The Secret Role of Nitric Oxide on Brain, Mental, and Cardiovascular Health

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  • How a hidden gas in our body (nitric oxide) plays a huge role for most of brain and mental health disorders
  • How to improve nitric oxide production and use by the body to improve brain health
  • What C0V!D-19 taught us about nitric oxide and brain health in clinical trials
Brain, Brain Health
Cheng Ruan, MD

One of my favorite topics to discuss this topic of nitric oxide. And this theme has come a multiple times whenever we discuss brain and mental health. And so no one knows the subject better than the next person about to bring up, which is Dr. Nathan Bryan. So, Dr. Bryan earned his undergraduate degree and bachelor of Science in biochemistry from the University of Texas at Austin, got his doctor degree from Lucy State University School of Medicine where he was a recipient of the Dean’s Award for Excellence and Research. He has post doctorate at Boston University School of Medicine and the Whitaker Cardiovascular Institute. And Dr. Bryan joined the faculty at University of Texas Health Science Center here in Houston um and worked with a very famous person, Dr. Ferid Murad who is a 1998 Nobel laureate In the medicine of physiology. Dr. Bryan’s life has been really dedicated to involvement of nitric oxide research and has been for over the last 20 years and has had similar discoveries in the field. He is here to really talk about the understanding of how nitric oxide really plays a huge role into brain health. 

So he’s a successful entrepreneur as well. A founder of human and as well as Bryan Nutraceuticals and is um he’s been responsible for the creation of a lot of really well known products in the nitric oxide space during C0V!D 19. Um he led a drug trial called no virus in which is currently in phase two clinical trials for the treatment of C0V!D 19 African Americans hispanic utilizing nitric dioxide. And so without further ado I’m gonna bring Dr. Bryan to the summit Dr. Bryan. Thanks for coming on. And us speaking again. It’s been a while. I appreciate you seeing you. So you know we’ve been talking about this nitric oxide deal throughout this summit and for those of you who are just listening to this segment alone. What I’m talking about is one of the substances that we are required to survive and that most people have some sort of efficiencies in. And that translates into not just brain health and overall health as well. But of course the Summit’s about better brain health. So we’re gonna talk about that. So uh let’s talk about nitric oxide. So Dr. Bryan, you are the expert in this topic. So let’s talk about why is nitric oxide important when it comes to the brain and mental health? 

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