Emotional Eating Coach Training

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The most overlooked reason 98% of all diets fail is because of emotional eating…people are simply unable to follow through with a diet because of their emotional dependence on unhealthy foods and amounts. The Emotional Eating Coach Training teaches health coaches the Heal Your Hunger step-by-step system for overcoming emotional eating so you can help your clients follow through with healthy eating and reach their goals more quickly.

Reed Davis, HHP, FDN-P, CMTA, CNT

Welcome back everyone. I’m really excited today to have Tricia Nelson Nelson with us. I’ve known Tricia Nelson for quite a few years now, we do a mind share and mastermind thing together. And I think like me, she’s a true leader in the field. And the whole purpose of this event is to provide leadership for the health coaching industry. So, I’m introducing you to another great one today, Tricia Nelson Nelson and her story is very interesting. I’m gonna let her tell it, but I’ll just give you a little tip here. She lost 50 pounds by identifying and healing the underlying causes of her emotional eating. 

So, we’re going to talk a lot about that today, and Tricia Nelson’s going to answer some questions, but she spent over 30 years researching the hidden causes of the addictive personality, you know, and as coaches, what’s our job? We’re supposed to change people’s habits, right. So, this is really a tremendous subject. And I recommend Tricia Nelson’s book. It’s called emotional eating expert. Well, no, she is an emotional eating expert. She’s the author of the number one bestselling book Heal Your Hunger, Seven Simple Steps to End Emotional Eating Now. Now, she also, check this out. 

She certifies health coaches, so they can get better results, more referrals, and more revenue by helping the clients overcome the emotional part of their eating. And so, she’s the host of a very popular podcast, I think I’ve been on it, The Heal Your Hunger show and is a highly regarded speaker. And I think you might find Tricia Nelson at our conference this year. We just talked about that and she’s been featured on NBC, CBS, KTLA, Fox, and Discovery Health. Tricia Nelson, I’m so happy that you’re here today. And I know the health coaches, our audience are gonna love hearing from you. Cause this is an incredibly important topic. Why don’t you say hello and tell us about your journey. 

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