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Cancer is a complex group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells in the body. There are various types of cancer, depending on the affected tissues or organs. Cancer can develop due to genetic mutations, exposure to carcinogens, chronic inflammation, or a combination of factors. Early detection is crucial for successful treatment, and cancer management often involves a multidisciplinary approach, including surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapies. Additionally, lifestyle factors such as maintaining a healthy weight, regular physical activity, avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol, and adopting a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables can play a role in cancer prevention and overall health. Read more in our cancer overview.

Our summits

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SEP 2 - 9, 2025

DrTalks Summit

Prostate Cancer Summit 2.0
DrTalks Prostate Cancer Summit 2.0

Join us at the Prostate Cancer Summit: Navigating Treatment, Wellness, and Life Beyond Diagnosis, from September 2 - 9, 2025, for a transformative week dedicated to empowering men in their battle against prostate cancer. Led by Geo Espinosa, ND, LAc, IFMCP, a luminary in integrative prostate health, this summit assembles top experts to demystify treatment options, highlight natural wellness strategies, and discuss life post-diagnosis. It's an unparalleled opportunity to learn about managing treatment side effects, leveraging non-invasive diagnostics, and embracing lifestyle changes that support prostate health and overall well-being. The summit goes beyond medical advice, addressing the emotional and psychological impacts of diagnosis and treatment, and offering insights on maintaining masculinity and quality of life. Whether you are personally affected, supporting a loved one, or a healthcare provider, this summit promises clarity, confidence, and a community, transforming the prostate cancer journey into one of hope and empowerment.

Hosted by

Geo Espinosa, ND, LAc, IFMCP

Buy now $67 and save 83%.
Regular Price $197

NOV 19 - 25, 2024

DrTalks Summit

Prostate Cancer Summit
DrTalks Prostate Cancer Summit

Join us at the Prostate Cancer Summit: Navigating Treatment, Wellness, and Life Beyond Diagnosis, from November 19 - 25, 2024, for a transformative week dedicated to empowering men in their battle against prostate cancer. Led by Geo Espinosa, ND, LAc, IFMCP, a luminary in integrative prostate health, this summit assembles top experts to demystify treatment options, highlight natural wellness strategies, and discuss life post-diagnosis. It's an unparalleled opportunity to learn about managing treatment side effects, leveraging non-invasive diagnostics, and embracing lifestyle changes that support prostate health and overall well-being. The summit goes beyond medical advice, addressing the emotional and psychological impacts of diagnosis and treatment, and offering insights on maintaining masculinity and quality of life. Whether you are personally affected, supporting a loved one, or a healthcare provider, this summit promises clarity, confidence, and a community, transforming the prostate cancer journey into one of hope and empowerment.

Hosted by

Geo Espinosa, ND, LAc, IFMCP

Buy now $67 and save 83%.
Regular Price $197

Explore our education library

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Neel Butala, MD, MBA

From Cancer Treatment To Prevention

Cancer Breakthroughs Summit 2.0



Mary Hardy, MD

Explore Gentle Cancer Treatments

Cancer Breakthroughs Summit 2.0



Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD

How To Monitor Cancer Progress With Simple Blood Tests

Cancer Breakthroughs Summit 2.0



Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD

How To Integrate Integrative And Traditional Cancer Therapies

Cancer Breakthroughs Summit 2.0



Nasha Winters, ND, FABNO

Uncover The Future Of Integrative Cancer Care

Cancer Breakthroughs Summit 2.0



Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD

How To Integrate Holistic And Oncology Cancer Therapies

Cancer Breakthroughs Summit 2.0

Cancer Experts


Neel Butala, MD, MBA

Dr. Butala is Co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Catch, which is building the world’s first

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Ben Tammetta

Ben is an electrical engineer, homesteading biohacker, and the creator of H2Genesys molecular hydrog

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Adam Payne, MBA

Adam earned his MBA from Babson College and initially pursued a career in advertising with Young and

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George Yu, MD

George Yu, MD is a surgeon based out of Annapolis, Maryland and Washington, DC. He has been professo

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Vineet Datta, MD

Leading professional excellence in the field of healthcare research, delivery of innovative onco-gen

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Dennis Holmes, MD

Dennis Holmes, MD is an internationally renowned breast cancer, surgeon, surgeon educator, and cance

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Mark Taylor

Diagnosed with minimal residual disease pancreatic cancer through circulating tumor cells in 2016, h

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Tomas Duraj, MD, PhD

Dr. Duraj is a medical doctor of Czech-Austrian origin, receiving his Medical Degree from the Rey Ju

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Piper Dobner, ND, MS

Piper Dobner is a passionate naturopathic doctor, scientist, and entrepreneur dedicated to transform

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Matthew Halpert, PhD

Dr. Matthew Halpert earned his doctorate at the University of Alabama-Birmingham (UAB), and then spe

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Ronald Alexander, PhD, MFT, SEP

Ronald Alexander, PhD, MFT, SEP (Somatic Experiencing Practitioner) is a psychotherapist, leadership

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Dorian Greenow

Dorian Greenow President, Founder Keto-Mojo President, Founder the Ketogenic Foundation After losing

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Dagmara Beine, PhD

Dagmara Beine holds a PhD in Integrative Medicine, has over a decade of experience as a certified ph

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Ahmed Elsakka, MD

As a clinical metabolism specialist with expertise in neuroscience and oncology, I have a wealth of

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Ralph Moss, PhD

Ralph Moss, PhD, is a renowned author and consultant in the field on cancer treatments, with a proli

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Andrew Lacy, MBA

Andrew Lacy is the CEO and founder of Prenuvo, the company pioneering proactive whole-body imaging f

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Dr. Sean Devlin is a dually board certified and fellowship trained physician who practices Integrati

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Charles Meakin, MD, MHA, MS

I am a 64-year-old physician who works to integrate metabolic health strategies into cancer care. Af

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Mark Lintern

Author of the Cell Suppression Theory of cancer

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Geo Espinosa, ND, LAc, IFMCP

Dr. Geo Espinosa (Dr. Geo) is a naturopathic functional medicine doctor expert in urology and men&#8

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Cathleen King, DPT

Cathleen King, DPT is a physical therapist who is passionate about teaching neuroscience-based pract

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Jennifer Simmons, MD

Dr. Jenn Simmons was one of the leaders in breast surgery and cancer care in Philadelphia for 17 yea

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Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD

Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD, is a Board Certified Naturopath (CTN® ) with expertise in IV Therapy, Ap

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Deanna Hansen

Deanna Hansen is a Certified Athletic Therapist and founder of Fluid Isometrics and Block Therapy, a

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Gerald Peter Curatola, DDS

The founder of Rejuvenation Dentistry, Dr. Gerry Curatola is an internationally recognized biologic

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Véronique Desaulniers, DC

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror® and the

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Leigh Erin Connealy, MD

Leigh Erin Connealy, MD is a prominent leader in the Integrative & Functional Medicine medical field

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Antonio Jimenez, MD, ND

Antonio Jimenez, MD, ND is the Founder and Chief Medical Officer of world-renowned Hope4Cancer Treat

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Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc

Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc has been a pioneer in the field of integrative medicine since the early 198

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