How Hydrogen Gas Affects Peptides
Paul Barattiero has lectured over the last 20 years on the prevention of pathology. Over the last 11 years, He has focused his lectures on how molecular hydrogen increases cognitive function and reduces oxidative stress and reduces inflammation.
He is the founder ad CEO if Synergy Science, a pioneer and a leader in hydrogen water.
Here are some of the best-selling products from Synergy Science:
- Echo Water Machines
- Synergy Sauna
- Waveguard EMF Protection
There are over 750 studies showing how Hydrogen benefits more than 170 diseases and every organ in the human body. Today we will learn how Hydrogen Gas Affects Peptides.
How Did the Hydrogen Water Business Start?
Right after 9/11, Paul’s wife had thyroid and menstrual issues and severe anemia. During that time as well, Paul was working with patients with diabetes and was trying to prevent decubitus ulcers.
He’d been searching for ways to help his wife and those patients. He started giving the water to some of the patients with diabetes and within three to five days, their blood glucose levels were normalizing.
They had some great studies on lipid and glucose metabolism and how hydrogen affects lipid and glucose metabolism.
In those double-blind studies, 80% of the individuals in these with either IGT or impaired glucose tolerance, as well as type two diabetes mellitus were normalized in this eight-week study. So, the bottom line is, diabetes is not terribly difficult, especially type 2 to modulate that or to help that.
And really it was originally getting hydrogen from the alkaline water, which is really what the deal was. I think everyone remembers when alkaline water machines were crazily popular and people think they still are, but the reality was, it has nothing to do with the pH, it had everything to do with the hydrogen gas and if we really look back at how alkaline water machines started, they started in 1800. Dr. Anthony Carlisle discovered water electrolysis because he was trying to harvest hydrogen gas. He had been at a conference in 1798 that talked about hydrogen being an antioxidant. Literally in world wars, they were using hydrogen for gunshot wounds.
So, it was in 1950, that Dr. Mishisue in Japan began doing human trials for 15 years. From 1950 to 1965, they were using what’s called a batch ionizer or a batch electrolysis unit to create water that they called at the time, synnohl liquid. It was hydrogen gas that was in the water and they were giving it to individuals with different disease models, and what they proved with the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare, was that they fixed improper fermentation in the gut. So, that’s when these devices became medical devices in 1965 was because they proved that they fix gut issues effectively or improper fermentation. So, fast forward from 1965, nothing really happened until the 1980s, at which time someone woke up, read that literature, and said, “Holy cow, let’s make some machines that can produce this water and help people.” And again, it was alkaline.
Through the years,it was figured out that the mechanism of healing was from hydrogen gas. But we wanted to figure out how to separate water molecules back into the gases that formed them, hydrogen and oxygen, and dissolve the hydrogen gas without changing pH. And so, that’s what we figured out how to do. That’s what the echo machines are, is hydrogen devices that don’t affect pH of the water, so you don’t have the Alzheimer’s effects. You don’t have to throw off your body chemistry from high pH. You don’t mess with your stomach pH. You just get hydrogen gas to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, and you have negative ORP that will help rebuild the gut. And so, that’s really what we focus on.
What is Hydrogen Water?
“Isn’t there hydrogen already in water, H2O? The reality is no, there’s not. Even though H2O, which at one point was hydrogen gas and oxygen gas, once you combine those two gases, they are now a liquid. So, you have water. It’s a new substance. You don’t have hydrogen and oxygen functioning anymore. You have to break the bond to get them to actually function as hydrogen or oxygen. So that’s what we do in our device. We have a proprietary hydrogen chamber or module as we call it that separates hydrogen and oxygen. Oxygen, we send back out to the atmosphere where people can breathe it and the H2 molecule, we dissolve into the water and that’s how we do it. Now, what’s very different than any other machine in the world, the electrodes are never in contact with the water you’re drinking. So, all the alkaline water machines, the electrodes are in contact with the water you’re drinking. So, you will put metals into that water because electrolysis, that’s what it has.
In our machine, we have two streams of water. And what we do that’s different, is we have one stream of water going into the electrolysis chamber where we’re separating hydrogen and oxygen gas. Out of that chamber.
So, out of that chamber, we push hydrogen out a specific port and then we mix that hydrogen gas with a second stream of purified water and then we go through a dissolving chamber to dissolve that hydrogen gas into the water. So, that’s significantly different than any other machine in the world because we have separated water. We’ve separated the electrolysis chamber from the water you’re drinking. We’re just harvesting the hydrogen gas and we’re sending the hydrogen gas into another stream of water that has never touched the electrodes.
Water is never in contact with the cathode. And so, you can never have calcium buildup on the cathode either because we never have water touching it. And so, you’re constantly dissolving hydrogen because we’re just getting the gas out of the water and we’re sending it out a port at a specific pressure and then it is sheared off with water going by it and that’s how our product functions. So, you can use distilled water, reverse osmosis, you can use spring water, you can use any portable water source that you want in our devices, which is not true for the other machines. You cannot use distilled water or reverse osmosis because they require conductivity in the water we do not require. Yeah, we have a totally completely different process and we do not require conductivity in the water.
There’s signal modulation with oxidizers and their signal modulation with hydrogen. So it’s a totally different process having a selective antioxidant. What’s really beautiful and what makes hydrogen wonderful is its signal modulation and enzyme action but hydrogen doesn’t do any heavy lifting on its own.
It’s all second messengers because hydrogen gives direction to NERF1, NERF2, SIRT1, telomeres activity. We start looking at all the antioxidant pathways that hydrogen functions on, and the fact that hydrogen signals ghrelin secretions to go to the brain, so you have more brain function. So, you also have major energy production because you stop hydroxyl radicals from forming in the mitochondria respiratory chain. So, there are many things that hydrogen does. And then when you get down to the building blocks, whether it’s peptides or it’s just the core of the body, you have carbon hydrogen chains everywhere in the body, whether it’s amino acid bonds which we call peptides, or it’s all hydrogen. Everything has to function with hydrogen and, without hydrogen, nothing’s going to happen. So, you’ve got to have hydrogen and so, really why I developed this, is because people have gut issues. I think we all know that. I think we hear everyone and their mother in the natural medicine industry saying gut damage, gut damage, gut damage and we say leaky gut, and you might think something’s going down in your leg or something. I don’t know what that even means, leaky gut. It could be an inflammatory gut, or it could be, I mean, I don’t know. There’s better terms than leaky gut, but the reality is, what constitutes gut damage or a dysfunctioning gut and it’s really bacteria. What we’re really saying is, your combination or balance of bacteria is not correct. And so, what people don’t understand is if they have too much anaerobic or aerobic bacteria for example, they’ll have cravings of sugar and carbs, they’ll have more anxiety, depression and the food that they’ll want is based on the anaerobic bacteria, what it wants. Well, we should only have one to 4% anaerobic microflora.The rest of the bacteria should be anaerobic. And that’s because it will break down fiber and short chain fatty acids, medium chain fatty acids to produce hydrogen.
Your typical antioxidants are electron donors and when you donate the electron, they become a prooxidant just as you’re saying. And so, now that’s a burden that your body has to get rid of. The beautiful thing is hydrogen, what really blew up hydrogen was in 2009, when Nature Medicine published that hydrogen was a selective antioxidant. And what they said was that it’s selective because it only reaches and reacts with ROS or reactive oxygen species and they particularly mentioned hydroxyl radicals. Now, hydroxyl radicals are the most cell damaging or cytotoxic radical in the human body and most importantly, they destroy cell function in the mitochondria so you don’t have proper ATP. You don’t have energy. And so, you feel tired. And this is one of the things they first noted. Well, guess what? Since then, there were maybe 100 studies in 10 years. We now have 1,100 studies, hundreds of human studies and 200 disease models that are benefited by hydrogen gas in the body and literally, we already have studies charted for 2022 that are going to be published that are amazing pathology that are being affected. But again, it will go on forever because people are doing more and more studies. And all they’re doing is figuring out why our bodies had a hydrogen generator in them in the first place, because it’s critical to homeostasis, it’s critical to life and health and this is what we all need to understand. And so, having hydrogen, even as simple as hydrochloric acid in your stomach, HCl in your stomach, remember there’s an H there, so it’s hydrogen. You can’t have proper stomach acid without hydrogen. And so, every aspect of the body requires hydrogen and peptides of course require hydrogen, amino. All of these things function together in a beautiful symphony in the body and that’s really a huge biohack. When you talk about biohacking or you talk about what can I do to have health, you drink water with hydrogen gas in it and it’s amazing what happens
How Would People be able to Use Hydrogen Water?
There’s a simple sports bottle where you put water in it and you push a button and next thing you know, you’ll see bubbles coming up. Out of the bottom comes the oxygen and in here, you’ll see a blue light come on. The next thing you know, bubbles are coming up and that’s simple, right? Because you can take them and go.
And then there are machines that go into someone’s home that can filter the water of all the stuff in the water that you don’t want in your water and then produce hydrogen water.
What’s the Difference Between Plain Water and Hydrogen Water?
It’s simply this: You have H2O plus H2 gas. Kind of like if you have Perrier, you have H2O water plus CO2 gas, that’s called carbonation. In our case, we’re doing H2O water, liquid with H2 gas riding along. So, think in our case, we’re using water as a delivery vehicle for hydrogen gas to your body, because that’s what will help you is the hydrogen gas. The H2 molecule will help you from a brain, from a gut, from immune function, rapid immune function, and then repairing of the gut, which is huge for those that have gut issues and food allergies and all kinds of things. But we’re using water as the delivery vehicle, because that is the most effective mechanism of administration or way to get hydrogen into your body. But we have everything from a very inexpensive sport bottle that’s rechargeable all the way to a machine that’s going to make four types of water where you can kill E. coli, Salmonella, MRSA Staph. So, you know, we have everything possible for them based on their lifestyle, based on what they need, and we have many doctor’s offices across the Earth. Many, many, many that have our equipment and are giving it to their patients and educating their patients on it so that they can have that. And then their patients end up buying our equipment to have in their home because they don’t want to just have the benefits when they go to the doctor’s office, they want to have their benefits everyday.
What’s Been Accepted as a Therapeutic Amount of Hydrogen?
It’s 0.5 parts per million. Half a part per million. Now, in most of the studies, you see them drinking 900 ML per day in the study. So, if you can have significant benefits in the body by simply getting hydrogen once per day, that’s great. But when you have the ability to make it whenever you want, I would say, let’s mimic the body. You would normally eat three times a day, and therefore you would produce hydrogen gas three times a day through fermentation, and you would end up having hydrogen gas throughout. And so, I would say let’s mimic that and let’s have at least three times a day, 16 ounces, for example, of hydrogen water. And that’d be great.
How Long Does It Take for Someone to Feel a Difference?
It really depends on the pathology, how quickly they’ll feel it. If they have RA or joint issues, it’s immediate. If they have neurologic issues, like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s.
If they have rheumatoid arthritis, for instance, they’re going to feel pain relief from their joint issues almost immediately.
Hydrogen isn’t a bandaid. It’s a fix
There are studies on RA and not only did the hydrogen help, but it fixed it. There was no recurrence after they stopped drinking the hydrogen, because it actually what? Reduced the oxidative stress and inflammation, which is the cause of the issue.
When cancer takes over a cell, apoptosis is no longer active and apoptosis for those of you that don’t know what that is. It means that the cell would destroy itself. Apoptosis means the cell destroys itself if it’s duplicating inappropriately, somehow we don’t know why, but when cancer takes over a cell, apoptosis has stopped and that’s how cancer thrives. Well, we don’t understand fully, but hydrogen benefits apoptosis, restarts that process so the cells destroy themselves. And funny enough, the study on colon cancer was done by the company that makes the chemotherapy drug 5-fluorouracil. So, interestingly enough, they wanted to find out what happens when you combine hydrogen gas at the same time using a chemotherapy drug. And what they found is that it was 100% cancer cell death. But in the study it says that hydrogen water can inhibit. So, literally the end of the study says hydrogen water can inhibit colon cancer, comma, especially when combined with 5-fluorouracil. And so, it’s a great study because they were looking at naturally occurring hydrogen water on Mount Fuji versus hydrogen water from device as ours that is producing more hydrogen in the water than would be the natural hydrogen water .
Hydrogen Water Benefits: What Most People Notice?
Most people notice increased energy right away, more clarity of mind. They don’t get tired in the afternoon. If again, if they have specific issues, they notice those issues going away. Another big one is eyesight improvement. Whether they have diabetes or not, you see an increase of eyesight. I personally have 20/15 and 20/10, and I’ve excellent vision. But I had a 70 year old the other day who had acid reflux for the last five years of his life and he was obviously taking Tums for that. And he said, “Paul, I’ve had your sport bottle, your Echo Go now for a month and I haven’t had acid reflux since I began drinking your water the very first day.” So, it’s not cancer, but it’s acid reflux, which is high.