SEP 5 - 11, 2023 (free broadcast dates)
We call it “the change” and speak about it in hushed voices. We fear it. But menopause doesn’t have to be scary. When we embrace menopause for what it is, a time of transition and new beginnings, we can emerge on the other side happier, more confident, and sexier than ever! Join Sharon Stills, ND at the Mastering the Mastering The Meno(Pause) Transition 2.0 Summit. This weeklong event – happening September 5 - 11, 2023 – brings together more than 40 experts in women’s health, nutrition, hormones, and more to teach you how to balance your hormones, tackle stress, boost libido, fight fatigue, and have a red-hot menopause!
Hosted by
Sharon Stills, ND
Buy now $197 and save 50%.
Regular Price $394
SEP 20 - 27, 2022 (free broadcast dates)
We call it “the change” and speak about it in hushed voices. We fear it. But menopause doesn’t have to be scary. When we embrace menopause for what it is, a time of transition and new beginnings, we can emerge on the other side happier, more confident, and sexier than ever! Join Dr. Sharon Stills at the Mastering the Meno(pause) Transition Summit. This weeklong event – happening September 20 – 27, 2022 – brings together more than 40 experts in women’s health, nutrition, hormones, and more to teach you how to balance your hormones, tackle stress, boost libido, fight fatigue, and have a red-hot menopause!
Hosted by
Sharon Stills, ND
Buy now $197 and save 50%.
Regular Price $394
Kenneth Sharlin, MD, MPH, IFMCP
The Parkinson’s Solutions Summit
Sharon Stills, NMD
Mastering The Meno(Pause) Transition 2.0 Summit
Sharon Stills, NMD
Mastering The Meno(Pause) Transition Summit
Tom McCarthy
Global Energy Healing - September 2021, Global Energy Healing Relaunch- March 2022
Nathan Crane
Conquering Cancer - May 2021, Conquering Cancer – October 2021