How Environmental Toxins Impact Brain Health

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  • What environmental toxins negatively impact the brain and nervous system
  • What symptoms are associated with environmental toxicities (especially mold)
  • Ways to reduce exposure to environmental toxins
Brain, Brain Health
David Jockers, DNM, DC, MS

Welcome to the reverse brain disorders summit. I’m your host Dr. David Jockers and today’s topic is a really important one. It is on how environmental toxins impact brain health. You know, there was a study done 2005, it was reported by the environmental working group and what they found was that the average baby, they took all these different babies and they looked at their umbilical cord blood, right? So the umbilical cord, what’s connecting them to the placenta to mom? And they found the average baby had 287 toxic chemicals, 180 that were known carcinogens 217 that were toxic to the brain. So when we’re talking about brain health, we really have to look at toxins. I mean we’re being bombarded by toxins. The average individual out there has over 700 toxic chemicals that are that we can find actually in their urine. So this is a really, really big issue. And so I wanted to bring on an expert. 

So my friend Dr. Jaban Moore is an expert and you can find him at But Dr. Jaban is a doctor located in Kansas city, Missouri. He works virtually with clients all around the world at age 25. He went from being an award winning top athlete in college to feeling like he couldn’t even get out of bed. He went to a lot of appointments looking for answers, spent what felt like endless amounts of money on tests and appointments, but doctors only wanted to give him band AIDS. He later was diagnosed with Lyme disease and he dedicates his practice. So he was able to heal naturally and now he dedicates his practice to helping clients get to the root cause of their chronic illness. He specializes in Lyme disease and co-infections, pans and pandas, autism, heavy metals, parasites, gut health, mitochondrial support and other viruses and pathogens. So check them out at and we’re gonna talk all about how environmental toxins impact brain health. So with that said, let’s go right into the presentation. Dr. Jaban Moore,  always great to have a conversation with you. I know you’re a wealth of knowledge when it comes to environmental toxins. So really excited about this topic.

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