebody who’s earned 100 $150,000 and they’ll say I’m earning $5 million a year, I’m earning $500 million a year and they do it. Yes, but not with the mindset that generates 150 no, flip from 1 50 to 500 million. Usually, I mean my experience, but it’s rare. So let’s double let’s take your income and double it.


Mary Morrissey



Tom McCarthy

And then there’s a process for that versus you know, and keep that in mind if that’s what you really want, Keep it in mind, you don’t have to surrender that.


Mary Morrissey

Yeah, yeah. No, I love it. Well, you’ve helped so many people achieve their dreams. Thank you so much for being on with us. You’ve shared some, some real wisdom and some inspiration. Just even hearing you talk, I know about your story of, you know, being in a condition where you were told you at best you had six months to live and here you are, 55 years later, right? You are, a walking building.


Tom McCarthy

I’ve had to overcome all kinds of things. Talk flying the same system. I just, last thing I would say you’re, you’re wonderful group is there’s an art and science to transforming results.


Mary Morrissey



Tom McCarthy

It’s in the vision. You have to know what you really want and the science is in the vibration. You can’t get to a dream. You actually have to come from it.


Mary Morrissey

I love that, wow. What a great way to end today. Last question I ask you is you spent some time with the Dalai Lama. What was the biggest lesson you learned from him?


Tom McCarthy

I as a young teacher training, I would I got very interested in his work and I read everything I could find his books. I attended one of his events at a big conference center. There were, it was like 15,000 people on my way up nosebleed suits and he sees, he wouldn’t know me from anybody. I remember being being totally amazed here he is, he’s exiled as a kid out of his country. He spends his life fighting for the freedom of Tibet. And the Chinese government is seeking to stamp out this 5000 year beautiful tradition and you’re no bitterness, no revenge in anything he was saying. And I thought you know, if you’re going to give anybody on the planet a little past for having some hurt, some resentment about what’s happened. And even today in Tibet, if a Chinese official overhears a Tibetan person saying out loud which is effectively if you’re in the United States and you say our father who art in heaven or you’re always the Lord, our God is one. They and their family are incarcerated for the rest of their life. If they considered sedition to the Chinese government, I could find no bitterness in him. And so I just started dream building. I thought you know what I love, I would love to have a cup of tea with this guy and ask him, how do you do it? You have these facts and yet this is how you are in them. How do you do that? And you know, I just kept every now and then imagining sitting havoc up to here with him fast forward is probably 12, 10, 12 years.

I get a call from the office of Tibet and he was taking some interviews, He was looking for someone to help facilitate meetings with world leaders that he would have over the course of seven years, three different week long meetings and his brother had heard me speak at the Tibetan or the Christian Buddhist conference that I was invited to speak at one and I’m speaking about transcendentalism is out of concord. There were two revolutions that happened in the United States, won the revolution of the freedom for this country, a revolution of thinking. And they’d heard me speak. 

So then I get this invite to come to Tibet and take this interview with him, I go in, he’s got there, he’s got some T and t and I’m going oh my gosh. And then as I answered his questions and he said do you have a question for me? And I said I do have a question for you and I asked my question and how do you do this? And he goes, oh friends, easy love, easy forgive. But we all have sacred friends very, very difficult, very, very difficult. He says without Chinese government doing exactly what they do, I would never have had to evolve my heart bigger than the pain they bring and they have a Tibetan practice called body cheetah for for going to compassion no matter what he said, it doesn’t mean that we don’t do everything we can do, but we’re not going to do it in resentment. We’re not going to do it in. Everyone has friends, easy love, easy forgive. But we all have sacred friends.


Mary Morrissey



Tom McCarthy

That’s where the metal meets, you know,


Mary Morrissey

And forgiveness is so healing to. So what a great way to end today, Mary you are shining light, so great, meeting you and thank you so much for being with us today.


Tom McCarthy

I really appreciate it.

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Jim Ohneck
2023 – Global Energy Healing 2.0 – Joel Fuhrman (1)

Reverse Disease, Slow Aging And Maximize Longevity

Joel Fuhrman, MD
2023 Danielle Forsgern featured image

The Power Of Increasing Microcirculation

Danielle Forsgren
2023 – Global Energy Healing 2.0 – Bobbi Vogel

The Etheric Body – A Space Of Possibility

Bobbi Vogel
2023 – Global Energy Healing 2.0 – Ari Whitten

How To Build Your Cellular Engine For Greater Energy Production

Ari Whitten, MS
2023 – Global Energy Healing 2.0 – Hemal Patel

Impact Of Meditation On Energetics and Human Potential

Hemal Patel, PhD

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