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DNA, short for deoxyribonucleic acid, is a molecule that carries the genetic instructions for the development, functioning, growth, and reproduction of all living organisms. It is a double-stranded helical structure made up of nucleotides, which consist of a sugar, a phosphate group, and one of four nitrogenous bases: adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G). The sequence of these bases forms the genetic code that determines an individual's traits and characteristics. DNA is present in the nucleus of cells and contains genes, which are specific segments of DNA that code for specific proteins. The field of genetics studies DNA to understand how variations in genes can influence traits, diseases, and inherited conditions. DNA analysis techniques, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA sequencing, have revolutionized medicine, enabling advancements in diagnostics, personalized medicine, and genetic research.

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JUN 20 - 26, 2023

DrTalks Summit

The Mitochondrial Energy Summit: Boost Brainpower, Energy, Resiliency And Longevity
DrTalks The Mitochondrial Energy Summit: Boost Brainpower, Energy, Resiliency And Longevity

Are you always tired after a lifetime of being the first to work and the last at the gym? Has your motivation and productivity tanked? Have you started playing small and avoiding opportunities you’d LOVE to say yes to because you just don’t know if you have it in you anymore? Join us at the Restore Your Mitochondrial Matrix Summit – happening June 20-26, 2023! This summit is hosted by Laura Frontiero, FNP-BC and Ari Whitten, MS. It brings together more than 40 experts, including doctors, naturopaths, and DNA experts, to teach you how to boost your energy, regain your focus, and become the powerhouse of productivity you KNOW you can be. It’s time to regain your energy edge!

Hosted by

Laura Frontiero, FNP-BC and Ari Whitten, MS

Buy now $197 and save 50%.
Regular Price $394

AUG 23 - 30, 2022

DrTalks Summit

Mitochondrial Matrix Summit
DrTalks Mitochondrial Matrix Summit

Are you always tired after a lifetime of being the first to work and the last at the gym? Has your motivation and productivity tanked? Have you started playing small and avoiding opportunities you’d LOVE to say yes to because you just don’t know if you have it in you anymore? Join us at the Restore Your Mitochondrial Matrix Summit – happening August 23 – 30, 2022! This summit is hosted by Laura Frontiero, FNP-BC. It brings together more than 40 experts, including doctors, naturopaths, and DNA experts, to teach you how to boost your energy, regain your focus, and become the powerhouse of productivity you KNOW you can be. It’s time to regain your energy edge!

Hosted by

Laura Frontiero, FNP-BC

Buy now $197 and save 50%.
Regular Price $394

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