How I Developed the Wahls Protocol® And Why It Matters To You

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  • Learn about the essential elements of the Wahls Protocol®, a comprehensive program developed by Dr. Terry Wahls
  • Understand how this program is designed to address the environmental factors that contribute to the development of multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune conditions
  • Discover why the Wahls Protocol® matters to you, especially in relation to the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerve health
  • This video is part of the Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmune Summit
Terry Wahls, MD

Welcome to another day of The Multiple Sclerosis & Neuroimmune Summit. I’m Dr. Terry Wahls. I’m your host. And let us talk about how I developed The Wahls Protocol and what the Wahls Protocol is. Now, as you heard my story, I descended into severe disability and once I hit the reclined wheelchair. I went back to reading the basic science and began developing my own theories about what was driving disability. And I saw that mitochondrial dysfunction was key. So I created a supplement cocktail to support my mitochondria and I could tell I felt much better as I was taking these supplements to support my mitochondria. And we have a separate video gift that talks about supplements to support your mitochondria. I encourage you to be sure that you watch that video. Now the supplements while they were super helpful, they did not get me out of the wheelchair. I discovered an electric stimulation of muscles that was helpful. I discovered the Institute for Functional Medicine and had a longer list of supplements to support my mitochondria and I learned more strategies for my mitochondria, again, super, super helpful. And then I had this really big aha, you know, should I redesign my paleo diet, which I have already been following for five years? And it was very much like the AIP diet at the time. What if I redesign my diet according to the long list of supplements that I had learned from my basic science and from the Institute of Functional Medicine. So I did that and started that new way of eating December 26th of 2007. 

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