The Quality of Food Matters in Autoimmune Detoxification

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Keesha Ewers, PhD, ARNP-FNP-C, AAP, IFM-C

Welcome back to the “Reverse Autoimmune Disease Summit Series,” everybody. I’m Dr. Keesha, and you’re joining me for the fourth iteration of the Reverse Autoimmune Disease Summit Series.” And we’re talking about this time, the autoimmune detox. And I’m so excited. I ran several years ago. I don’t even know how long ago, it was ago, Autumn. In 2016, yeah, the “Woman’s Vitality Summit Series,” and you guys were sponsors for that. And it was the first time I was introduced to you. So that’s been some years now. So I’m so excited to bring you, an old friend. Autumn Fladmo Smith, who is the co-founder of Paleo Valley and Wild Pastures. She holds a Master’s Degree in Holistic Nutrition. 

She’s a Certified Eating Psychology Coach. And is a certified FDN practitioner. Her passion for health began with her own struggles with irritable bowel syndrome and anxiety. Despite a career as a professional dancer and celebrity fitness trainer, Autumn’s own health was in shambles. Desperate for a cure, she and her husband Chaz stumbled upon the Paleo Diet in 2011. And within a month of beginning of her health was completely transformed. Autumn then made it her mission to share the information she’d learned with as many people as possible. And she’s the co-founder of Paleo Valley which is an organic whole food supplement, and paleo snack food company that prioritize nutrient density and food quality. In 2018, she took things a step further and launched her second business with her husband, Wild Pastures, which is a regenerative pasture based meat delivery service. Wild Pastures makes supporting sustainable agriculture and local small farms easy for consumers. She lives in Boulder, Colorado with her husband and their son, Maverick. Welcome back to the Summit Series. We’re not doing women’s vitality this time, but we are, ’cause 80% of all autoimmune diseases are diagnosed in women.

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