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MAY 20 - 23, 2024

DrTalks Summit

Peptide Summit
DrTalks Peptide Summit

The Peptide Summit, hosted by Jen Pfleghaar, DO, ABOIM, and scheduled for May 2024, promises to be a groundbreaking event in the medical field, focusing on peptide therapy's innovative and diverse applications. This summit will cover a wide array of topics, including the intricate relationship between trauma and biology, the efficacy of peptides in sports injury recovery, and strategies for enhancing autophagy to maximize the benefits of peptide therapy. Key discussions will also revolve around the critical role of gut health in inflammation management and the utilization of peptides in bolstering the innate immune system and pain management. The event will delve into advanced treatments for pelvic health and explore the anti-aging properties of peptides, alongside their impact on women's health and sexual wellness. The Peptide Summit aims to shed light on the transformative potential of peptide therapies, making it a must-attend event for those seeking to stay at the forefront of medical innovation.

Hosted by

Jen Pfleghaar, DO, ABOIM

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