Uncover The Diversity In Mold-Related Symptoms

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  • Explore the diverse range of symptoms that mold exposure can manifest in different individuals
  • Understand why some individuals may exhibit severe symptoms while others remain asymptomatic
  • Delve into real-life examples of families affected by mold to gain a comprehensive understanding of its impact
  • This video is part of the Mold, Mycotoxin, and Chronic Illness Summit
Ann Shippy, MD

Welcome to Mold, Mycotoxins, and Chronic Illness Summit. I’m your host Dr. Ann Shippy. Today, I want to answer one of the questions that I commonly get asked, and that is why do we see so much variation in family members even if they’re exposed to the same things by living in the same house. And why is one person sick really seriously and another person’s hardly affected or affected with something different or doesn’t realize how affected they are? So the biggest answer to that question is that it can take time. So some people actually spend more time in the house than others. So often it’ll be a stay-at-home mom who’s there even if the kids are going to school and they just hit their barrel filling up where they’re less able to get the toxins out because they have more of an exposure. The other thing is just variations in genetics. So some people have more robust systems for detoxifying, their immune systems are more balanced, they metalate better. They don’t have the histamine issues. So, just even little differences between siblings can have a big difference in where the weaknesses are in the body. And then there are the different previous exposures. So one person might have eaten a lot more tuna fish and had more heavy metals build-up with the fish or somebody else might have been an artist and had more exposure to paint. Another person might have played soccer and so they’re on the, you know, getting more of a pesticide exposure or from golf. So the different exposures can also be more synergistic. So even twins just in their preferences, identical twins can have a difference in how they’re affected just because of their other synergistic toxins. But the bottom line is that mold toxins aren’t good for anyone. So even if there are family members that don’t seem to be affected at all, it’s just a matter of time, especially if the exposure is big enough.

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