Autoimmune Encephalitis & PANS/PANDAS – A Child Psychiatrist’s Experience

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  • Learn the typical presentation of autoimmune encephalitis and the similarities and differences with the presentation of PANS/PANDAS
  • It’s not just you – Patients as well as Practitioners are both being medically gaslit
  • Learn some of the treatment options for PANS/PANDAS
  • What symptoms (and responses to treatment) may indicate your child has PANS and not just a psychiatric condition?
  • SSRIs may not be the best choice in PANS/PANDAS – Learn why and what other medications may be better options
Thomas Moorcroft, DO

Everyone. Welcome back to this episode of The Healing from Lyme Disease Summit. I’m Dr. Tom Moorcroft, and I’m so excited to be having this interview today and bringing to a near dear friend, Shannon Delaney, who is a medical doctor and an assistant professor of psychiatry at Columbia Medical Center. And as you know, the people that I like to bring in to talk about this are folks that are on the front line of treating patients with tick borne illness, Lyme, Bartonella, Babesia, and all these other things, but also specifically Shan and I work together on a lot of we share some patients primarily focusing on patterns and pandas. And what we’re looking at, infection induced autoimmune encephalitis. I think there’s a lot of misconception out there, and that’s why we really wanted to have this conversation today. 

And I think one of the cool parts is when I work with other people and I refer people out, I want to make sure that I’m sending you or your kiddo over to someone that I would trust to see someone in my own family or myself, but also someone who’s diving so deep into the literature and has the clinical experience that when we work together, I’m learning new things. And so with Dr. Delaney and I collaborating on a lot of different folks here, I’ve learned so many different things that I’ve been able to share with the physicians at our mentorship program, to share with my patients who may not be able to see her. And it’s really been revolutionary to think about the way people with autoimmune encephalitis may be presenting and even metabolizing and using medications in a different way than the standard population. And this is such a misunderstood kind of conversation. So, Shannon, thanks for joining me. And I’m looking forward to a conversation about this.

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