Sleep Well, Boost Your Brain: Key Strategies

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  • Learn about the vital gut-brain connection and its role in cognitive health
  • Discover how treating sleep disorders like apnea can drastically improve brain function and overall well-being
  • Understand the importance of sleep quality and quantity for maintaining cognitive health and preventing neurodegeneration
  • This video is part of the Reverse Alzheimer’s 4.0 Summit
Alzheimers, Sleep
Heather Sandison, ND

Wow. It’s already day four of the Reverse Alzheimer’s Summit, and you are hearing it from some of the greats today. Steven Gundry talking about the gut-brain connection. I mean, he is going to take your understanding of this very complex process. A very complex interaction between the gut and the brain, and expands your knowledge in a really profound way. I’m so excited for you to learn from him and Richard Horowitz, who’s going to connect the dots between tick-borne illness and cognitive function and Alzheimer’s. He’s going to share stories of people he has seen get better when they treat these tick-borne illnesses. There are so many great speakers this week and I hope that you are getting so much out of this and finding things that you can implement right away. You’re going to hear from my friend, Audrey Wells today. She is an expert in sleep medicine as well as weight management. She has a really unique perspective and has done so much to help people get better sleep which is often one of the first steps to improving cognitive function. We’ve all had that experience of being jet lagged or cramming for exams overnight or missing sleep, caring for a newborn or another loved one, potentially a loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia. And when we lose sleep, when we have that experience of sleep deprivation, we don’t feel as cognitively sharp in the morning.

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