MicroRNA and Age Reprogramming: Dr. Daniel Stickler explores age rejuvenation strategies, underscoring the significance of microRNA in reprogramming the aging process. Exosomes, Telomeres, and Glycan Age: Dr. Stickler discusses the role of exosomes, telomere testing, and glycan age measurement in his age management practice, highlighting the multifaceted nature of addressing age-related concerns. COVID-19 and Spike Protein: In a brief discussion of COVID-19, Dr. Stickler mentions potential long-term effects and the role of the spike protein, shedding light on ongoing research in this area.
Dr. Goel is a medical physician and founder of Peak Human Labs. His mission is to speak knowledge of the latest cutting edge medical tools and science in order more people to live...
Dr. Dan Stickler is Medical Director at Neurohacker and Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer of The Apeiron Center for Human Potential. He is the pioneer behind systems-based precision performance medicine, a new paradigm...