Uncover Lifestyle Secrets For Cognitive Longevity

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  • Understand how increasing nitric oxide levels through dietary choices can improve blood flow and energy use in the brain
  • Uncover the role of bioenergetics and mitochondrial function in brain health, and the importance of proper diet, exercise, and sleep
  • Learn how supporting a healthy gut microbiome through diet and the right supplements can influence brain health, reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s
  • This video is part of the Reverse Alzheimer’s 4.0 Summit
Dale Bredesen, MD

Welcome everyone to the reverse Alzheimer’s Summit. It’s my great honor and privilege to have my good friend and colleague, Dr. David Perlmutter. As I was telling David earlier, he’s the person who changed neurology. As far as my feeling is, from a kind of dead end, we don’t have much we can do to wait a minute. There are many things that we can address. There are many different lifestyle factors, as he says, depending on how you’re living in your 20s and 30s. It is important, especially with the new biomarkers that come out. People are seeing earlier and earlier pre-Alzheimer’s, etc. This isn’t just a disease of your 60s, 70s, 80s. You can see some PET scan changes in some people in their 20s and early 30s. So, David, it is a great honor to have you here. Thank you so much for being on. I could talk to David for hours and hours. We have so much to talk about, but I want to talk a little bit about your history. You have kind of gone for it to contribute in multiple areas. I want to start with the most recent, which is nitric oxide. If I’m 20-something, 30-something, 40-something, or 50-something, none of which I am, then what am I doing about my nitric oxide to give me the best chance to keep my cognition for years to come?

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Sandy Foster
Sandy Foster
1 month ago

Talk about alzheimer’s and the big 3. E excise, good sleep, glucose level. Great but do these 3 things also help people with the APOE4 gene. Alzheimer’s has many causes or there are many types of alzheimer’s but the APOE4 gene isn’t talk about enough or stated that these things also help people with this mutated gene. Thoughts

Tim Drabant
Tim Drabant
18 days ago

My Neurologist found my use of NSAIDs caused my brain bleeding and unfortunately having shingles (Zoster) that all involved made my brain pre-Alzheimer’s on fire. Medically retired me.

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