GG-Pure And coQ10: Anti-Aging And Statin Safety Benefits You Must Know

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  • Extend-Quinol combines a highly absorbable form of coQ10 combined with GG to support optimal health while taking a cholesterol lowering statin medication
  • The combination supports optimal production of coQ10, vitamin K2/MK4, and skeletal muscle protein synthesis
  • New data indicates that GG in Extend-Quinol supports optimal insulin responsiveness while taking a statin prescription
Aging, Heart, Heart Health
Joel Kahn, MD, FACC

Welcome everybody. Sit still get out of notepad you’re in for a real treat. A high energy treat Reverse Heart Disease Naturally Summit Joel Kahn cardiologist bringing you an exciting interview and let me set up for you who are speaker is because you’re going to say wow, why are there such smart people on the planet? And thank goodness they’re helping us in the medical world. So this is Barrie Tan, PhD known as Dr. Barrie. Too many people. He’s got a PhD in chemistry about chemistry from New Zealand, spent many years as a professor at U. Mass committed himself to researching plant, nutrients, metabolism. Certainly the world expert in vitamin E. In identifying that there’s a specific vitamin E called Toko Triangles from an incredible plant in the amazon called the annatto plant. He’s been an entrepreneur and has started up companies and advised cos he’s been on many media and podcast because he’s lively and amazing. Currently he’s president of a company in Massachusetts called American river nutrition. I’ve had the pleasure of hearing him lecture. Hearing him on interviews. It’s a great time and he’s gonna tell us a follow up to a previous interview. 

We did we did an amazing interview with Ivor Cummins from Ireland about a product that Dr. Barrie Tan developed and patented also from the NATO plan and you want to be sure to listen to Dr. Tan and this lecture in conjunction with the Ivor Cummins. G g pure lecture because we’re going to talk about even more advances for heart patients. But I just want to set it up for one more minute. I have an active practice as a cardiologist. I have patients with serious heart disease. I have patients who come to find out if they have heart disease. I have patients who are on a statin cholesterol medication. I have patients not honest that I have patients on coenzyme Q 10 is a supplement, patients not on coenzyme Q 10. We know from the science and I can verify from my pay. If you’re getting older you’re making less coenzyme Q 10, the powerhouse of your cells and actually the strongest fat based antioxidant in the body. 

If you’re getting older you’re making less coke. If you’re on a statin you’re making way less CO Q 10. Because we know that statins block the production of this very important molecule natural to the body called CO Q 10. I draw blood levels on CO Q 10 for every patient. I see if you’re older. It’s low. If you’re on a statin, it’s incredibly low. If I supplement you with 10 it goes up and people feel better. And the final statement is there is incredible data for actual conditions like congestive heart failure that coenzyme Q 10 is a therapy. It has been studied in randomized double blind studies. There’s data from Northern Europe if you’re over 70 and you take CO Q 10, your cardio. The outcome is improved and just recently good audience in one of the largest vitamin company studies ever with over 800,000 participants. Coenzyme Q 10 was found to reduce cardiac events by 32%. So I hope you’re excited that we’ve got a man here focusing for us on a solution, you’re honest statin. But you’re concerned. You’re looking for Staten Relief. Okay. Dr. Tan welcome.

Barrie Tan, PhD

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for having me boy. You’re great in what you’re saying about statin. So I’m glad to be here.


Joel Kahn, MD, FACC

Well, you know, the truth is, many people are pro stat anti static. We’re not going to discuss that people are going to be on statins to get their cholesterol at a level consistent with the current recommendations and science. And we want to avoid side effects and brain fog and muscle pain and potentially a blood sugar elevation and interruption of other pathways. And you’re the solution maker. It’s amazing. So let’s start. We’ve got this molecule you’ve basically identified in the amazon have patented and are offering up to the public as a supplement called G Pure that I discussed with Doctor Excuse me, I call him Dr. Ivor Cummins. He’s an engineer but he’s brilliant and he’ll take the compliment that I called him Dr. Ivor Cummins He’s not but what was going through your brain? I brought the world G pure for statin patients to support their metabolism physiology. I’m going to make it even better. Tell us about it and I’m done.


Barrie Tan, PhD

Yeah. Okay. I will tell you this one. My discovery of G in the Amazonian plant renato. Give you show your picture of how renato is. We use it for coloring cheeses. If you look at the color here, this is a very unusual fruit with no flesh. So the seed looks like a decoy as a flesh, so that the birds of the air and and and the frog would consume them. Found out that the thing that protect the color is this compound. If you look at my name, you’ll find this vitamin E. Toco. Try you know, why do I show you that have something to do with G. If I purposely get off screen, you see this molecule here that is G. So G. Is required for the entire synthesis of this vitamin C molecule. I’m not here to talk about Tokyo try you know. So I knew when I was looking at the plan that the color is not destroyed, it must be a powerful antioxidant. First. I discuss Tokyo tribe. So I extracted it after I’ve done everything, you know? 

Doctor I discovered everything. Then I took it out and I said, oh, I still have one or 2% in the bottom of the pot. I don’t know what it is. So it was actually appear accidental. Fine. So my chemistry mind came into play. And so this is a compound called Journal. Journal. So why g why is this compound needed? Then? I said, wait a minute. The entire molecule of Tokyo to you know have g embedded in it. Human being cannot do that cannot use G to make tacos right now. And then I said wait a minute. This same compound G that make tacos on the planet. Make many other things in the plant also is needed in the human body. Oh my God goodness. In the human body is G. Is required for the synthesis of at least three things I know. Then you can then branch off is required for the synthesis of skeletal muscle protein myopathy. Think myopathy skeletal muscle protein synthesis. Think psycho pini a like that is required in the body for the synthesis of of a CO Q 10 da da. And it’s required in the body for the synthesis of MK four. My goodness, I gave you three big one but I’m here because you are cardiologists. So for the cardiology aspect the synthesis of skeletal muscle protein is all time important and the synthesis of CO Q 10 is all time important. So anyway, for G. G. In what is we within the human body, even if you’re not taking stepped in drug is simply required to make muscle in the body some 30 to 40% of our body weight is a muscle. So as we grow older, if we put on more weight, it is the fact the mask the muscle. So we’re going to cycle pina. 

And of course if you will bring in on stepped in taking there’s so many people are taking to control cholesterol then the situation would be compounded because statins that inhibit cholesterol synthesis is also in the same pathway that inhibit gigi. And this is why when people take statin drugs, they have muscle problem. Actually, if I may say this the drop in CO Q 10 when people take statin drug, if you listen to this is actually a biomarker for G. G. Drop because when G drop is unable isn’t enough there to make CO Q 10, that’s why CO Q 10 drops. So I’m bringing that piece in Doctor Can for you to see if you ever see people who have low CO Q 10 because of statin or not because of Saturn. You will immediately say that they’re going to have heart problems correct. But probably you can then say further, probably they have local Q 10 because over time the body is not making enough G. So you can also suspect if they don’t make enough G. G. They’re going to have muscle problems CO Q 10 problem. And you know something when people have vitamin K. To drop they probably have calcification, arterial sclerosis and that’s MK four and MK four is absolutely needed. G G for its synthesis. Otherwise MK four cannot be synthesized in our body


Joel Kahn, MD, FACC

And I so appreciate your incredible knowledge and enthusiasm. I just want to repeat that. So I can demonstrate to the world, I understand it that with age we make less coenzyme Q 10 and produce less of this compound you found at the bottom of the test tube while you were playing around with vitamin E. Tokyo tribunals called G Jared Nile juvenile. And as we age it happens. But if we add a statin cholesterol lowering medication which will be needed for many people, about 40 million Americans I think is the statistic. I understand it’s only going to accelerate and the process is going to speed up but it’s not just your blocking the production of CO Q 10. You just told us we’re gonna block the production of muscle protein synthesis in the skeletal muscles and MK for for just in case people didn’t catch. That is a version of vitamin K two and you don’t want to block the production of vitamin K two and may accelerate calcification of your arteries. Some people are taking vitamin K two but we certainly don’t want to block the production of vitamin K two. So this amazing idea and there’s so much beautiful science. But why have you now worked to bring to the public and I’m excited as a cardiologist a combination that we’re going to call right now extend Quinn all that is G plus a version of CO Q 10. That’s the best version of CO Q 10 called Ubiquity. You put them together in a capsule and what was your thinking, how could that be even better?


Barrie Tan, PhD

Okay, thank excellent question. Dr. Kahn the first I thought for as far as any cardiac support is concerned clearly is CO Q 10. Because in the cardiac muscle it has the highest amount of CO Q 10. Probably because of the absolute necessity for the conversion of A. T. P energy for which Nobel prize was given in 1978 and the heart does not go to sleep. So I have to have coco tent. So I thought then adding G two. Co Q 10 would be good. So I put a lot of thought in today’s first CO Q 10 is an albatross of a of a molecule is very large hard to get in. So I need the cocoa tend to be in a place that is more bio available to absorb better. And the reduced form of CO Q 10 called ub quinoa oxidized form is you be queen in they are red sox Pay which means that they go from each other. However, if you have to reduce form the absorbed better. So I need the reduced form and it is the form that the body needs one. Then I need to add in G. Because I just explained that G is able required in the body for the synthesis of CO Q 10. I’m going to move away from here so that the audience can see here in the background here on the back that’s a molecule of CO Q 10. Here in the front is the molecule of G and G 2.5 times the length of the G tail is the entire tale of the albatross co Q 10. 

Miraculously our body makes like that So I need G G in there to assist in the process to make CO Q 10. This is the first time ever. We take supplemental CO Q 10. Right now. There’s nothing else out there to help the body to make CO Q 10 except G. G the ring of the G. That’s tyrosine, that’s one of the amino acids, 20 essential amino acids. But the tail is not an amino acid, it requires G G like that. So if one takes that it inhibits it and then inhibit CO Q 10 and not surprisingly, CO Q 10 and G G drop so I can combine these things too. When I combine them together, it allowed the absorption to be better as well at the same coke you tend to be in the active form. So when I put them two together, it addresses two things, it encourages the body to absorb the CO Q 10 the necessary one. And it’s also a lot and people who take co Q 10 already. 

People who know about taking stepped in and the way that this can be reduced would be to make sure that I have G. Because often enough people who takes that in and stop taking it is because a muscular problem. So the G G will be able to circumvent the possibility of muscle problem enough that this doctor can you may not notice. We’re now conducting a head to head trial in Texas Tech University in lubbock whereby people, I’ll say all in one sentence, people who are on statin under a cardiologist care running on a medical treadmill that would have myopathy and they will be given a G G to see if the G G would reverse the problem of myopathy. If I got if that that won’t be finished until end of this year. If I get the data then that would be solid in animal studies is already consistently show repeatedly that the myopathy cause an animal on satin is because of G G.


Joel Kahn, MD, FACC

Wow. So again, breaking it down, make sure I understand you could have picked off the shelf a form of Co Q 10 called Ubiquity. Which many people buy if you turn your bottle around but you picked the preferred better absorbed version called Ubiquity channel, which is why this product is called extend quenelle because you pick cubic Winnall better absorb more potent version. The reduced version of coenzyme Q 10. And that’s what you added to G. G Pierce. So here we have a patient taking 40 mg of Lipitor on no supplementation theoretically their skeletal muscle protein synthesis, their vitamin K two MK four production and certainly their coins and production are at risk and they may or may not feel bad but their physiology may be interrupted and we all live in the medical world with that concept first do no harm prime. Non necessary. But here by combining the preferred version of coenzyme Q 10 cubic Winnall and Gpr in one capsule called extent quenelle. You’ve got basically Staten Relief statin aid statin helper. I hate to call it like tuna helper but Staten helper you got you can take your drug and theoretically and while I’ll await this Texas tech study you can protect your physiology from having some, you know, collateral damage. I think that would be a good term. A lot of people here in the news that comes as we know many drugs have collateral damage. They have the potential for side effects. So we’re not claiming we just cared anything but you’re supporting beautiful biochemistry and beautiful physiology.


Barrie Tan, PhD

And to add on before we move on for this point, I went to study first, we know that statin have a side effect of muscle damage. As early as 19 eighties eight, about two years after the introduction of the first step in medical because of the reptile. My analysis that were published in the new England Journal of Medicine. Then if you fast forward another two, 20 years in the famed Jupiter study, also published in New England Journal of Medicine. They noticed that Russell for statin which is questo work to help people to control cardiovascular risk. We know statin does it exceedingly well. Towards the end they reported that the sugar creeps up. That was in 2008. And FDA said they should be in the label in 2012. So it took another 10 years Dr. Kahn for people to pin down the biochemistry. Why in the Jolly world that statin cause a diabetes onset? That’s a very curious question. They figure it out. They just published last year and the reason is that when we eat food sugar goes up, insulin is produced in the pancreas just right behind it. There is a link go up the sugar come down like that. 

So in after two hours the sugar comes down. But over time this is not. So remember on the backdrop is american diabetes association said every diabetic should be taking steps in drug because they are three times the chance of having cardiovascular risk for for that implication is good. But ironically the the sugar slowly creeps up. They now found the reason the reason is because there is a protein called glut four, G. L. U. T four and glut four does this. The insulin only can chaperone the sugar to the cell wall. But the insulin does not get inside the cell wall. But as the insulin bring the glucose there The cell will bring the Glut four protein is actually a glucose transporter, grab the sugar and takes it in and an insulin never get inside the cell it goes in that glut four is a protein. And that good for listening requires G. G. For its synthesis. And so if you inhibit G. It cannot make the glued for. So that means that the sugar is almost getting to home run but cannot get to the fourth day because the good for is not bringing in ladies and gentlemen, this is as good as it’s ever going to get my goodness. And I didn’t do the study I was reading. I’ll be gladly send that paper to you just published in the last three months, shocking thing. And then I thought wow! So if this is not checked and and people are not checking this other than I talked to my cardiologist, I’m taking certain because my character is very high. I asked my doctor said, what what what do you think about my sugar? I have to ask my doctor, can you please measure my sugar? And then he did If I didn’t, he said. And then other than he said, well what do you want to do the Mr. Tan? He said that if you don’t take satin, well then you have this cardiovascular problems. You just have to live with your sugar. Well, I’m trying to figure out how to live with my sugar and perhaps for me that the G maybe,


Joel Kahn, MD, FACC

Wow. So that’s fascinating. And if people didn’t know Dr. Tan is not an anti anything. You just get your product information insert that comes with any statin And it will mention a few potential side effects like every other pharmaceutical drug. But one is inducing prediabetes and even pushing people into the diabetic range and you know many people listening are aware of that. But some people I have been wondering why is my hemoglobin A one C. Up and why did my doctor say my fasting blood sugar up And they never connected it to their Lipitor to their Crestor too. There’s no cord to their proper call. Those are the name brand names. Of course it’s almost all generic drugs. So if you really influence this insulin sensitivity by you know this great great combination you’ve created that we’re calling extend Quinn all today that will provide the CO Q. 10 and in this case the G. G. Pure to offset insulin resistance and people taking statins. I mean I hope the Nobel prize committee is waiting and has your cell phone number because that is huge. It’s huge. I mean prime non necessary. Give the best of the drug for cholesterol lowering and lower the risk of side effects. I mean what an incredible contribution.


Barrie Tan, PhD

Well thank you so much for me. This is a blessing if if with all this, if I can make what G can do to the human body then it would be the best time for me to retire. I my wife said that you probably will never retire. But this would be can you imagine that this was an accidental find? I’ll go there. I figured out what protects the color in there. Not a plan was the Tokyo tribunal. This is the remaining 2% in the bottom of the pot and attest to and then I decided to look if I didn’t then it’s now for the audience purposes this is the last path before a plan. Segway from an animal in the plan when next time I eat your vegetable. If you see anything green with just about everything in plant is green chlorophyll. It has to have a G. G molecule if you see any color like beta carotene lutein, lycopene. All these wonderful things people talk about, they cannot be synthesized without G. G. So it’s absolutely required for the existence of the plant in the human. It will be the three things probably more. But I know of three things co Q 10 synthesis which is good for energy and antioxidant. MK four synthesis. You sweep the calcium from soft tissue to the heart tissue so that you can have bone health but not little in the artery or the kidney or the gall like this. And the last one which is biggest of them all that the required since emphasis of skeletal muscle protein requires G. Or summarize it in all these three. 

Even if it’s for no other reason for not taking any medication G is actually an anti anti aging supplement. Now I know I’m going to throw this and the last thing in if you go to read an anti also perros is drug for postmenopausal women is bisphosphonates. It’s a good thing. You bring the calcium to the bone. If you read carefully on the side effect of the sportsman eight it caused necrosis of the jaw. Why the necrosis of the jaw is because the by sportsmen land on the jaw and then it caused the joe to die. They nail it. The reason that the jaw die is because they inhibit a protein that desperately required G. G. To make so they nail the G. And then they have necrosis of the jaw. Could you believe this? G have so many implications in our body is shocking. I know it’s not cardiovascular but G. Is actually an anti aging thing. Our body quite we make it to make other things. So it is taken for granted it just has to be there. But until there is a manifestation of a disease. Probably people will never care about gigi. So I’m trying to bring the biochemistry to bear so that people care about this G.


Joel Kahn, MD, FACC

Well I think a lot of people that have watched this and a lot of people are going to tell their friends and relatives that Dr. Barrie Tan has created a statin relieving compound a statin protection compound, a statin aid compound that we’re going to call again extend quenelle and that combines the best kind of coenzyme Q 10 for heart support, the best kind of G. G. Pure for all these body wide biochemical advantages and I think the future is bright and beautiful. So let’s just say thank you to do Dr. Tan.


Barrie Tan, PhD

Thank you Dr. Kahn you’re wonderful to bring this kind of message to the listeners out there. They need alternative medical doctors and cardiologists like you to bring the message to the people. So thank you for very much for doing what you’re doing.


Joel Kahn, MD, FACC

Simply say I would think the pharmaceutical industry would actually thank you too because so many people are hesitant to start a statin. I’m not encouraging that opinion but so many people are. But if we can spread the word that you can take what you need for your heart support according to your medical team, your cardiology team and take a supplement to protect you to shield you. Let’s come up with another name. Staten Shield but we’re gonna produce extend Grenell as a shield for those in a Staten. I mean what a great great great thing you’ve done. So again thank you so much.


Barrie Tan, PhD

Thank you


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