How To Breathe, Sleep, Focus, & Concentrate To Destress

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Thomas Moorcroft, DO

Hey, guys. Dr. Tom Moorcroft here. And we’re coming back with another episode of The Healing from Lyme Disease Summit. And today, I’m really excited because we’re being joined by Patrick McKeown and many people who work with me here about be take your breathing. Many of you may be hearing this term for the first time, but one of the most important things it’s like I was just telling Patrick before we started that back in my osteopathic training where we started to look at airway and how your nervous system and your airway interplay and health. I was introduced to his work and so much of what we all do is so complicated and there’s all these cool theories and we get a gadget or we go, we follow a guru who teaches us something and it just becomes more and more complicated. The thing that I love about Patrick’s work is he takes a complicated subject, boils it down in a way that one makes a lot of sense when you hear talk, but then also you can implement it right away in your life. And as you know, for this summit, our whole goal is to not only put you in front of the greatest experts on the planet to help you recover your own health, but also to really focus on all the things that you can do yourself at home. And so, Patrick McKeown, I’m just so happy for you to be here today. I should say that you are an international breathing expert. You’re based out of Galway, Ireland. But I really would love for rather than me to just read through a bunch of stuff. Why don’t you tell us, like, how does this do you take a breathing thing I threw out there? Like, what is it? And how do you even get started in it? And also welcome.

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